The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 17 Super Theological Academy

Kiran is very humble. Similarly, he is only interested in scientific research. His only goal is to study the mysteries of the universe and to advance the cultural process of other stars, so that he can practice Shenhe civilization and fight him. Never ask.

Monkey King looked at Kiran: "With this kind of detached attitude, you don't really think of yourself as a god?"

"No, no, no, I'm just a research scholar." Kiran waved his hand again and again: "Besides, God, in fact, it's just a general term, he..."

"Stop, call the shots!"

Seeing that Kieran was about to talk endlessly about the introduction of'God', Sun Wukong interrupted him directly. For him, all the introductions Kieran said were a joke. Talking about God in front of the real God is not a joke. What is it?The ideas of the two articles are not on the same level at all.

"There is no need for so much nonsense. Now let me see, at the apex of Shenhe civilization, to what extent you have developed the ability of science and technology." Monkey King also saw it, like Kelan. If people continue to wrestle, he will never make a move, so if you want him to make a move, it is best to use a more direct method.

As soon as he pointed it out, the space around Kieran suddenly collapsed, which really shocked him, but the next moment, his body suddenly appeared on the other side strangely.

Upon seeing this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Well, it is possible to control time with the power of science, Shenhe civilization really surpasses other civilizations too much.

The reason why Monkey King exclaimed was because he knew that Xi only gave her the concept of world science being able to control time, but the creatures in her world can really carry out scientific research to this level, and the development and wisdom of her brain are really wrong. Same as usual.

"Aren’t you more shocking?" Kieran’s eyes were filled with fire, and he looked very excited when he saw Monkey King, as if he had seen the door of a new world: "There is no gene system engine in the body, and it can even blast the space. ?Mastering space? This is what you call a force other than technology? What kind of force does it belong to?"

"If you can dodge this blow from me, I will help you out." Monkey King said, reaching out and grabbing towards Kieran...

Kieran's old face instantly became extremely serious, twisting the surrounding time, accelerating and decelerating, he used a few strokes, but he was still surprised to find that Monkey King had never changed the direction of his hand.

"What kind of power is this? Am I locked?" He wants to use the time engine to get rid of that power, but the results obtained are unknown. His time engine can't detect any abnormalities at all. When he felt his throat tightened, he was already pinched by Monkey King. At this moment, Kieran was shocked in a cold sweat. He had mastered the genetic code and mastered eternal life. At this moment, he was actually Will you feel death?

Death, what a long-lasting feeling!

This made Kieran a sigh, nostalgia, and amazement.

"Oh~ I'll just say it, it seems that the time to master science and technology is only half-hearted." Monkey King shook his head slightly disappointed: "After all, it is only something that can exist only if the law allows it. The way has an end."

Sun Wukong has mastered so many worlds and gained many new cultivation systems from it, and thus he has reached the present level. Therefore, he never underestimated any cultivation system. From the world of Xi, this kind of genetic development in the body The power of science also caused him a little interest. I wanted to study it to see if he could be inspired. Unfortunately, the facts proved that this power did not help him at all, and it was meaningful to ordinary people. Extraordinary, it can almost become a'god', but that is only for mortals.

"What kind of power are you? Please come to my Super Seminary to teach!" Kiran looked at Monkey King with excitement and eagerness. He had a hunch that if he could learn from the adult in front of him, he would definitely be able to unlock it. The doubts I have been pursuing.

"I'm not interested." Monkey King refused bluntly. What are you kidding me? There is no sister paper worth paying attention to in the Super Theological Seminary. At most, Liangbing is one, but for Liangbing, he still needs to go to the Super Seminary. Join in the fun?

Just when Kieran wanted to persuade them painstakingly, Kesha and Liangbing's daughters flew from a distance and landed beside him. The three women were all wearing crowns, and they were full of honor and beauty.

Keisha looked at Kieran and turned her head towards Monkey King: "Wukong, is this this?"

Obviously, Kesha and the others were attracted by Kiran's portal to the star field. People from other star fields ran to her jurisdiction, so she naturally had to take a look at it for the first time.

It’s just that Keisha and the others don’t even know Kieran. This is a bit of a surprise to Monkey King. Under normal circumstances, angels can awaken the angel genes and gain power. They are inseparable from Kieran’s arrival in the Angel Nebula, and it will not be Xi again. Did you do other trimming?

"Hello, dear King of Angels, I am the transmitter of Shenhe civilization——Kieran, I came to this Nebula just to discuss with your angels..."

"Open a school as soon as you open a school, why do you talk so much nonsense?" Monkey King interrupted him directly. Kieran's tone of a scholar made him very awkward.

"Open school?" Keisha looked at Monkey King with some confusion.

"His Shenhe civilization still has merits. He can do what I teach you, and he can do what I have not taught you. Therefore, the existence of Super Seminary is extremely beneficial to the development of Angel Nebula. He will open the Super Seminary to the City of Angels. You can go and learn when you have time. It is very helpful for the growth of knowledge and strength."

"Shenhe Civilization, I have heard of it..." Keisha looked at Kieran in surprise. She didn't expect that Angel Nebula would welcome such a big man: "Since Wukong has allowed it, then I too There is nothing to say, but the new order of our Angel Nebula has just been maintained. I am afraid that it will not be able to meet your requirements in a short time..."

"It's okay! I have to go back and make preparations. However, your Angel Nebula is now in the feminist era. There are still a few male students in my super seminary. This shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Keisha couldn't help but drove towards Monkey King. Monkey King thought for a moment. He said the male student should be Karl or something, and waved her hand indifferently: "Yes, but they are never allowed to cause trouble in Angel Nebula, otherwise, don't Blame me for killing them directly."

"Of course, I will warn them..." ..

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