Four days after Kiran left the Angel Nebula, he brought three students to the City of Angels and met with Keisha.

Well, it is said that there are three students, but in fact it is not. Maybe in other star regions, they are students of Transcendental Seminary, but in the City of Angels, they are the instructors of Transcendental Seminary.

Among the three, there are two men and one woman. The other two Sun Wukong didn’t care much. They didn’t know each other. Carl Sun Wukong took a second look. It was this guy who worked with Liang Bing and came up with the concept of ultimate fear. So much so that academic conflicts arose within the Super Theological Seminary. Karl was expelled, and Liang Bing turned his face with his sister and started a ten-thousand-year war.

If Liang Bing and Keisha turned their faces, Kieran was the leader, then Karl was the initiator.

Speaking of this, some people may ask, since they all know this development, why did Monkey King allow the Super Seminary to be established in the City of Angels?Why not drive them out of Angel Nebula?

To drive away, it was only the work of the weak who were not confident. For Monkey King, Super Seminary did not threaten him at all. Since there is no threat, it can lead Angel Nebula to the universe, and even make Keisha the king of the gods. With these benefits, why bother to drive away?

Although Monkey King also has the ability to lead the Angel Nebula forward, he did not intend to stay here for hundreds of thousands of years. The historical trajectory of the Angel Nebula must be created and walked by them.

Keisha's permission was obtained and a clearing space was divided for Kieran in the north of the Angel City, where Kieran established the super seminary of Angel Nebula.

That kind of out of nothing, but in a moment, it was the ability to create a college building that made Liang Bing very interested.

Kiran: "This is just an application of dark matter. If the King of Apocalypse is interested, you can discuss it with Teacher Carl. In this respect, he is an authority."

"Karl, are you talking about this shy guy who doesn't dare to raise his head?" Upon hearing this, Liang Bing couldn't help looking at Karl, who was shyly lowering his head.

Kieran smiled: "Carl's personality is only relatively introverted. He is better than anyone in academic research, and he is also the wisest person I have seen in so many years."

The future god of death, Karl, is only an introverted and shy little boy, but his wisdom has been appreciated by Kieran, which is enough to show his excellence.

But Liang Bing is not a bird to him: "Learn from him? Forget it! Wouldn't I lower his head." Then, he trot a few steps, and hugged the arm of Monkey King who was looking around: "Yes. What would Master Wukong do not know? I want to learn, and I will also learn from Master Wukong."

Hearing this, Carl's face turned redder and his head lowered lower.

Upon seeing this, Liang Bing couldn't help but explain: "Hey~ Carl, don't get me wrong, I didn't deny you, but I still prefer to learn from Master Wukong than to study."

Carl hurriedly waved his hand: "I know, please don't care..."

"I didn't expect the future god of death Karl to be like this." Monkey King smiled at this, touching Liang Bing's soft hair, and said: "This technology is actually very simple. Every creature or thing is It is made up of certain material structures. You only need to understand those material structures, and you can naturally create things out of thin air. When you understand thoroughly, even if it is to create humans and gods, there is no problem. I have these things in Keisha. There is storage in his knowledge treasury, and you can go to Keisha to see when you are free."

"Can you make a god?" Liang Bing's eyes lit up, obviously, she was very interested in this topic.

Even Carl, who kept his head down and silent, couldn’t help but looked at Monkey King, his eyes flickered, “I didn’t expect you to have done some research on this aspect. What do you think of the Pangu civilization?"

"No idea."

"Uh~~" When Carl heard this, his original eager expression was instantly cold. He heard Principal Kieran say that this adult's knowledge is more profound than him, why is the discussion on the theory so cold?

In this regard, Kieran on the side could only shake his head helplessly, and he could only deeply regret Monkey King's non-cooperation.

Obviously knowing so much, why refuse to share research with others?He absolutely believes that his own research and Monkey King's knowledge will definitely unlock the mysteries of the entire universe.

But how did he know that the mystery he has been pursuing so hard for Monkey King can be created easily. He has no time to study with you for such a simple thing. You don't understand it.

Now that the Super Theological Seminary has been established, Kieran immediately started enrolling students for the entire Angel Nebula, and the angels who came here were overcrowded in one day.

Looking at the group of people lining up to sign up, Ruoning Dai, who has been following Sun Wukong, frowned slightly: "Master Wukong, is it really okay to let so many angels enter the Super Seminary?"

"What's the problem with this?" Monkey King smiled: "You know, when they come out, they will be super fighters belonging to Angel Nebula. Someone trains fighters for us for free, so why not do it?"

"That's the same, but can you trust it?"

"It's convenient for you to rest assured, Kieran won't be the kind of person who makes small movements."

"People?" Liangbing smiled: "But I heard that Kiran has been passed down as a'god'."

"It won't be long before you will be passed on as gods."

"This is the age of god creation that Principal Kieran said?"

"God?" Monkey King smiled, "According to the standards of this world, you can already be called a god."

"Yes, many angels call us goddesses, Master Wukong is a male god~" Liangbing smiled and said, "Of course, you are also the male god of others~"

"The nature of what you said is different." Monkey King laughed. Of course he understood Liang Bing's straightforward words: "Just, don't you sign up?"

"We don't need to sign up? I even have a sacred body. I went to Super Seminary to be a student. Wouldn't it be too cheap?" Liang Bing looked at Sun Wukong with a natural look: "Besides, if we have something If you don’t understand, just ask Master Wukong, why should you ask others?"

"Uh~ well, I am speechless for what you said, but there is no need for you to go to the Super Seminary. Unless you are a tutor, but now, obviously there is no time." ..

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