"Will appear on Earth?" Yan looked at Monkey King curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"This is a bit complicated, let's go to Freize first." Monkey King said, with both hands on Yan and Zhixin's doubts, and put them on their shoulders, their figure flashed, and the next moment, it was already. She appeared in front of Leng, causing Leng to almost bump her head on Monkey's body. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and stopped in time. Looking at the three of Monkey King, she looked a little surprised: "Master Monkey? Yan, and Zhi. Heart, what are you guys?"

Monkey King: "Of course I went to Freize with you."

"Master Wukong..." Yan looked at Monkey King and stopped talking. Queen Keisha just said, let them follow in secret, and only take action when they are cold and need help. If you don’t need to take action, you can go back directly. You have to go directly with others. What do you want?

"I haven't received such an order." Leng Dai frowned slightly, looking at Yan and Zhixin, her emotions seemed a little conflicted. Do you still need your company to deal with a demon who doesn't know where it came from?Is this not believing in my ability?

This is also the reason why Keisha let Yan and Zhixin follow in secret. Leng is an extremely proud and self-respecting warrior, and receiving help from others, especially the help of her own descendants, will only make her uncomfortable.

With such an expression, Sun Wukong could see what she was thinking about: "Don't think too much, but I happen to be going to Freize. The two of them are just following, and will take you along the way."

"Take me for a ride?" Looking at the spaceship not far ahead, he rolled his eyes at Monkey King. If you want to take a downwind, just say, why bother to bend.

However, as soon as she thought of this, she saw the scenery around her body suddenly change, and they were already in an unfamiliar plain.

"This is...?" Leng hurriedly checked, and suddenly looked astonished: "Freiser?"

Yan also turned on the engine and searched it: "It's really Freize..."

The time of the day has arrived in a flash?It is indeed the Monkey King, it is as mysterious as the rumors said.

The time disappeared a little bit before the time, and the sky above the jungle a few miles away from where the Monkey King was at this time.

A beautiful shadow wrapped in a light ball crashed to the ground, and a clearing of the boss came out from the surrounding area.

"Bah, baah~~" Morgana, who had devil wings on his back, stood up in the dirt pit, spitting out a few mouthfuls of saliva, and cursed at the sky: "Carl, you bitch, you Did TM deliberately? Make this queen so embarrassed, you look a joke, don't you? Tell you, if you provoke this queen, this queen will let you kneel down and sing to conquer."

Carl's calm and indifferent voice sounded: "Sorry, I didn't mean it. The first time I use the big clock, it will inevitably be strange."

"I'm unfamiliar with your uncle, you did it on purpose!" Morgana looked furious: "I can tell you, when I clean up my sister's bitch, I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Don't~ We are allies." Karl's voice was still so calm and indifferent, without the slightest panic: "Besides, without me, you can't beat your sister."

"Bi Chi!" Morgana immediately exploded with an angry expression: "If it wasn't for that Monkey King gave my sister a broken weapon, I can't beat her? The old lady had hung her up and beat her."

"In fact, you were hanged and beaten by your sister."

"Bitch, Carl, are you deliberately making mistakes?"

"No, no..." Seeing that Morgana was approaching violently, Carl quickly changed the subject: "Let's talk about business. Are you sure you want to start with this Freize? This is a place where Queen Keisha takes special care. From the very beginning, your actions may have been under the other party's supervision."

"That's why I want to start even more." Morgana said with an angry expression: "That bitch cut me twice, twice! Do you know the pain of being cut into two sections? Since I can't beat it, I disgusted her, disgusted her, since she cares so much about this Freze, then I will turn all the humans here into demons, then I really want to see what that bitch will look like! Hahaha~ ~~"

"Why so, it's too risky. If you really hate your sister so much, just cooperate with me. I can help you kill your sister."

"You bitch! Try touching her!" Morgana instantly exploded her hair: "My old lady just wanted to hang her, but didn't say to kill her, and I can guarantee that you really have that idea, dead. That person is definitely you!" She didn't forget the mysterious power hidden in their bodies.

Morgana has been studying the mysterious power in the body for these years, but unfortunately it has been unsuccessful, let alone successful, after so many years, she has never stimulated it again.

"Well, indeed, there is a person behind her who even Principal Kieran admires. It is really scary.

"Don't TM mention that person to me, you will be angry when you listen." Morgana looked angry: "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been forced so miserably by my sister's bitch. If you let me see him again , I have to fight so that I don't even know my mother."

Karl said with a smile: "Maybe your wish will come true soon."

Morgana was taken aback for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Just now, I saw a wonderful duel on Earth in the galaxy, do you want to hear it?"

"Bi Chi, don't you have anything to do with that Monkey King?" Morgana suddenly felt her heart beating inexplicably.

"It seems that you have realized it, yes, it is the Monkey King, who appeared again, and as soon as he appeared, he gave Pan Zhen a blast and drove out of the earth, making other gods who covet the earth temporarily give up. After thinking about it, I think he has gone to Angel Nebula now to see your sister."

"Bichi! Bichi! Bichi!!!" Morgana suddenly yelled, her face full of irritation: "I ran to see that slut the first time, ah~~ I am so angry! "

"So, do you still want to attack Frazer now?"

"Yes, why don't you?" Morgana's eyes flickered: "This queen wants to see if he helps my sister or me!"

"You are dying, I don't care about the next thing!"

"Bi Chi, you want to retreat? Didn't you say that we are allies?"

"We are indeed allies, but I have helped you, what do you want from me?"

"Grass~ If you want to be a tortoise, just say it."

"...Okay, okay, I have a copy of Thornton's genetic code here, let you use it temporarily, and use the big clock to temporarily shield your existence, so that they don't find it, is this all right?" ..

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