The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 42: Crocodile God Team

Monkey King landed on the ground and looked at the place where he had stayed before and left a lot of memories, but now it has become a ruin, somewhat emotional.

"Here?" Ruoning couldn't help asking when seeing Sun Wukong's expression. It was the first time she saw this expression on Sun Wukong's face.

"Super Seminary."

Ruoning was a little surprised: "Is this the Earth's Super Theological Academy? I didn't expect that even the Super Theological Academy was destroyed. It seems that the situation on the earth is indeed very bad."

"Look at it, what did we find?" Suddenly, behind a few people came a very wretched laugh: "Angel? I didn't expect there are angels on the earth? Angel cuties, I heard that your Queen Keisha also ran away with the man, how about it? If you want to cast aside the light and cast the dark, just follow us, hahaha~~~"

The four demons laughed very unscrupulously, which made Lingxi and their eyebrows slightly wrinkled. Originally, their sense of devil was not good, but now it is even worse. But because of the relationship between Monkey King, devil and angel The war had been truce, so even though they were angry, they did not act immediately.

Sun Wukong was indifferent to this: "Sure enough, without Morgana's constraints, your demons are just a bunch of immoral rubbish."

"Moral? What is that?" The demon who spoke with a beating look like: "Oh, yes, it seems to be a word that has always been on the lips of human beings... But we demons are a race that yearns for freedom, do whatever we want, what do we want, Just do it, I don’t need such troublesome things..."

"Hello~~ Have you noticed that the red-haired man seems a bit familiar?"

"Yeah~ Looks a bit like the Monkey King who abducted our Queen Morgana?"

"How could this guy be the Monkey King? It should be his admirer. He looks a bit like him. The Monkey King doesn't know where to play with Queen Morgana and Queen Keisha now~"

"That's the same~"

Monkey King looked at the four demons in front of him with a calm expression. The IQs of these guys seemed to be lacking. He immediately ordered: "Fanxing, Lingxi, clean them up. Keeping this kind of garbage will only pollute the air. "

Fanxing and Lingxi hesitated a little when they heard the words: "Um, Lord Wukong, didn't our angel and the devil have reached a truce? If we do..."

"I implemented the treaty, so I can tear it up. Let's do it."

Fanxing and Lingxi glanced at each other, their expressions instantly became serious, and immediately summoned their own sword of flames: "Understood!"

"Hello~~ Did I misheard? Those angels seem to be called the male Goku-sama?"

"He won't really be Master Monkey King, right?"

The four demons immediately panicked as soon as they heard what Lingxi and the others called Monkey King, and saw that they had summoned the sword of flames. They immediately puffed and knelt to the ground, begging for mercy without any discipline: "Forgive me! Monkey King! My lord! We are the crocodile squad belonging to Queen Morgana, our own!"

Sun Wukong still has a plain face: "Your existence will only discredit Morgana, and have killed a lot of human beings, right? Let's apologize with death!"

Hearing the words, the devil looked at each other, they all understood the meaning and fear of each other, no longer had the slightest hesitation, turned and leaped to escape...

Fanxing and Lingxi didn't say a word, their wings spread between their backs, and they flashed behind the two demons at a faster speed. The sword of flames in their hands penetrated through their hearts almost simultaneously...

When the other two demons saw this, they were shocked. They are just ordinary demon warriors. How can they be compared with elite battle angels? What's more, there is a terrifying existence behind that even their queen is indistinguishable. When threatened, they couldn't produce the slightest heart of resistance. They could only look into the distance and screamed: "Master Thornton, help!!!"

"Thornton? Is that crocodile still alive?" Monkey King was a little surprised when he heard this.

"En?" Thornton had just walked out of a supermarket with a shovel of meat on the street a kilometer away from here. After hearing the call for help, he looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but froze slightly: "Angels? Are there angels on earth?" No matter whether you are an angel or something, you can't move my brother!"

As he said, Thornton threw all the snacks in his hand on the ground, and stepped on the ground under his feet, like an arrow from the string, rising up and down: "Brother, don't be afraid, I'm here!!"

"It's really that crocodile." Monkey King looked at the sound and figure that ran across the sky at an astonishing speed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Fanxing and Lingxi saw that each other had a helper. They didn't seem to be weak, so they didn't dare to hesitate. Their wings flickered, and they didn't leave any hands. They pursued the remaining two demons again...

Seeing that the two demons were about to be slashed under the flame sword, Thornton was anxious: "Stop moving my brother! Look at the axe!" In a shout, Thornton threw the weapon in his hand directly...

The corner of Fanxing's eyes glanced at him, and he saw a streamer spinning and shining, flying towards him, and immediately abandoned the demon in front of him. The sword of flame in his hand was about to block the flying projectile, but it looked like the demon who had escaped before him. Seeing the machine suddenly turned back, the black ball in his hand condensed and threw it directly at her.

Out of instinct, Fanxing subconsciously took the sword of flame in his hand and shot the ball of black light, but he had already lost the sharp weapon that blocked the thrown.

Thornton's weapon, even Morgana's divine body can easily be cut off, let alone the angelic body of the stars. If this is implemented, the stars will definitely be split in half, and the fragrance will disappear.

"Is this the fate of Fanxing..." Monkey King said to himself when he saw this. He had already seen through the fate of Fanxing that he died at the hands of Thornton, but since he was hit by him, he would never let it happen.

He appeared in front of Fanxing almost teleportedly, Monkey King only caught the flying weapon with his two fingers in his eclipse, and looked indifferently in Thornton's direction: "Thornton, you seem to be looking for death. "

"Uh~ Does this sound sound familiar?" Thornton was stunned for a while, shading with one hand, and looking forward seriously with a serious look on his face, so that his whole body was shaking: "Sun, Monkey King?!!!"

Monkey King played with Thornton’s weapon and flicked lightly. The demon in front of him had already fallen into two halves and fell to the ground, but Monkey King did not look at him from the beginning to the end. Instead, he looked at Thornton’s direction with both eyes: "You seem I don't know how to be polite at all, do you need me to teach you?"

"No, no, no need, Master Monkey King." Thornton immediately begged for mercy with a naive face, and then knelt on his knees very simply: "I admit defeat, I admit my mistake, I don't know it is you!" ..

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