The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 8 Genetic Upgrading

"It's okay." Sun Wukong waved his hand casually: "It's normal for your experience to behave like this, but don't confuse me with those scumbags. After all, compare me with those garbage, but It will make me very unhappy."

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Chi Yan bowed again, apologizing.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, not bad, not bad." Sun Wukong was very satisfied with Blaze's attitude: "Since you have decided to follow us, then, your strength is not enough, come, come, come to me, I will upgrade you to a third-generation super soldier."

Hearing this, Blazing Flame couldn't help being surprised. Listening to this adult's tone, could he still improve the angel gene?

Obediently walked to Sun Wukong, Chi Yan looked at him with curiosity and expectation.

Monkey King stretched out his right hand and placed it on top of his head, and the angel gene in Blazing Flame was instantly activated: "The angel gene is activated...Preparing to upgrade the third-generation super fighter...Upgrading...Upgrading successfully..."

A series of beeping sounds made Chi Yan's eyes widened, so her angel gene was really promoted so easily?

"Okay." Monkey King closed his hands and looked at her with a smile.

"That's... alright?" Blazing flame felt a little unrealistic, and the upgrade was successful before this minute passed?

"How long do you think it will take?" Monkey King smiled, took the saber from her hand, and said: "If you don't feel real, then I will let you experience the body of this third-generation super fighter. Hardness, just with your current weapon, it is not enough to harm your current body."

With that said, Monkey King slashed down with a sword without hesitation. With a loud bang, Blazing Flame was directly cut and flew out by a sword, and the road wiped the ground for hundreds of meters before stopping.

"This, this..." Chi Yan got up from the ground with lingering fears, checked her body, and found that she didn't leave any scars, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression: "Awesome! There really is no injury!"

"Nonsense!" Liang Bing looked at her like a big sister: "Don't hurry over and thank you."

"Thank you!" Blazing flames body flashed, appeared in front of Monkey King, with a thud, he knelt down, and made his vow with incomparably firmness: "I am here to swear by Blazing, I will use this body, Cut everything to stop the enemy in front of you."

"You angels, do all of you like to swear so much?" Monkey King stretched out his hand to lift up the flames, and at the same time turned his head to look at Keisha: "Kaisha, give her the sword of flames, her sword is too much. It's a bit." As he said, he folds slightly, and the sword in his hand is broken into two sections.

Keisha nodded silently, with a slender hand, a sword of flame was already in his hand, and he handed it to Blazing Flame: "Take it, you are qualified to hold it!"

"This--" Blaze is extremely excited. Now it is no better than the age of tens of thousands of years. As long as it is an angel, it is equipped with the sword of flame; in the current era, the sword of flame is equivalent to the proof of identity. The sword shows that you are a qualified and recognized angel warrior.

The female angel wants to hold the sword of flame?That is simply impossible.

"Okay, it's just a weapon, put it away quickly, see if it excites you." Monkey King patted Chi Yan's shoulder and said.

"No, I know very well what the sword of flame means!" Chi Yan looked serious: "Thank you for your recognition and trust in me. I will swear by Chi Yan that this life and destiny is completely entrusted to you. Nor will it lose the reputation of this sword of flame!"

"You don't need to swear all the time." Monkey King was speechless: "Just kill a few more scums in the future."

"Yes!" Chi Yan replied decisively, taking the sword of flames, and obediently standing behind Monkey King.

"Huh? Why do you feel that something is wrong?" Seeing Blazing's performance, Monkey King touched his head, saying, the object of your allegiance should be Kesha, why did you become me?

Sun Wukong couldn't help but looked at Kaisha, but he got a gentle smile from the other party. For Kaisha, Blazing Allegiance was the same for everyone, because even she herself felt it was right.

"This momentum is a bit wrong, I feel that in the end, it will push me to the throne of the king of the day!" Monkey King touched his head and muttered to himself: "However, being the king of a group of beautiful female angels seems pretty good. ."

While Monkey King was meditating, Liang Bing seemed to feel something, and looked up to the sky: "A group of celestial scum is rushing here. It seems that the reinforcements requested by the previous celestial scum have arrived."

When everyone looked up, they just saw a dozen male angels line up to fly in their direction...

When seeing the male angel taking the lead, Blazing’s expression changed drastically: "Yes, yes... it's Sumari!"

"Oh~ Listen to your tone, that guy seems pretty good?" Monkey King looked at that guy with interest, handsome?No, it should be said that it is a very feminine, very feminine male angel.

Keisha explained with a solemn expression: "Sumari, Hua Ye's confidant general, belongs to the top among the dregs, and enjoys the title of "slaying god".

"Sounds good, let me see." Monkey King's gaze fixed on Sumari: "Cut~ At this point of combat power, even Blazing Flame can't match it. I thought it was so powerful, but his The weapon is a bit dangerous. It can cut through the blazing third-generation divine body. If you confront him, you have to be careful."

"Uh~ he, is he that weak?" Chi Yan saw that Sun Wukong made Sumari's comments so unbearable, she couldn't help being a little dazed. The title of God Slaughter was not for nothing.

"It's not that he is weak, but you have become stronger." Monkey King looked at Chi Yan and said: "You are now the third generation divine body, and your genetic level has far surpassed him. If you want to beat him, there is no big problem. As for Keisha and others, this kind of garbage can be done in seconds."

"..." While Chi Yan was startled speechless, the battle intent in his eyes was gradually rising: "In this case, there is no need for you adults to take action. These scumbags, let's hand them to your subordinates!"

"It's really a group of weak chickens. I don't have the interest to shoot." Liang Bing waved his hand casually: "Then leave it to you, but after hearing Master Wukong say, that guy's weapon can hurt you, you have to worry about it. Don't capsize in the gutter."

"Understood!" Blazing nodded solemnly, spreading her wings, and gently waving her body shape, blocking the front of the group of male angels.

"Oh~ Seeing me waiting, not only didn't run away, but confronted me, the courage is commendable!" Sumari looked at the flames casually, and his tone was full of femininity: "Or, you think you killed a few Can lower-level fighters be enemies with me?" ..

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