"Thornton? What is Thornton?" Morgana waved her hand with disdain: "Don't think I don't have any subordinates now. Just send someone to send this queen."

"Thornton is not a man, but a god. After you see it, you will definitely like it."

"I like your uncle! Is this queen such a casual god?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I used the wrong words." Carl's voice was silent: "Then, do you want it or not?"

Morgana was silent for two seconds: "If you leave things behind, you can roll."

Carl didn't care about Morgana's bad personality, because he was used to it a long time ago: "Well, I will use the big clock to transmit the genetic code to you now, remember to check it."

But for a moment, Morgana's eyes flickered slightly, as if she had received what she wanted: "This big clock is really easy to use, or you can lend me a few days to play."

Carl avoided the topic directly: "The stuff has been given to you, then, I'll go."

"Bi Chi, don't change the subject, don't forget, I still have a credit for getting the big clock."

"Your credit? This big clock was entrusted to me by Principal Kieran."

"Entrusted to you? You're so fucking shameless, don't think I don't know how you got it, wait for Principal Kieran to come back and see if he won't beat you to death."

"I don't know how many tens of thousands of years later, now he is exploring the so-called end of the universe, but he doesn't have time to worry about me... Okay, let's stop talking to you, I'm dead."

"Wait first, hello~~grass~ Carl, you bastard, dare to call this queen and see if I won't cut you next time!"

Morgana soared into the air and flew to a densely populated city...

"Wow~ Look, there is a woman who can fly with wings!"

"Angel! It's an angel! I didn't expect an angel to actually exist!"

"Fart angel, the angel's wings are white, but her wings are black. Only the devil has black wings. She is a demon! A demon!!"

"Oh~ It seems that the faith that Kesha Nabite has instilled in you is not bad. You know demons and angels." Morgana stopped floating in the air, looking down at the human beings below: "Yes, this queen is a demon, or The king of demons, Queen Morgana, mortals, if you are fortunate enough to see the true face of God, don't hesitate to worship!"

"Devil! It's really a devil!! Still the legendary Queen Morgana!"

"Run! The devil is coming!!!"

After screaming for four periods, the fear spread instantly, and the people all around suddenly ran away and disappeared...

Morgana looked at the empty surroundings, her face twitching slightly: "Damn! Seeing such a beautiful figure of this queen, you were all scared away? How did the slut Keisha belittle me?"

"Damn devil, our warriors will never fear you!"

Just as Morgana was depressed, a deep drink interrupted her thoughts, but saw a man dressed as a sword-bearing warrior with sharp eyes, glaring at her without fear.

"Oh~ the courage is commendable, it seems to be a warrior~" Morgana smiled and landed on the ground: "How, such a brave warrior, do you want to be the bravest warrior under this queen?"

"Huh~ My mind is firm, the king of the devil, you can't confuse me!" The samurai's face was firm, after drinking, he resolutely launched an attack on Morgana.

The movements are capable and calm, which shows that he is indeed a fighter who has experienced many battles.

However, what he is facing now is a god, Morgana just pinched the blade he cut with two fingers gently, and she squeezed the blade that he had cut off: "Good action, but unfortunately, mortal weapons can't hurt this queen."

As he said, with his fingers lightly pressed, the sword in the samurai's hand was broken into several knots.

Morgana stared at the shocked samurai, bewildered: "How, do you want to follow this queen? This queen can also give you this kind of power~ At that time, money and beauty will be at your fingertips."

"My mind has been tempered for a long time, how can I be fooled by you." The warrior sneered coldly: "Skills are not as good as humans. If you want to kill, you have to listen carefully."

"That's it! It seems that people on this planet are not lightly baptized by Kesha's slut's thoughts. Forget it, this queen doesn't bother to talk nonsense with you, just try to see if the things Carl gave me work." With that said, Morgana squeezed the samurai's skull with one hand and lifted him up in the air. At the same time, he input the genetic secret that Karl had given him into the samurai's body. In an instant, the samurai let out a bitter cry. His face became hideous, enveloped by a black air...

Morgana quickly threw him away with one hand, stepped back, watching his changes...

With the integration and unraveling of the genetic code, the appearance of the samurai was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. A few minutes later, he had completely transformed into a new species.

"Damn! The crocodile?" Morgana looked at the god who was awakened because of the genetic code, with a look of astonishment, and then yelled: "Carl, I'm sorry for your uncle, you actually said that this queen would like this. A crocodile? Grass! Next time I meet, I must kill you!"

"Uh, uh~~ what is here...?" Thornton looked around with a dazed expression, and finally after seeing Morgana, his eyes lit up: "Ah~ I was just a little hungry for eating." As he said, he touched his stomach.

"Oh, do you want to eat this queen as soon as you wake up? You have a big appetite, so let this queen come and see how many catties you really have." Morgana said, hooking her finger at Thornton: " come on!"

"Oh~ Are you willing to let me eat? That's great!" Thornton's silly face, holding a double-axe-like weapon, slashed towards Morgana.

Morgana didn't care at all, she used her hand to block it. The loud noise of'Dang' made her back several steps in succession. After stabilizing her figure, she shook her aching arm with a look of consternation. "I rely on~ what kind of weapon? Can this queen feel pain?"

After speaking, he raised his hand and looked at it. Fortunately, there were no wounds.

Now Morgana, like Keisha, has a sacred body, and it is also a sacred body specially processed by Monkey King. Its defense power is truly indestructible. Thornton’s weapons are indeed awesome, but they are not Wounded the sacred body that Morgana had now.

"It's okay?" Thornton looked dumbfounded. Before, he used this weapon to slash one accuracy, but today he failed.

"It's not bad, barely okay, how about it, do you want to follow this queen?"

"Do you want to buy me? Are you full?" ..

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