Monkey King made a move, and there was already an extra sword in his hand, and he handed it to Ruoning behind him: "Go, give him a sword and let him shut up."

"Yes!" Ruoning bowed to take the sword, spread his wings, and rose into the air, staring at Sumari, the sword in his hand was already aimed at his heart.

Sumari was frightened and his expression changed suddenly: "Wait, wait~~ I surrender, can't I surrender?"

Ruoning's movements stopped, and the corner of his eyes couldn't help but look towards Monkey King, seeking his meaning, but saw that Monkey King didn't pay any attention at all. The killing intent in his heart had become firm, but he suddenly saw Sumari. Her fingers bend, feeling a chill behind her, and she instinctively dodges sideways, only to see a silver light passing through her eyes, cutting off a few strands of hair on her forehead.

"Despicable fellow, go to death!" Ruoning's complexion was instantly covered with frost, and the sword in his hand stabbed his heart unceremoniously...

"Hey hey~~ Then die together!" A wicked smile hung from the corner of Sumari's mouth, as he controlled the silver blade to turn and stab towards Ruoning...

Looking at this situation, if Ning does not dodge and insists on stab the sword, then she will also be pierced by the silver blade from the stab.

Ended with the meat on the chopping board, Ruoning was not so stupid. The backhand of the pierced sword was slashed towards the silver blade behind him. With a'ding', the silver blade split in half instantly, and it hit the ground. .

"This-how is it possible!!!" Sumari suddenly stunned, his silver blade can be regarded as the top weapon of this era, even after ten thousand years, it is still extremely sharp, but now it is actually Was it cut off easily?

"What kind of sword is that? Why are your weapons so powerful?"

"Huh~ It's not honest in this situation!" Liang Bing's face was upset: "Look, I won't pinch you to death!" He immediately clasped his hands together, and even used his strength for breastfeeding. The claws clenched instantly, and Sumari squeezed out a miserable cry.

"No! Go and save Lord Sumari!"

The scum, who was still fighting with the flames, changed their colors after hearing Sumari’s screams. Sumari is King Hua Ye’s confidant general. If something happens to him, they will definitely not Good end.

The three scums immediately abandoned the siege and flew towards Sumari's place with confidence...

"At this time, you dare to turn your back to me, you are really stupid!" Blazing sneered coldly, holding the sword of flames high above his head, and suddenly a huge fireball dropped from the sky, crashing the three male angels.

"Damn it! Why are these female angels so strong?!" All the scumbags looked moved. They could easily defeat them without saying that even the undefeated Lord Sumari was defeated. How else to fight?The comfort in the heart has been born, and there is no fighting spirit.

"Next it's your turn!" Chi Yan's face was cold, and the flame sword in his hand swung towards the remaining scums without hesitation...

On Ruoning's side, there was also a look of indifference. He looked at Sumari, who was howling, without the slightest pity in his eyes: "Go to hell!"

"My king~~Save me!!!" Sumari looked at the sword that was stabbing straight forward, his pupils shrank instantly, and he let out a scream.

Just as Ruoning’s sword was about to pierce Sumari’s heart, the space on her right suddenly fluctuated slightly, and a man with a wretched face immediately pierced through it, kicking the unprepared Ruoning away. After going out, he immediately grabbed the devil's claws with both hands, and shouted: "Give me—open!!"

"Huh?!" Liang Bing's expression moved slightly, shocked, and the other party forcibly broke her devil's claws.

"Hurry up!!"

Sumari was saved just now, Hua Ye didn’t have any nonsense, he was about to teleport away with his hand...

"Since you are here, don't rush away." Sun Wukong put a hand on Hua Ye's shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

"Uh~!" Hua Ye's body froze in an instant, and after two seconds of stunned, he exclaimed, "My God!"', instinctively retreat.

"It seems that the relationship between the two of you is unusual. You would risk to save him." Monkey King looked at Hua Ye with interest and said.

"Cut ~ troublesome guy!" Hua Ye looked at Monkey King with a look of alertness.

"Wang?" Sumari looked at Hua Ye with a puzzled look. In his opinion, his own king is invincible. When did he show such an expression?

"That guy is very powerful, I don't seem to be able to beat him!" Hua Ye looked at Monkey King with a serious face in a low voice.

"Uh~" Sumari couldn't help but stunned, are there any enemies in this world that his king can't win?

"So what? Those female angels don't seem to be easy to provoke!"

"Female angels? You mean them?" Hua Ye pointed at the women of Keisha and said.

Sumali nodded.

Hua Ye frowned deeply: "Strange, they were all weak before, how come they suddenly became so powerful?" Then, his eyes were fixed on Sun Wukong's body: "It's not because of him. For the sake of it?"

"Hua Ye! Give my sister back to me!!" The blazing flames of the remaining scum have been wiped out. The first time he saw Hua Ye, he shouted angrily, his body flashed, and he was already flying to Hua Ye 'S approached, glaring at him, eyes full of anger.

"Who are you?" Hua Ye looked at Chi Yan with a puzzled look.

Chi Yan was full of anger at the moment: "You scum, ruined my home and abducted my sister, you dare to ask me who I am?"

"Uh~ I'm sorry, I have done a lot of this kind of thing, I really don't remember who you are." Hua Ye had an apologetic expression, but what he said, it was almost impossible to draw.

"It seems that you haven't done this kind of thing less." Kesha looked at Hua Ye with a cold face: "Return Blazing's sister as a condition of exchange. This time, I can spare you not to die."

Hua Ye stared at Kesha, frowning slightly, and looked very upset: "I haven't seen you these days, Kesha, when did you dare to talk to me in this tone?"

"It seems that you haven't understood your position yet." Keisha's face was indifferent, with a slender hand, the silver wings flashed, exuding a gleam, and the changing form locked Hua Ye and Sumari in the attack range: " Don't doubt, now I have the ability to kill you easily."

"Goo~" Hua Ye swallowed his saliva, looked at the silver wings above his head, and said with some scalp tingling: "Which, what is this? Why do I feel a tingling scalp? It seems that it can really be killed. Me~ Are you really Kesha? Why have you become so powerful?" ..

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