"But, Queen..."

"But ass, get out, this guy won't hurt me, at most he will be beaten, and then you will be your queen..." Morgana yelled angrily.

The other demons all looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Asking them to run away and abandon the queen alone, it was really impossible.

Although they are demons, their loyalty to the queen is beyond doubt.

"The queen seems to be really angry, or shall we leave first?"

"Do you really care about the queen?"

"The queen said it was all right, then it would be all right."

"Then who listen to the queen, let's leave first!"

After discussion, the demons drove the Demon One and left Freize.

Morgana was really relieved when she saw this. These demons were her last family property, and the other demons were all wiped out by Keisha. If these men were gone, then she would really become a polished commander.

Morgana put one hand next to her ear, and spoke to Thornton: "Thornton, come back quickly, your queen is tied up, you are still slapped!"

"Ah? Are you tied up? I'll come to rescue you right away!" Thornton, who was rushing people into a flock of sheep, stopped after hearing Morgana's voice transmission, and rushed forward. When I went to Morgana's place, when I saw Yan and the others, I was surprised: "Birds with wings? Is this an angel? It looks delicious..." Han laughed out loud.

"Is this the demon Queen Keisha wants me to destroy?" Leng looked at Thornton and explored the next surroundings, and found countless corpses, his face instantly cooled down: "It seems that there is no need to confirm, you can directly The trial is on!"

"Wait first." Morgana immediately stopped: "This guy has been subdued by me. I have surrendered. There is no need to fight again, right?"

"Sorry, the order I got is, if it is judged to be evil, then destroy it!" A cold expression on his face: "Obviously, what it did can no longer be described as evil!"

"Damn! This is evil?" Morgana suddenly yelled: "When people eat crocodiles, it is not evil? Crocodiles eat people are evil? What kind of ghost logic is this? Is this what your angels call good and evil? I go to TM's good and evil!"

"Humph! Fallacies!" Leng obviously didn't listen to Morgana's words at all. In her opinion, the Devil Queen is best at deceiving people's hearts, so she would not care about her words.

Monkey King waved his hand to stop the cold, and said calmly: "Actually, Morgana is right. People eat chickens, ducks and fish, and chickens, ducks and fish can eat people. There is no difference between good and evil. This is just the natural law of the food chain. There is no right or wrong. The reason why you distinguish it as evil is only to look at it from your own standpoint; if you look at it from the other side's perspective, the result is the same."

"Wow, haha~~ Look! My old lady likes you like you who are justified." Her point of view was recognized, which made Morgana very happy and couldn't help but pat Sun Wukong's shoulder hard: "I If my sister had you so clear, I wouldn't have turned my face with her, that bitch is too self-centered, and it is uncomfortable to look at!"

"Bold! How can Queen Kesha be criticized by your devil!" Yan and the three girls were furious.

"What's wrong with the reproach, come and hit me if you have the ability!" Morgana didn't fear at all, hooking her fingers and provoking Yan and the others without any scruples.

Obviously, Yan and the others were so angry that they held the sword of flame and greeted Morgana's body. Although they could not cut her divine body, the weight brought by the strength could still feel the pain. Morgana was chopped off for a while and shouted: "Damn! Monkey King! Are you just looking at it? Don't stop it?"

Monkey King looked calm: "This is what you requested. I have no reason to stop it, right?"

"I..." Morgana was choked for a while. There is nothing wrong with her words. It is true that she asked them to fight, but you really let them fight?This guy really likes to play cards out of common sense.

"You let me go first, let me take care of these little girls!" Morgana glared at Yan and the others with an angry look.

Monkey King: "Don't you have any consciousness? You still don't understand your situation?"

"What do I understand? Can you still kill me?" Morgana was confident, not afraid at all.

"I won't kill you, but I don't know how your sister will treat you."

"Damn! Are you going to hand me over to my sister?" Morgana panicked. She has a deep understanding of Kesha's methods, and she is absolutely not soft. She screamed: "Monkey King, I Tell you, if you hand me over to my sister, I'll break your relationship with you! The one who doesn't interact with each other!"

"you sure?"

"I confirm."

"That's fine, I'll hand you over to your sister."

"Bitch! Don't bring me to play like this! Can't I make a mistake? You can do anything to me, but don't give me to my sister!"

Sun Wukong was too lazy to pay attention to her, and with a wave of his hand, Thornton, who was still in a daze, entangled with whether to fight or not, bound his whole body: "Bring it with him, we're going back."

"Oh? Why did you tie me? Didn't you mean to fight? Sneak attack is what a skill, if you have the skill, let me go, we will fight it upright!"

"Shut up!" Leng kicked it on the head, with killing intent in his eyes, and he obviously didn't like Thornton.

"Ah~~ Look! That demon was caught!"

"The Devil Queen was also caught!"

"It's an angel! It's an angel! It's an angel who has come to save us!!"

"Thank the angel, thank the angel for his compassionate hand!"

After noticing the situation here, the people of Freize knelt down to thank and pray. At this moment, their faith in angels deepened.

Now that he was discovered, as an angel, he naturally had to say something. Yan immediately stepped forward and said loudly: "The devil has been subdued by us, and is about to be brought back for trial. You are safe!"

"Thank you angel! Thank God!"

"Let's go!" Monkey King didn't bother to watch the scene of this declaration. With a wave of his hand, everyone disappeared instantly. When he appeared the next moment, it was already the palace hall of the City of Angels.

"Huh? Are you back so soon?" Hexi looked surprised at the Monkey King and others who suddenly appeared, but when he saw Morgana being carried by Monkey King, Dai's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Astonished: "Morgana?!"

Keisha also stood up from the throne, and her expression looked calm and calm: "Oh~ Morgana, after all, we haven't seen each other for thousands of years? Unexpectedly, this meeting will be in this way. …" ..

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