"Come here, it seems that I have no chance to run." Morgana looked at the black spots on the horizon and couldn't help but curl her lips, but her eyes flickered slightly, with anticipation, she waved her slender hand, and she suddenly A gorgeous throne was formed, she just sat down so casually, and waited on the spot with her legs up.

Monkey King looked at Morgana in the air, but smiled: "It's pretty stylish."

When Shiyan and the others saw Morgana, their expressions became extremely solemn: "It's really Morgana, Master Goku, do we really need to tell Queen Keisha about the situation here?"

"No, you called her here, but she was taken by Morgana." Monkey King said calmly: "Otherwise, do you think she just came here to wander around?"

Yan nodded solemnly: "Indeed, Morgana is scheming, sinister and cunning, let's see what she wants to do first!"

"Master Wukong, what else are you talking about with their angels? Sit down!" Morgana waved to Monkey King in the air, and patted the seat beside her, saying very enthusiastically.

Sun Wukong was not polite, and landed directly in front of Morgana and sat beside her: "That's right, you still remember my name, it seems you haven't forgotten me."

"Huh~ how could I forget it!" Morgana glared at Monkey King with gritted teeth: "Your name, I'm so hard to remember!"

Monkey King laughed and said, "I didn't expect you to miss me so much! This makes me very pleased."

"Bi Chi! I miss you! Don't you understand that this queen is taunting you?" Morgana stood up with an angry face and glared at Monkey King: "You know that because of you, I am in my sister's bitch Have you suffered so much? She split it in half several times!"

Yan and the three daughters heard this, you look at me, I look at you, with a look of bewilderment, this situation is a bit wrong, why this Morgana suddenly became such a deep-seated woman who complained?

"Aren't you all right?" Monkey King looked casually: "And who told you to be a good angel, but to be a demon, Kesha didn't hack you to death, indicating that you are still merciful to you."

"Damn!" Morgana raised her middle finger directly to Monkey King: "What's wrong with the devil? Who says that the devil must be bad? Besides, I am also a devil based on your words. You didn't call me Morgana. Is it? I am Morgana now, so I am now like this. You are half responsible."

Sun Wukong stretched out his hand angered and grabbed Morgana's ears and pulled himself closer: "You still have a reason, right? Can you give me this too?"

"Hiss~~It hurts~~ Let go, let go! This queen is now the king of the devil anyhow, please show respect, otherwise this queen will go crazy! Tell you, these tens of thousands of years, this queen has not If you are idle, if you really want to fight, you won’t necessarily lose to you!"

As he said, he immediately leaned into Monkey King's ear and whispered softly: "Master Wukong, give some face, now I am the king anyway, so I can't let those angels read my jokes..."

"..." Sun Wukong was speechless when he heard this.


Even Yan and the others were speechless. They could hear clearly because of Morgana’s whispering, and they also had a face of astonishment. The playful Morgana in front of them was completely different from them. The Morgana I faced before are two diametrically opposed characters. Is this really Morgana?

They really didn't expect that in their cognition, the extremely terrifying, and the same existence as Queen Keisha, would actually look like this in front of Master Monkey King.

"If I don't give you face, I will smoke you when I come up." Monkey King let go of Morgana and said: "Say, you are here to make such a show, are you going to yin your sister?"

"She chopped me so many times, I can't beat her once, right?"

"Just thinking about hanging and beating, didn't you think about killing her?" Monkey King looked at Morgana's eyes. This look suddenly made Morgana's heart beat faster and felt the boundless fear, instinctively patting her chest. "Damn, don’t look at me like this, I’m afraid, I swear, I never thought of killing my sister, Carl’s bitch told me to do this and I scolded him. A meal."

"That's okay." Sun Wukong nodded, at least his teaching is still useful and did not let her follow the original path: "Neither of you sisters touched my bottom line. Now, come back with me."

"Huh? Back to Angel Nebula? Go to see my sister's bitch?" Morgana's voice was instantly elevated: "Impossible! Now there is her without me, there is me without her! We don't share heaven!"

"Don't share the same sky? Do you think you have a vengeance of killing your father and your mother?" Monkey King slapped Morgana on the forehead with an angry slap.

Morgana suddenly covered her head and looked aggrieved: "Don't you know, I have been fighting with my sister's bitch for tens of thousands of years. My feelings are long gone. If you don't go, you won't be killed!"

"This can't be for you, I let you go, you have to go."

"Damn! Say you are fat, are you really panting, right?" Morgana rolled up her sleeves immediately: "Tell you, this queen is also very powerful now. When you start a fight, you may not be able to beat you. But it's not a soft persimmon that can be easily pinched!"

Yan and the others suddenly became wary when they heard this.

Monkey King looked at Morgana with interest: "Oh~ Listen to your tone, wouldn't it be you want to fight with me?"

Morgana looked serious: "My old lady doesn't want to fight you, but you have to take me to see my sister's bitch, I would rather die!"

"It's up to you." Monkey King slapped Morgana on the back of the head, causing her to fall to the ground in a dizzy way. Monkey King stepped forward and carried her on his shoulders, seeing Yan and the others. Stunned for a while.

Morgana shook her dizzy head, trying to resist the struggle, but unfortunately the engine in her body was out of control, and she couldn't get any strength from her body. She couldn't help but secretly startled her heart: "Damn! The old lady is now a sacred body plus the first Four generations of divine bodies! Can't even get the slap of Master Wukong? How strong is this dead metamorphosis? It seems that this queen may be late this time!"

"Ah~ Lord Queen is being held hostage! Quick! Quick! Prepare to rescue Lord Queen!"

The demons on Devil One were all panicked right now, but they immediately got Morgana's cold drink: "Save me! Save! Didn't you see that your queen was killed? You fart! Use it, let's get out of here, don't be killed, then the queen's loss will be great." ..

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