Monkey King turned his head to look at Yan and the angels on the side: "Yan, Zhixin, Keisha, Hexi, all of you, come with me, I will teach you a new set of cultivation system. Science can cultivate a system that belongs to one's true power."

"Damn! Monkey King! Why do you want to exclude me and treat me specially?" Liang Bing heard this, and was instantly upset: "I have to bring this queen this time, isn't it just like Kesha? Are people reconciling, what's the big deal, reconciled, reconciled, can’t you never fight with her again?"

In order to understand the mysterious power that Sun Wukong had previously exerted on her, Liang Bing obviously didn't need any morals, because the great Queen Morgana had such a personality.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Monkey King looked directly at Liang Bing, "Are you sure you can give up all the hatred between each other?"

"Give up, give up." Liang Bing waved his hand boldly: "This queen has no grudges with her. As for grievances, just treat it as a dog bite."

"If you become dumb, maybe I can really tolerate you." At the moment, Keisha's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, her face was dignified and looked towards Liangbing. With her good temperament, somehow, she could always A few words from Liang Bing made him very angry.

"Nah~ah~, Sun Wukong, you saw it, now it’s not that I'm looking for the fault, but my sister is looking for the fault! Just now she kept saying that she can reconcile with me, and now she wants to turn me into a dumb. The woman is very bad." Liang Bing immediately pointed the finger at Kesha and began to complain.

Regarding this, Sun Wukong could only sigh helplessly. I really don’t know how Kaguya Ji educated the two sisters so obediently. The personality that makes a comment from time to time is really a bit big.

Sun Wukong didn't think about it for the time being to make them reconcile. He looked at Liang Bing and said, "You also come together."

"I knew you had a hard mouth and a soft heart!" Liang Bing was overjoyed immediately.

When he came to the place where Kaisha lived, Monkey King taught Kaisha and the others one by one. They were all surprised and emotional about this, but for a while, they entered the craze of cultivation...

In the dark nebula, Karl stood in the temple, quietly looking into the distance, and finally sighed helplessly: "It seems that Morgana is no longer useful."

"My god Carl, why is this?" Howl was puzzled.

"What I didn't expect was that Monkey King would have such a great influence on Keisha and Morgana. His appearance could directly restrain the two sisters who had been fighting with each other for thousands of years, and even repaired it. It is really surprising... Carl muttered to himself, suddenly turned to look at the Howl behind him: "Howl, didn’t you always want me to change the Void Engine for you, it’s not impossible..."

He was addicted to hearing words, and instantly became agitated. He knelt on one knee without hesitation: "My god Carl, if there is any dispatch, please do not hesitate to order!"

"Go to the earth and attack it for me. If the mission is completed, I will give you a true Void Engine."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task!" Howl's face was full of excitement, but without thinking about it, he took the order and got up and left the temple excitedly.

Carl stared at the back of Howl's leaving, his eyes calm and unwavering, as if he was looking at a stupid cannon fodder: "Howl is useless, at best I can only buy a little time. It seems I have to find it. A person who is more suitable for cooperation, otherwise, my theory will not be implemented..."

The general muttering to himself, Carl seemed to feel something. He suddenly saw a huge portal in the temple. A very wretched-looking man walked out from it and approached Karl without any scruples. He looked around the temple and shook his head again and again. : "I said Carl, this is your temple? This is not like a place where God should live, it looks like a simple hut."

Carl directly ignored the other party's words, and said calmly: "Hua Ye, it's surprising that you would come to me, something?"

"I heard that you have a good understanding of the void theory, so I will come over and have a look, and have a cooperation with you by the way. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Cooperation? There seems to be no cooperation factor between you and me. You just want to get technology from me, right?"

"Then you give it or not?" Hua Ye sat down casually and looked at Karl.

"What is your purpose?"

"I heard that Monkey King appeared on the earth, and he even beat Lieyang Star's Pan Zhen. Niubi Niubi, and only Pan Zhen, I had to pay three points when I saw it. It really ended me. The nasty guy of the heavenly order!"

Carl was a little surprised: "Your target is that Monkey King?"

"No, no, now I don't have the guts to be an enemy of him." Hua Ye did not shy away from his timidity and counseling: "Of course, if you can give me enough engines to fight him, I will also There will be a little bit of guts; I know, that Monkey King warned other gods not to enter the earth. This has greatly hindered your plan, right?"

"It seems that you did a lot of homework before coming here." Carl looked at Hua Ye with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"A guy who has taken away everything that belongs to me; a guy who has blocked your way forward. I think we both have a common goal..." Hua Ye flickered his eyes and looked directly at Karl: "Anymore, I You also know that you have lost an ally like Morgana, and now you are in urgent need of a partner for cooperation. What do you think of me?"

"It is my honor to cooperate with King Hua Ye." Carl's face suddenly showed a knowing smile. He was thinking about such a problem, but he didn't expect such a heavyweight to come all of a sudden. Cooperative partner, he doesn't care what Hua Ye's purpose is, as long as his plan can be implemented smoothly, nothing else matters.

"Talking to smart people is refreshing!" Hua Ye stood up suddenly and looked at Karl: "So now, we are already partners, right? Do you have the technology to further improve my engine?"

"How difficult is this? Are you not here for this?"

"Very good, but don't give me any tricks. If you make me aware of something wrong, you know the consequences!"

"Relax, how dare I be rude to King Hua Ye!" ..

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