Morgana immediately murmured at each other: "Bitch! Who do you think you are talking to? Still pretending to be there. If the queen hadn't been caught, I wouldn't bother to come to the place where your bitch lived!"

"As expected of the legendary male god, he caught Morgana as soon as he got out of the horse! It's really amazing!"

"Queen Keisha and Morgana have fought for thousands of years. Although she has defeated her several times, she has never been captured alive!"

All of a sudden, the angels in the hall exclaimed and cast admiration and admiration at Monkey King. It seemed that this adult was even more powerful than the legend.

Keisha stared at Morgana from above: "Really, it seems that as a prisoner of the lower order, you don't have the slightest consciousness!"

Morgana's expression was distorted with anger: "Monk Wukong, you quickly let go of me, I want to single out with this bitch!"

"One-on-one?" Keisha looked at Morgana indifferently: "You seem to have never won. Where can you say this with confidence?"

"If you weren't for the weapon that Monkey King gave you, do you think you won me?"

"Oh, do you always think so?" Keisha smiled: "But that's fine, I have nothing to prove to the prisoners under the order."

As he said, Keisha looked at Monkey King: "Wukong, it seems that you haven't tamed her yet, so, do you leave her to me to deal with?"

"Kaisha, you bitch, it really made my heart dead!" Morgana screamed out in an instant: "Monkey King, I can tell you, if you really hand me over to her, I will definitely break my relationship with you. of!"

Keisha heard the words, the expression on her face was slightly moved, and she looked at Morgana directly: "I thought you had already given up this name..."

And Monkey King looked at Morgana with a smile on his face: "Lian Bing, this name is spoken from your mouth, it seems you are serious."

"Damn! I've always been serious!"

"All right, then we will sit down and have a good talk." With that, Monkey King let go of Morgana and removed her shackles: "But before that, you have to change your current image. No one told you, you Is it ugly now?"

"Ugly, ugly?!" Morgana stiffened and looked at Monkey King in amazement: "You said this queen is ugly now?"

"It's not very ugly, it's very ugly." Yan made a straight cut from the side.

Morgana instantly glared at her when she heard it: "Go, go~~ While playing, the adults talk, and the children cut in."

"..." Yan was obviously angry, but he didn't know how to refute.

"Become the way you were before, I still think the way you were before is more pleasing to the eye."

"Damn! Don't you know, this queen has given up her identity as an angel?"

"I don't care what you abandon, as long as you don't abandon me, I just want to see how it was when I first met you."

"..." Morgana was silent for a while, and then turned into a casual character again: "Damn~ Why did you suddenly become sensational?...Well, this queen admits that I was moved by you..."

With that said, her whole body was suddenly covered by a sacred white light, and a dark demon costume disappeared, replaced by a white and sacred angel.

Kesha saw this scene, the excitement in her eyes flashed away, but her tone was still calm: "What else did you say that you have abandoned your angelic identity? Didn't you give up..."

If she really abandoned the innocence of the angel, Morgana would not be able to change back to the appearance of an angel. Being able to change back means that she still holds the justice of the angel in her heart, and the gene of the angel still recognizes her identity as an angel.

"This..." Yan and the others stared blankly. The Demon King who had been fighting with them in the Angel Nebula for ten thousand years suddenly became as pure and beautiful angels as them. It really made them a little difficult. accept.

Monkey King walked up the steps step by step. In the eyes of countless angels, he walked on the throne that belonged to Keisha, sat down and looked at Keisha and Morgana. No, it should be called Liangbing now. : "Now, in front of me, you, reconcile!"


Not only Keisha and Morgana, but all the angels were stunned. The angels and the demons are reconciled?is it possible?This is something they have already confirmed in their hearts-absolutely impossible!

"Reconciliation? Hahaha~~ You laughed at me!" Leng Bing suddenly laughed out of his belly and laughed, "Monk Wukong, do you think it is still before? You think I have listened to your words and turned into an angel. , Will you listen to everything? The ten thousand years of grievances I have with them have long been unable to go back. It is not what you can do if you reconcile, unless you can resurrect all those who died."

"What's the problem?" Monkey King's face was plain, and his thoughts moved. In the City of Angels, white lights suddenly flashed out, and every white light flashed, a beautiful angel appeared.

"This, this—what is going on?"

"Sincerely, Yi...Didn't you all have died in the battle? Why are you here?"

For a while, the entire city of angels was stunned by this wonder, shocked.

At the same time, Blazing Flame flew to the palace hall for the first time: "Report to Queen Kesha, I don't know what happened. The soldiers who died in the past have been resurrected in the City of Angels inexplicably!"

Keisha hurriedly walked out of the palace hall, watching the white light that the City of Angels was still flashing, and looked at Monkey King who was walking by: "Did you do this?"

"In this way, has the hatred between angels and demons been eliminated?"

"Damn! What kind of technique is this TM?" Liang Bing looked at everything in front of him, and almost jumped up excitedly, staring straight at Monkey King, wishing to study him thoroughly: "I know you are awesome, I didn't expect So awesome! Have you completely controlled the super genetic code? But even if you control it, it can't be so exaggerated! So many resurrected in an instant?"

"Gene are talking about the imprint of life." Monkey King said with a plain face: "I have to say that it is already amazing to be able to study the human body to this level with scientific and technological means, but that's it, you two The sisters’ argument seems to me boring; the direction of your research is simply unattainable; your theory is even more laughable and generous; to be honest, you will fall out for this kind of thing, and I am really speechless."

"Damn! You are so awesome, then you say it!" Liang Bing looked impatient.

"When you reach my level, you will understand that the entire universe is not so mysterious. You can create it by flipping your hands." ..

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