The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 11 The End of the Era

"Hand over the people." Keisha stared at Hua Ye coldly, her tone indifferent, with a big'no', and the silver wings above her head would penetrate his chest.

"But~" Hua Ye was unhappy: "It's a shame to be threatened by a woman."

The silver wing turned, pressing down a point.

"Stop~stop!" Hua Ye was shocked, and hurriedly admitted: "I pay it, can't I return it, provided that you have to tell me her name."


"Chixin?" Monkey King was taken aback: "It should have nothing to do with Zhixin, right? Zhixin is not born yet."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Sun Wukong's expression, Liang Bing couldn't help showing curiosity: "You don't know that person called Chi Xin, do you?"

"I don't know." Monkey King shook his head: "But I do know someone named Zhixin."

"Oh~ If you can remember the name, it should be very powerful, right?" Liang Bing suddenly became interested: "Or, she is very beautiful?"

"Not as good as you, and not as beautiful as you."

"Hee hee~~ That is!" Liang Bing immediately filled his face with joy, proudly holding his head high, he didn't know what modesty is, then he held his face in his hands and looked at Monkey King with piercing eyes: "Am I beautiful? How do you compare with your sister?"

Keisha looked at Monkey King subconsciously.

"Hey hey hey~~ Can I be more serious at this time? Why are you still talking about it? Are you going to save people anyway?" Hua Ye looked unhappy when he saw Keisha's expression on Monkey King. , Can't do it, otherwise, with his personality, an invincible wave will directly hit him.

"Shut up! When is it your turn to speak?" Monkey's figure flashed, slapped Hua Ye's forehead, and with a roar of'bang', Hua Ye's body directly smashed a human-shaped hole in the ground. The head is full of stars.

"Wang!!" Sumari looked shocked and had to say that his relationship with Hua Ye was really good. Seeing that Hua Ye was beaten, he instinctively took out his weapon and launched an attack on Monkey King.

Unfortunately, at the moment when he changed, Monkey King already squeezed his throat with one hand, and directly pushed him to the ground, his head was deeply embedded in the ground, and then he kicked his whole body into it. The ground.

Accompanied by screams, the sound of ribs breaking can be clearly heard.

"Bastard thing! This king is not angry, you treat me as a sick cat!" Obviously, Hua Ye was irritated at the moment, this king was so confessed, you even beaten up without giving any face. To deceive people so much, I really thought I was afraid of you!

With a roar, the earth and rocks exploded, Hua Ye bounced from the pit majesticly, pointing at Monkey King and about to speak. Unexpectedly, Monkey King slapped him into the ground with a slap: "Who asked you to get up? Give me. Isn't it good to lie down obediently?"

After a few feet, with the sound of broken bones, it was seen that Kesha and the others were sympathetic to Hua Ye. As the king of angels, this was too miserable.

"Okay~ so awesome!"

Both Chi Yan and Ruoning swallowed their saliva and stared at Monkey King with gleaming eyes. But Hua Ye and Sumali, Master Wukong was so casually playing them between the palms of their arms. It was amazing, too It's fascinating.

"This is a defeat! It's simply abuse!" Liang Bing also looked at Monkey King with gleaming eyes. This kind of strength overthrew the order of the Heavenly Palace. Is it just thinking or not?

Suddenly, Liang Bing began to envy his sister a little bit. How happy it is to have such a man willing to push her to the throne of the king of the gods for her, she also wants to have such a man willing to do She did it.

In Muran, the desire for the'king' had already grown in Liang Bing's heart. She didn't want to become a king, she just wanted such a man to do it for her.

"Well~ can this also cause a change in mood..." Sun Wukong couldn't help but looked at Liang Bing. Sure enough, she was an uneasy master.

Thinking, a few more feet stepped on Hua Ye...

"Stop! Stop! Don't step on it, you will die after stepping on it!" Hua Ye said with a weak face and begged for mercy. After being stepped on by Monkey King, he coughed up blood. Damn, what the hell is this guy?This strong is too unreasonable, right?The engine in the body does not work at all, and it can kill him with a single stroke. How can this be played?

This king hasn't blown it out yet, so you lose?

"Well~ I've done it anyway, let's just do it." Monkey King squeezed Hua Ye's throat, lifted him up, looked at his bloodstained and miserable appearance, and said calmly: "It ended up with you. This is the time of order in the Heavenly Palace!"

"What? What?!!!" Hua Ye's expression changed drastically: "You usurped the throne and you usurped the throne? Why do you want to kill me? I didn't ask you to provoke you, right?"

"Master Wukong, is this not so good?" Xi's voice suddenly sounded in Sun Wukong's ears: "Although Hua Ye is a dispensable little person to you, it is very difficult for my world. Important, after all, the future Kaisha and the others have become world masters. If you kill Hua Ye now, it is equivalent to completely changing the future of Kaisha and the others. Then they will split into two different future spaces. It's not the future Keisha anymore, it will really become Keisha is Keisha, and Kyle is Kyle~"

"Yes." Sun Wukong nodded silently: "A little change to Kesha and the others' experience is nothing. If it is completely changed, it will indeed split into two spaces, so let him spare his life for the time being."

Monkey King let go and let Hua Ye fall to the ground: "Don't say I am unreasonable. Let me give you two choices. One is to give up the throne, pass it to Kaisha, and announce the end of the heavenly order era; the other is, die, and then we End your age of heavenly order, you choose it yourself."

"I, do I still have to choose?" Hua Ye's expression was as uncomfortable as his father and mother died. How well did he lose his throne?Is your own era over inexplicably?

"Damn, this Keisha is really a dead star, this king shouldn't provoke her!" Hua Ye's regretful intestines are all green now, so he provokes Keisha and provokes such an awesome guy. As for the roaring character, he wouldn't resist even if he abused him.

"Roning, Blaze, tie the two of them to me, and we will return to the City of Angels." Monkey King pointed to Hua Ye and Sumari.


Ruoning and Chi Yan were extremely excited and excited to take up the rope to bind Hua Ye and Sumari. They knew that Hua Ye's heavenly order was really over, and they were about to usher in the happy era of their female angels...

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