The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 44 The Three Friends of Durban

This place is both demon and gluttonous, and naturally it has attracted the attention of the government. It is natural to send super soldiers here.

Those who were dispatched here were Sun Wukong’s acquaintances, commonly known as the Three Friends of Durban, Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, and Cheng Yaowen.

At the door of the airplane cabin, Xin Zhao looked down, and couldn't help but wonder: "Xiao Lun, didn't you mean that the angels were all taken away by Wukong? Why are there angels on earth?"

"Where are you looking? You only know the angels. Who is the person behind them?"

"Damn! Isn't that Big Brother Wukong? He's back?!" Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen both yelled excitedly. Before the plane stopped, they couldn't wait to climb down from the sky, and then went to the Monkey King. He flew in the same direction: "Big Brother Wukong, you are finally back! We can miss you!"

Seeing Sanjiyou who leaped towards him like a wolf and a tiger, Monkey King silently raised his right foot, and with a'pop', Xin Zhao at the forefront made a close contact with his sole with his face. It froze as if hitting the door panel for an instant.

Seeing Cheng Yaowen from behind, Ge Xiaolun hurriedly braked and wiped the ground for a few meters before stabilizing his figure, but he was lucky to avoid the same fate as Xin Zhao.

"You guys are very enthusiastic." Monkey King looked at the three with a plain face. Compared with the way they remembered, they now have less youthfulness and amusing energy from the academy, and more mature and stable. It looks like a warrior at last.

"Excited, excited." Xin Zhao touched the back of his head with embarrassment, and stepped back.

"Great, Brother Wukong, your return is too timely. If you are there, we don't need to be afraid of those gluttonous legions." Ge Xiaolun's expression of excitement strongly restrained the urge to rush to and embrace Monkey King. , Because he knows the character of Monkey King very well, as long as he dares to rush over, he will definitely turn into a parabola and fly into the distance.

"Are you embarrassed to say this?" Monkey King looked at the three with a slightly displeased look: "You guys have been trained by me for a period of time. You can't even do a bunch of gluttons? You really lost my face."

Ge Xiaolun looked embarrassed: "There is no way. The opponent's weapon is too advanced, even the sacred martial arts. Even if we have a divine body, there are too few who can fight, and we can't hold it!"

Monkey King heard the words, was silent, looked at Ge Xiaolun and found that he hadn't even started the Anti-Void Engine. Sure enough, because of him, this guy hasn't gotten much improvement since he left. After all, he took all the angels away. No one taught him, let him develop it himself with Ge Xiaolun's IQ?Then wash and sleep.

And most of the super soldiers trained were taken away by Monkey King; even more indirectly led to the earth without the help of angels. Faced with the invasion of the gluttonous army, it can be said to be retreating steadily, which has become the current situation.

Had it not been for the earth to have a fight to defeat the Buddha, I am afraid it would have fallen.

"Ducao should be alive?" Monkey King looked at Ge Xiaolun and asked.

"I'm still alive." Ge Xiaolun looked at Monkey King with this mind, why did he ask?Could something happen to General Ducao?

"That's fine." Sun Wukong nodded, it seems that because of his relationship, Du Kao was not killed by Morgana, it is no wonder that the earth can persist until now under the invasion of gluttony.

"Let's go, take me to your headquarters."

"Sure, get on the plane!" Ge Xiaolun and the others immediately looked excited. They believed that with the participation of Big Brother Wukong, the opportunity for the earth to counterattack had arrived. Soon, the gluttonous army would be completely defeated.

As for Thornton who followed on the plane together, Ge Xiaolun did not ask too much, because they all knew that Thornton was under Morgana, and the relationship between Monkey King and Morgana, Thornton is following him now. It's strange.

Flying all the way to the headquarters, Ge Xiaolun and the others have always been in a state of excitement, talking endlessly to Monkey King about his departure...

Just when Monkey King felt a little annoying, he suddenly looked at a small alley below the city and said, "Wait, stop here."

"What's the matter? Big Brother Wukong?" Ge Xiaolun followed Sun Wukong's gaze with curiosity, but found nothing in the empty alley.

"You wait for me here." Monkey King did not answer, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in the alley. He walked straight to a container. After putting aside the outside obstructions, he saw a petite figure. Suddenly rushed out, holding the injured fruit knife and stabbed at the point of Monkey King without hesitation.

"At a young age, it's really cruel to start." Monkey King smiled, pinched the fruit knife with two fingers, and snatched it with a little force, then squeezed her back collar casually, and lifted it up in the air. Only then did she see her whole picture.

This is a little girl who doesn’t seem to be more than ten years old. She is dirty and covered with dirt. She looks like a beggar and is very pitiful. However, her big bright eyes are very energetic, but Now, it is full of panic and fear.

"Survivors?" Ge Xiaolun and others who got off the plane were taken aback, but they were also full of curiosity: "Strange, our detection equipment doesn't show anyone here?"

Monkey King looked at the struggling little girl, and smiled: "Because of fear and instinctively wanting to protect myself, he stimulated his potential and concealed himself."

"Potential ability?" Cheng Yaowen looked surprised: "She won't be like us?"

"Let go of me!" The little girl looked fierce, turned around, grabbed Monkey King's arm and bit down.

"Presumptuous!" When Ruoning saw this, she was furious and wanted to do it, but she was stopped by Monkey King: "What is your strength with a child? Her behavior is only because of fear."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaolun immediately explained: "Little girl, we are the super soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. We are not bad guys. You don't need to be afraid."

"Xiong Bing Company? I heard my grandmother say that Xiong Bing Company's people are good people..." The little girl was taken aback for a moment, and released her mouth that was biting Monkey King's arm: "Are you really Xing Bing Company?"

"Of course, you look at our equipment, but only the male soldiers have it."

"Yes, but why do you stay with monsters? Even though I'm still young, you can't lie to me!" The little girl pointed to Thornton behind, with a scared expression on her face.

Thornton was immediately unhappy: "I am not a monster, my name is Thornton, I am the god of the earth." ..

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