"If I knew it was you, I wouldn't do it!"

Thornton's confessional and silly critique made Monkey King a little bit unbearable to start when he saw it: "You haven't done anything bad, right?"

"Bad thing?" Thornton thought about it very seriously, and said, "Doesn't you pay for shopping in the supermarket?"

"What do you mean!" Fanxing stared at Thornton with an angry face.

Thornton looked silly and approving: "It's not that I don't want to give it to me. There is no one in the supermarket. Moreover, even if someone sees me, they all run away. They are afraid of me and call me. Before, I ate them early, but Queen Morgana said that she was not allowed to do anything with humans, so I didn't touch them."

Although this crocodile looked a little silly, it was quite obedient.

Monkey King: "Alright, since Morgana is not there, then you can follow me temporarily."

"Don't do it, don't think that Queen Morgana listens to you, I will listen to you, I only promised Queen Morgana, but didn't promise to follow you." The crocodile looked like death.

Without saying anything, Sun Wukong stepped forward and slapped him into the ground with a'slap' slap, bending over was a rogue beating, Lingxi and the others who looked aside were shocked, it seemed hard to believe them, their tall Sun Wukong My lord, he can still play like this. This is not a male god, but a hooligan.

A few minutes later, looking at Thornton, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, and a well-behaved face sitting on the ground, Monkey King said indifferently, "Are there any objections?"

"No, no..." Thornton shook his head obediently, and he was able to make an expression pack like a good kid: "You have big fists, I listen to you."

It is useless to reason with this kind of nasty criticism, only fist is the absolute reason.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the east, and several robot-like guys were shooting at the ground with the changing muzzle of their right hand...

"It's gluttonous!" Lingxi and Fanxing's expressions became serious in an instant. As angels, when they saw someone doing evil, the justice in their hearts immediately burst: "Master Wukong!"

"Go." Sun Wukong didn't have any objections to this, but he felt that the earth now is really not so good. He can see these destroyers and invaders everywhere, which makes him very unhappy.

Of course, this is not his sense of justice, but he has said before that this earth is covered by his Monkey King, but not long after this was said, the earth ushered in such a large-scale invasion. Slap him in the face, this is really unbearable.

"Yes!" Fanxing and Lingxi spread their wings immediately and left...

Fanxing, as a disciple of Blazing Flame, has also been gifted by Monkey King. He has been promoted to a high-level angel of the same level as Zhixin. Faced with a few gluttonous warriors, it is naturally not a problem. His body flashes in the air. Cut the two gluttons into two pieces.

Seeing this, Lingxi was somewhat envious. Before she met Master Monkey King, Fanxing was a new fighter like her, but in a blink of an eye, the gap with her was so big.

Although there were distracting thoughts in his heart, Lingxi's actions were not sloppy, piercing a gluttonous chest with a sword, causing it to fall to the ground.

"It's an angel! Please pay attention to all units! Find an angel, find an angel! Quickly analyze their specific information!"

"...According to the information, the angel on the left is a third-generation high-level angel; the one on the right is not very threatening."

"The third generation of high-ranking angels?! Is it the God of Fire or the God of Thunder?"

"It doesn't seem to be, I haven't seen this face!"

"...In the face of the third generation of high-ranking angels, ordinary fighters have no chance of winning. The Langao team applied for the use of armor-piercing bullets to attack the target!"

"God-killing armor-piercing bullets are allowed, and you must defeat the target!"

It was only a moment, and Taotiefang had already understood all the information about Fanxing and Lingxi, and made effective preparations.

However, Fanxing and Lingxi didn't know all of this at all. Faced with the devastating gluttony, they launched a thunderous tactic, and the seven gluttonous squads were solved by them within a few minutes.

But it was too late to be happy. With the sound of a sniper, Fan Xing's body tilted to the side in vain, and a beautiful blood flower exploded in his temple...


Lingxi instantly exclaimed, but what was waiting for her was the same fate...

"Do you want to... die?" At the moment when Lingxi fell, watching the vague figure of Monkey King and his group approaching, she felt her consciousness getting darker and darker...

"Huh~ I'm looking for death!!" Ruoning looked at the fallen Stars and Lingxi, her expression cold, her figure instantly disappeared into the void, and she appeared behind the gluttonous sniper in an instant, with a ruthless sword that split into two. half.

Thornton also decisively threw the weapon in his hand, cutting off all the surrounding gluttons to the first level.

"How should I put it, I'm a little disappointed." Monkey King walked to Fanxing, squatting down and looking at her: "A normal team of gluttonous squads can kill you. This kind of care is not worth it."

The reason why Monkey King didn't save them in time was to make them feel the danger. They never knew how to stay vigilant without experiencing life and death.

Fanxing opened his mouth, but could not make a sound.

Ruoning's figure flashed, and she appeared beside Sun Wukong holding Lingxi: "She was seriously injured. If she is not treated in time, she may be in danger of life..."

"It's okay, with me, it's hard to die." Monkey King stretched out his hand, a white light condensed in his palm, Fanxing and Lingxi were bathed in soft white light, and the brain wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fanxing and Lingxi hurriedly got up and knelt in front of Monkey King on one knee: "I'm sorry, Lord Wukong, we are careless..."

Monkey King looked at Fanxing: "Forget Lingxi, you have been promoted to the third-generation super soldier by me, and you will be shot by an ordinary gluttonous soldier. You really shouldn't."

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Fanxing turned pale when he heard the words, lowered his head nervously, and blamed himself.

She was really careless just now, and she didn't expect that gluttony would even have something like a god-killing armor-piercing bullet.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and patted Fanxing and Lingxi's shoulders: "Forget it, just learn from this lesson. Don't make the same mistake next time."

"Yes!" Fanxing and Lingxi nodded immediately, and their voices were extremely firm. This was the first time they met with this sniper tactic, and they would inevitably be caught.

But at this moment, the sound of the propellers of the plane suddenly sounded in the distant sky. Monkey King looked up and just saw three planes flying towards them, and saw the people on the plane. There was a slight smile on his face...

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