"Just...create the universe?!"

Keisha and the others were all surprised by Monkey King's remarks. Principal Kieran is still exhausting his entire life to analyze the universe. As a result, you have all begun to create the universe at will?

"Is it so exaggerated?" Liang Bing looked at Monkey King in astonishment: "Does the technology you control have surpassed Shenhe civilization and Dinghei?"

"Science?" Monkey King smiled, "No, no, I am not studying science."

"Isn't it science?" Liang Bing's eyes lit up: "You really have powers other than science and technology, but you are hiding it. Hurry up and teach me!"

"It shouldn't be the problem we are talking about now?" Monkey King looked at Liang Bing and said.

"Damn! In the end you still want me to make up with my sister, okay?" Morgana looked upset: "I really can't get along with her!"

Monkey King looked serious: "This is not a reason, and I don't have much time to wrestle with you. It won't be long before I will have a tough battle to fight. I need your strength."

"Who is the goal?" Keisha's expression became serious in an instant. In her opinion, Monkey King was the strongest person in the universe she knew. Even the tough fight he said, she really couldn't imagine how strong it was.

"God, the real God, is not the God you understand, but the God who can create the universe, create the world, and create a dimensional world at will."

"Rely~ It's such an exaggeration?" Liang Bing looked astonished: "There is such an existence in the world? Are you fooling us? Listen to what you mean, aren't we gods?"

"You?" Sun Wukong glanced at Liang Bing and the others: "You are at most just a group of people who control high-tech. You call yourself gods, but how can you be gods? A true god, a single thought can wipe out your existence. Go; one thought can make the so-called technology cease to exist."

"The more you say it, the more exaggerated it is, you should have a look at it!" Liang Bing looked at Monkey King with a deceptive expression, obviously a little unbelievable.

Hexi and the others all have shocked expressions, but they also have a look of suspicion. Such remarks are too incredible for them, and doubts are inevitable. They believe in science. These words are already metaphysics, right?

"Performance?" Monkey King looked at Liang Bing with a smile, and with a thought, her body instantly became thin, from bottom to top, being erased little by little, what divine body, what sacred body, what engine is there At this moment, it completely lost its meaning.

"Damn!" Liangbing was so frightened that he exclaimed: "Stop! Stop~! I believe it! I believe it! Disappeared! I really want to disappear! Monkey King, you really want to kill! me?!"

Monkey King smiled, his mind moved, and Liang Bing's disappeared body reappeared: "Now I know I'm afraid?"

Liang Bing touched the place where he had just disappeared with a look of fear, and stared at Monkey King: "What kind of power is this TM? It can directly erase a person's existence?"

"Rules, everything in the world, everything is within the rules, only what is allowed by the rules can exist, and what is not allowed cannot exist. That is to say, if the science you are talking about is not allowed by the rules, then it cannot exist. Using the power of science, you will lose everything, for example, this way..."

Sun Wukong's thoughts moved again, Kesha and the others' internal engines, divine bodies, etc., disappeared without a trace, their wings disappeared, and they became ordinary ordinary people who couldn't be in ordinary people.

"Damn! This kind of power is too awesome, isn't it?" Morgana's eyes widened in shock: "This queen has been studying the power for tens of thousands of years, but it disappeared in a flash? My sister's research and I All directions are wrong? You denied our efforts as soon as you came?"

Kesha was also silent at the moment. Then she fought Liangbing for tens of thousands of years. As Monkey King said, it was simply meaningless.

Yan and the others also opened their eyes wide. This kind of power is so incredible that it can deny science.

"God..." Keisha looked serious: "If the opponent you are talking about, like you, with the power we control now, how can we help you?"

"I will give you the power of God, but the premise is that you have to reassure me. If it is still like this, you will fight when you meet. I don't worry about giving you this power."

"Don't fight, don't fight, this is a fart!" Liang Bing stared at Monkey King unscrupulously: "Come on, give me that kind of power!"

"What you say now, I don't believe it." Sun Wukong shook his head and refused. He was sure that now let Liang Bing become the lord, the first target will definitely be Kesha: "The war that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, yours The relationship cannot be reconciled all at once, and I do not force it. I will give you some time. Before that, I still have some people to train. I hope that when the time comes, your relationship will improve."

"Damn! Who else are you going to train? Train me! If you don't train the Devil King in front of you, why do you train others? Who is a reliable queen?" Liang Bing looked upset and asked her to make peace with Kesha Well, she is really reluctant.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me." Keisha stared at Liang Bing, her face was very calm, and she said something that surprised everyone: "From the beginning to the end, I have never really hated you. If I can, I will I can make peace with you..."

When Liang Bing heard this, his eyes widened for a moment. Is this the Kesha she knew?Why is it suddenly changed?

"Damn! What do you pretend to be? When you acted on me, you didn't see your hands soft."

Keisha's face was calm: "If I hadn't been soft, you would have died several times."

"..." Liang Bing was silent for a moment. As Keisha said, every time she lost, Keisha had a chance to kill her, but Keisha did not.

Because Liang Bing clearly understood this, she never really thought about killing Kesha in her heart, but she thought about cutting her into several pieces and enjoying the pain she experienced.

But helplessly, the two sisters fought, and gradually became angry, to the point that it was difficult to adjust.

"You, I'm quite relieved." Monkey King looked at Keisha and nodded. He knew why Keisha had been forbearing and his men were merciful, because when he asked Kesha to probe him, Liang Bing would take her in the future. I saw it vaguely, and I was prepared in my heart, so it was naturally easy to accept.

Later, he made a heavy hand on Liang Bing because what she did really angered her...

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