When Monkey King and his party came to the City of Angels, the guarding male angels saw their King of Angels being tied up like prisoners and rushed to the palace. They were all stunned, some even He wiped his eyes, thinking that he had made a mistake: "What's the situation? Why is my king tied up by others?"

"Isn't it playing a special tune?"

"It's really my king, there are so many tricks!"

"Did you see the angels behind my king? How beautiful!"

"Where are your eyes looking? Be careful of being burned to ashes by the king!"

"The scum is the scum, even thinking about things is different from normal people!" Chi Yan looked at the surrounding angels coldly, and sneered at Hua Ye: "Seeing this situation, no one came out to rescue you. "

Hearing this, Hua Ye wished to find a hole to get into it. It was so embarrassing. These bastards, didn't you see that your king was kidnapped?Still playing with your sister's tune!

Sure enough, what kind of king is there, there are what kind of subordinates, in the eyes of male angels, Hua Ye is an invincible existence, in the entire city of angels, who can take him?It's no wonder they think so much when they see this scene. Of course, this is also closely related to Hua Ye's past acts of obscenity.

If he was a decent person in normal times, no one would think so much in this situation now.

"It seems that your image has been deeply rooted in people's hearts." Kesha looked at Hua Ye with disgust.

"What do you know, this is love." Hua Ye said with a strong face.

I have to say that his mentality is really good, he is all tied up by people, and the throne will soon be gone, but he has no sense of humiliation as a king.

Sumali glared at the group of male angels with an angry face. These guys really don't have any eyesight. Do we look like a tune?Even if Wang wants to play Tune, will he play in the public?

"How do I think there is something wrong with this situation?" Among the many scumbags, sure enough, one or two are reliable.

"Yes, my king seems to be blinking at us all the time, what does this mean?"

"My king is being held hostage, right?!"

"No? Who can hold my king?!"

"Quick! The whole city is on alert, ready to fight the enemy!"

"Damn, I finally got more reactions." Hua Ye looked at the actions of the angels in the city and couldn't help but cursed inwardly: "This king has blinked so many eyes, you are only now reacting."

"Is it really kidnapped?" Seeing Hua Ye's expression, an angel dressed up as a general in the city guard was shocked at the moment, raising his sword and shouting loudly, "All the angels listen to the order and are ready to rescue my king!"

After hearing this command, all the gods were stunned for two seconds. The next moment they leaped together and formed a magnificent array with the sky, but in a moment, the Monkey Kings were caught by the angels in the city. The inner and outer three floors were surrounded all over, and the scene was magnificent when the wings were flapping.

"Oh~ It's such a big show!" Liangbing geared his hands with excitement on his face: "Is it finally time for a big fight?"

Blazing flames leapt even more, staring at the female angels shrinking together in the city, shouting loudly: "Sisters, what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Isn't the days of being enslaved all year long enough? Do you always want to live like this? Now that the King of Angels has been enslaved by us, the order of the heaven is about to come to an end, we have ushered in a new life, to create a new order, all stand up and resist! For justice and freedom , For the new order!"


Hearing this magnificent and coquettish drink, not only the female angels, but even the male angels were stunned. What's the situation?Why did you suddenly start to rebel?

Female angels flinched and no one responded. This is normal. They are used to being bullied. Suddenly someone tells them to rebel, but they dare not.

"Cut~ a bunch of cowards!" Chi Yan looked upset when seeing the female angels' expressions.

"This is normal. It's impossible for you to call this kind of thing, and someone will respond." Monkey King smiled: "To overthrow an era, the time and place are indispensable, and we must have a perfect plan. What are we? They are not prepared, it is natural for them to be afraid."

However, as Sun Wukong's voice just fell, a sweet drink rang out: "Sisters! Go! The opportunity is right in front of us. The invincible King Hua Ye is captured. What else do we have to fear? For justice and freedom. , For the new order! Also for ourselves! Overthrow the brutal order of the heavenly palace and establish a new angelic order!"

"Huh? Someone really dare to stand up?" Monkey King was slightly surprised. He couldn't help looking at it, but he just saw six female angels rushing out from the direction of the palace. Ordinary male angels could not stop them. Way to go.

But here is the city of angels, it is the city of kings. There are too many male angels. Even if they are stronger than ordinary male angels, they are always hard to beat with four hands. They were blocked by hundreds of male angels and suffered. Siege.

"It's Chi Xin!" When Chi Yan saw the person who responded to her, an expression of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

"Hexi, save people!" Keisha immediately issued an order. This is the first batch of female angels to respond to them. They must not be lost. Otherwise, the female angels who are hesitant will be even more unlikely to respond. .

"Understood!" Hexi nodded solemnly and made a move with a slender hand. The fate of the stars flashed in the sky and instantly turned into a stream of light. He flew in the direction of Chi Xin. The male angel blocking the front, even with the weapon in his hand, was Cut in half...

At this moment, Xing Ming clearly turned into a harvesting machine, and ordinary angel warriors couldn't stop its edge at all.

However, for a moment, the group of Chi-Heart, who had been besieged by hundreds of male angels, suddenly saw a large area around them. At this moment, not only the male angels, but the female angels were all stunned. Have they ever seen women? Angels can have this kind of combat power, and killing male angel warriors is like cutting melons and vegetables.

This upside-down situation made the female angels who had hesitated as if they saw hope. Recalling all the past, the flames of hatred began to spread in their hearts...

Once the spark burns, it can start a prairie fire.

The cowering female angels gradually rebelled, and suddenly stabbed a knife in the back, making the male angels caught off guard, and the war between male angels and female angels started. ..

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