Monkey King looked at Hua Ye with a smile on his face: "You like playing black holes, so I will play black holes with you."

With that said, Monkey King's figure flashed, he already appeared next to Hexi, and a throne appeared behind him. While sitting casually, he snapped his fingers lightly, and Yu Huaye instantly revealed eight black holes in all directions. , Surrounded them, and the horrible suction surged, Hua Ye and Sumari instantly rose into the air, as if torn apart by five horses, they let out a miserable cry.

The sturdy spaceship was also torn apart by the suction of the Bafang black hole in an instant, and the scum on it was torn into a bloody mist...

At this moment, the wind and clouds are changing, the thunderclouds are rolling and falling, a scene of apocalypse, and the whole space begins to tremble with anxiety, as if the world is on the verge of collapse at any time.

The eight black holes summoned by Monkey King, plus the one summoned by Hua Ye, total nine. The power of the nine black holes is beyond measure.

"Master Wu, Wukong, is this a bit too much..." Hexi swallowed, looking at the nine black holes, but she was at peace in her mind, she was shocked now: "Even if you want to play, don't Make such a big movement, Angel Nebula can't stand you playing like this!"

"Don't worry, Angel Nebula will not be involved." Sun Wukong smiled and patted the space beside him: "Come on, sit down, don't be so nervous, let's enjoy Hua Ye's'dancing posture' together."

"You are really nasty..." Hexi was silent, and the terrible black hole in front of her made her not in the mood to go to the theater.

The sucking force of the nine black holes released from each other made the space within its range become unstable, a burst of distortions and changes, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

And Hua Ye’s Tiangong Hao, which was in it, had long been torn apart, and the scum on it had all perished. Only the three triangles were still supporting them, and there were waves of invisible fluctuations all over the body. They were analyzing the black hole, but their bodies had already cracked, and they seemed to be broken.

In Guan Huaye and Sumali, the whole body was dripping with blood, and Sumali was torn off, and looked extremely miserable.

"I have surrendered!! I have surrendered!! Monkey, Lord Monkey King! Hurry up and take away your magical powers! I surrendered!!" Hua Ye, who had already felt that his divine body was about to be torn apart, was full of surprise. Fearing and panicking, he looked at the location of Monkey King and screamed without discipline.

This kind of fear that the body was torn a little bit, even a god could not bear it.

The current Hua Ye is so regretful that his intestines are all green. Why did he come to Angel Nebula when he was idle? Isn’t it okay to be his wild king? He created one black hole to be the limit, but Monkey King waved his hand and created eight. How can he play with this perversion?

"Surrender? No, no, no..." Monkey King smiled, "Do you think that after accepting your surrender once, I will accept the second time? Instead of doing such useless work, you should think about how to save your life. Well, in this case, if you can escape, I can promise to let you go."

"..." Hua Ye was silent, looking at Monkey King and begged: "Master Monkey King, why don't you just stop playing? How can I escape in this case? You clearly want him to die."

"Know and ask."

"..." Hua Ye was speechless for a while, his words were so straightforward.

Hexi looked at the black hole in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he became frightened. One black hole was enough to destroy this area, and even sucked in the Angel Nebula, let alone nine, but there were obviously nine black holes in front of him. In addition to the terrible attraction where Hua Ye is located, these nine black holes have no influence on the outside world at all, which is extremely unreasonable.

In this regard, Hexi could only fix his gaze on Monkey King. For tens of thousands of years, she and Keisha had studied together. She thought she was very close to Monkey King, but when faced with Monkey King, they were shocked to discover. The achievements he has achieved are not even comparable to his fur.

The created black hole still has a halo?Does not hurt yourself?Where to fight, this incredible power has already surpassed her understanding of science; can the mentality he taught them really achieve this level?

As for the other angels, they can only stare blankly, and the wonders in front of them have completely shocked them.

It really deserves to be the only male god in their Angel Nebula legend. He is so powerful that the former king of angels turned out to be a toy that he could play with at will in front of him.

Heart-piercing screams echoed in their ears from time to time. Under the gaze of countless angels, Tianzhu Wang Huaye and Sumari, the divine body was torn and shattered...

Even when he was begging for mercy, Monkey King was indifferent. When he molested Ruoning in front of him, he had already labeled Hua Ye a mortal.

The wailing and screaming became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely until there was no scum left.

Monkey King snapped his fingers again, and the nine black holes retracted and disappeared at the same time, and the place was calm again.

Hexi and the other angels were silently looking at the empty space in front of them, silently, all the scum they hated had disappeared at this moment, which was as incredible as a dream.

Looking at Monkey King's body here, they all appeared in awe.

However, Monkey King looked at the emptiness ahead, but his face showed interest: "It's not bad, in that case, it can still save a life. The triangle is worthy of being able to compare with the angels. Smart life."

"There are still triangles alive?" Hexi and the others were taken aback, looking at Monkey King's eyes.

Perhaps it was because I heard that I was discovered, I saw a triangular body floating in front of everyone in the slight fluctuation of the space ahead.

Lingxi looked shocked: "How did he escape in that situation?"

Monkey King explained indifferently: "Although I have sealed off the space in this area, I cannot use the micro wormhole technique that you said, but if you hide your body in your own space, it's a different matter. By coincidence, this triangle seems to have its own space, and his evolution is a bit interesting."

The triangular body faced the Monkey King's direction and did not escape. Instead, it sent out segments of brain waves at Monkey King, and his body was shaking up and down from time to time.

Ruoning, who has studied the triangle body for a while, clearly understood what he meant: "Master Wukong, he is begging you for mercy and seeking your shelter. He wants to worship you as the Lord." ..

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