Hua Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with Carl, and directly hung up the communication, looking at Monkey King with a serious look. A Keisha made him extremely afraid, let alone a more powerful existence than Keisha.

Hua Ye also investigated the departure of Monkey King. After confirming their departure, he dared to come to Angel Nebula. However, the sudden appearance of Monkey King really made him a little panicked. He was horrified by the horrible memory of the moment tens of thousands of years ago. , But he has been lingering nightmare.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and I have also made progress. I am no longer my previous self, and even equipped with a Void Engine. Maybe as Carl said, he may not necessarily lose.

Hua Ye cheered himself up like this, somewhat regaining some courage.

"It really was put on by you! But it doesn't matter..." Hua Ye looked directly at Monkey King, and laughed out loud, "I came prepared too."

With that said, the Void Engine was directly activated, and a black hole was created on the heads of Monkey King and others. The black hole expanded and expanded. In a moment, it formed a huge mouth of darkness enough to swallow everything. The horrible suction burst, together with The spacecraft’s mobility was not enough to resist and was sucked in a little bit...

Countless angels were unable to stabilize their figures under this terrifying suction, and they were drawn to the direction of the black hole...Some grabbed the building and were struggling to support...

In front of such a natural disaster-grade black hole, even an angel can do nothing.

"Unexpectedly, Hua Ye has mastered the black hole technique..." Hexi clung to the building next to him, and said solemnly to Monkey King who was still motionless next to him: "Master Wukong, think of a way, or we will all be sucked in. …"

"No need to be nervous, I won't let these lovely angels sacrifice in vain." Monkey King smiled and waved his hand. The angels who had been sucked into the black hole suddenly stopped their bodies and were no longer affected by the black hole's suction. influences.

"This, this is?!!!" The angels looked at Monkey King full of surprises and doubts, and at the same time full of gratitude and admiration. They knew very well that it was Master Monkey King who would save them.

"What kind of technology is this? Or is it something else?" Hexi released his grasp of the building, and after feeling the slightest impact of his absence from the black hole, he looked at Monkey King with surprise and curiosity.

"A simple technique, not a great ability." Monkey King said with a calm expression.

"Uh~ Isn't this a great ability?" Hexi and the others were all dumbfounded, looking at the indifferent expression of Monkey King, they were all speechless, even the suction of the black hole could be ignored. Isn't it awesome enough?So what can be called awesome?

"But as soon as you come up, you open up, which is boring! Or, are you afraid that you don’t even have the courage to fight me?" Monkey King turned his head to look at Hua Ye, but saw Hua Ye’s situation. It's terrible, and they still have the heart to care about them. At this moment, they are holding onto the hull of the spacecraft in an embarrassing manner, and resisting the black hole that he will be sucked away. The level of inner activity is almost 10,000 grass and mud horses running past. , Greeted Carl’s eighteenth-generation ancestors: "Go to your mother Carl, you have been cheated by that bastard again!"

Obviously, the black hole is not divided between us and the enemy, even he himself was slapped.

"Wang! Save me!!"

Suddenly, a startled breath caught Hua Ye's attention. He tilted his head to look, but saw that Sumari had been sucked in the direction of the black hole. Hua Ye was shocked, barely hesitating, and let go of the hand holding the hull. , A few dashes rushed out in the direction of Sumari, grabbed his hand at the critical moment, and then plunged one hand into the ground, struggling to support not being sucked away by the black hole.

"Wang, we have to leave quickly, or even we ourselves will be sucked into the black hole!" Sumari tightly grasped Hua Ye's hand and looked at the black hole behind him with a look of fear.

This situation makes people feel so touched.

"That bastard Carl didn't say that it would look like this after opening the black hole!" Hua Ye was angry: "When we go back, we will fuck him!"

"Wang, look at those angels!" Sumari suddenly looked in the direction of Monkey King and the others with a look of astonishment.

"What, what is going on? Why are they not affected by the black hole at all?!" Hua Ye tilted his head to look at it with a look of astonishment.

Monkey King looked at Hua Ye and Sumali with great interest, and said jokingly: "Yo~ Hua Ye, I don’t see, the relationship between the two of you is really extraordinary! Don’t look for any queen, just After Sumali is sealed, he won't get it."

"That's it, seeing you so desperately to save Sumali, even I was moved." Ruoning also joked out from the side: "Sumali, aren't you moved? Didn't you say something to your king? "

"..." Both Sumari and Hua Ye were furious, but they tried their best to withstand the black hole behind them, and they had no intention to talk back.

Similarly, my heart is extremely puzzled, why the black hole can't have any effect on them?What method did the Monkey King use?Can you ignore the black hole suction?This doesn't make sense!It makes no sense!What kind of technology can be unaffected by this horrible suction?This completely breaks common sense.

"Wang, leave the rest alone, let's leave as soon as possible, or we won't be able to leave!"

"You're right, this Monkey King is too evil!" Hua Ye looked solemnly: "It's still the same as before. It's scary and powerless!"

As he said, he was about to turn on the micro wormhole technology and teleported away, but he was surprised to find that the micro wormhole was not opened. This made Hua Ye shocked and used it several times continuously, but it still didn't work. Panicked: "Why, what's going on? Why can't the microwormhole be opened?" In the exclaim, he almost subconsciously looked at Monkey King: "Monkey King, did you do something?"

Monkey King's figure flashed and appeared in front of Hua Ye, looking at him with a smile on his face: "It's nothing, I just think that you want to leave such a big black hole here, so you can't do it, at least you have to accompany me. Let’s play it, you can’t give up halfway~"

Hua Ye swallowed his saliva subconsciously and looked at Monkey King: "You, how did you avoid the black hole?"

Monkey King smiled: "Is it difficult? Some people are not afraid of thunder and fire, so is it strange that they are immune to wind, gravity, and suction?"

"Isn't this strange?" Hua Ye looked confused, immune to gravity and suction?What technology is this?

"You don't understand what you said, let's continue." ..

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