The advent of the Super Theological Seminary caused Kesha and Liang Bing to have academic conflicts. They had only been sisters for a few hundred years, and finally they moved towards the beginning of a break and the battle of ten thousand years.

In fact, Kieran had discovered the angel civilization long ago, and brought the Super Seminary here, but it has not yet been made public.

Now, the angel civilization is on the right track, even awakening the genes in his body, and growing angel wings. This is what Kieran cares most about, and it is also the main reason why he urgently wants to come to Angel Nebula, because he learned from the Monkey King. On his body, I saw the truth and answers he had been searching for.

Feel free to upgrade the angel genes and give them various computing engines, so that they have a stronger body from generation to generation. Perhaps this great god can discuss the future of the universe with him and jointly establish the concept of'god'.

The teleportation function of the big clock is extremely terrifying. Kieran's teleportation from the distant universe to the Angel Nebula only took a few seconds.

Looking at the huge and gorgeous portal that suddenly appeared in front of them, the angels surrounding Monkey King were all shocked: "Master Goku, who is that?!!!"

"It seems that our Angel Nebula has come to an important guest." Monkey King said, stood up, looked at the man walking out of the portal, and said: "Welcome to Angel Nebula, Kieran... should I call you? principal?"

"You really know me, but I don't know anything about you." Kieran looked at Monkey King with a serious face, and even his title has become a respect. This is the only thing he has lived for so long. An existence that cannot read any information, this adult may be more ancient and mysterious than him and Lord Dinghei.

Monkey King stared at Kieran, and gave him a sense of horror that he was seen through inside and outside: "You came to Angel Nebula, do you intend to officially promote your super seminary here?"

"Have you noticed even Super Theological Seminary..." Kieran looked humble and looked like a group of scholars: "No, I'm here to discuss with you, advance and retreat together."

"I have nothing to discuss with you, but your existence can promote the development of angel civilization, but if you want to officially promote your Shenhe civilization in the Angel Nebula and establish a super seminary in the city of angels, then, You have to show me the strength of the Shenhe civilization and whether it has this value, otherwise, I will completely expel the super seminary that exists in the Angel Nebula, including all the scholars in it. You must know that the current Angel Nebula prohibits men. enter."

"I am just a scholar who seeks the truth, not a saboteur. I cannot show you the power of Shenhe civilization, but I can discuss with you the research of the universe and super genes..."

"I'm not interested in that kind of stuff. It seems that you don't need your Super Seminary here." Sun Wukong looked casually: "Hurry up and take your students and leave immediately, otherwise you will stay here forever."

Suddenly, a series of warning sounds sounded in Kieran's mind, and his whole person was shocked: "Unknown danger found! Unknown danger found! Searching...Searching failed! Parsing...Parsing failed...Starting anti-void Engine...Failed to start...Light engine overtime started...Failed to start...Supercomputing with big clock...Unknown reason...Unable to calculate...Failed!Failed!Failed...!!!"

At this moment, Kieran was completely stupid. At this moment, all the hard work of his life was ineffective. Looking at the Monkey King before him, he only felt his scalp numb. What kind of existence is this in front of him?He and Lord Dinghei's research efforts for a lifetime, did nothing in front of him?

He had already studied the so-called void world and the ultimate fear, and even made preparations in advance, researching out three major god-making projects for emergencies, but what is this feeling now?Is this the so-called ultimate fear?

Yes, at this moment, he who had already looked down upon life and death, and deciphered the eternal secret, was actually terrified and terrified. The adult in front of him seemed to be an existence far beyond his cognition.

"You have spent your entire life studying science, but have you ever thought that there is a higher existence besides technology."

"Outside of technology?" Kieran was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind, and his eyes widened: "Is this the essential reason that can only be counted as the edge of the universe? Please feel free to ask!"

Monkey King smiled and looked at Kieran: "You seem to have forgotten what I just said."

Kiran hesitated for a while and nodded: "Understood, just show the power of Shenhe Civilization. That kind of damage is really too great, so let me use the knowledge of Shenhe Civilization to add a few more to Angel Nebula. How about protection from the outside world?"

"It's not good, that kind of thing can be done by Keisha now, and you don't need to do anything more." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently: "Well, don't you implement the god-making project with that named Dinghei? How about making one for me to see?"

Kieran smiled bitterly: "It takes time and effort to create a god. How can you say that you create one? Besides, if you are creating a person, wouldn't it be too disruptive to the balance?

"Is it still breaking the balance?" Sun Wukong rolled his eyes when he heard the words. This guy really has enough nasty to talk.

Seeing Sun Wukong’s expression of dissatisfaction, Kieran’s heart moved and said: "Why not? In the distant universe, there is a planet named Earth, where there is a Shenhe warrior created by our Shenhe civilization. He has the same name and surname as you, this is also considered fate, I think you should be interested in him."

Monkey King was silent for a while. He was interested in a fart. He was a little angry when he heard that'Monkey King', and directly hooked his finger at Kieran: "Forget it, don't have to be so troublesome, just come and follow me After two tricks, make gestures, let me see if you, the scientist who researched the god-making genes with Dinghei, are capable."

"Don't be kidding me, I don't have the ability to fight with you." Kieran smiled bitterly, and in front of this great god, his body's genetic system was completely paralyzed. Fighting him is not looking for abuse?He doesn't have that kind of hobby, and at the same time, he is very helpless. Thinking about him before, where he was not respected and loved, when he came to Monkey King, he became so aggrieved.

It's not that he is counseling, but he just doesn't want to conflict with the unknown, because his way of thinking always thinks about the longer term.

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