The two people kept moving and turned into shadows. The'bang bang' fists and feet banged, faster and faster, and the roar became louder and louder. At this moment, the ring that had never been greatly destroyed finally could not bear the confrontation between the two. Boom and began to split and collapse.

All the players did not dare to breathe in the atmosphere, staring straight at the arena, not wanting to miss every detail, shocked.

The test, which has always seemed mediocre, finally became intense at this moment, and the whole king kept shouting "oh oh" and seemed very happy.


The collision continued, the ground vibrated, and the void roared. Golden Frieza and Gillian came and went, and their figures loomed and collided around the ring from time to time. The ground shattered in a flash wherever they passed.

The current ring, but specially made by the great priest, still cannot withstand this level of collision.

Seeing this, the Destroyer of Universe Eleven changed his expression slightly: "Among the players in Universe Seven, there are still players who can play with Gillian for so long?!"

Topo looked serious: "Golden Frieza is indeed very strong, but it is still close to Gillian."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Golden Frieza suddenly hit his abdomen with a punch by Gillian, and then greeted him with a continuous attack. When it fell to the ground, it made up another shot like a vitality bullet. Giant energy cannon.

In an instant, the ring was roaring, and the explosion of the gas bomb emitted brilliant waves of destruction, spreading outward in a circular shape, and the momentum was shocking.

Seeing this situation, the other players couldn't help but change their colors. Many people were frightened. The Eleven Universe’s Gillian seemed to be a little tougher than imagined.

When everything calms down, the golden Frieza in the big pit is presented to everyone. Compared with the golden figure before, it now looks very embarrassed, with many bruises all over the body. It seems to be in Jilian. Under the bombing of that [Giant Energy Cannon], it was already injured.

"You guy! Absolutely unforgivable!!!"

Golden Frieza's expression of anger was distorted at this moment. Because of his anger, his breath rose in a straight line, his muscles swelled, and his body was raised by a section.

The whole body was shining with golden light, just like being made of gold, and the golden Frieza became even more dazzling.

"Oh~ Have you completely controlled this transformation." At this, Monkey King smiled and looked at Gula beside him: "Last time we met, he hasn't reached this level yet."

Gu La's face remained unchanged: "This is the result of Frieza's practice in the past half month."

Monkey King said calmly: "The cultivation talent of your Frozen race is indeed good, no, it should be said that Frieza's cultivation talent is good. Of course, you and Gu Ge are particularly victorious."

"You are absurd, we are actually not much different from Frieza." Gu Ge's face was calm, and it seemed that he didn't have the insidious arrogance of Frieza.

In the field, Golden Frieza had already confronted Gillian once again. This time, the soaring energy of Golden Frieza actually blasted Ji Lian out after dozens of punches.

You know, the strength of Golden Frieza is better than that of Super Blue, and Frieza, who perfectly controls the power of this transformation, has further improved its power, which is naturally a big part of Super Blue.

Ji Lian stood up from the pit with a face of indifference, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more high. He was not injured, even if there were no injuries.

I glanced at the time, unknowingly, had already consumed most of it.

"You are very strong, and it is worth my all-out effort to respond."

In an instant, the atmosphere here was enveloped by an extremely terrifying repressive aura. A layer of red light suddenly appeared in Ji Lian's body, covering the surface of his body. At this moment, his aura was so strong that it made people palpitate.

Golden Frieza felt this terrible aura, and his complexion suddenly became difficult to look. This guy, from start to finish, hadn't even exerted his full strength!

"Cut! Bluff!!"

Golden Frieza roared, facing Ji Lian whose energy had completely exploded, he still didn't dare at all, and rushed towards Ji Lian with a bold face.

The sky shook the sky and the golden light bloomed!


Ji Lian stepped down with one foot, and flashed again to confront Golden Frieza.

Continuous destruction attacks collided, and the already broken arena was finally unable to withstand the confrontation between the two and was completely broken.

Without the ring, there would be no place to stand, and the air dance technique could not be used. The actions of Gillian and Golden Frieza were immediately severely restricted, and they could only use the ring gravel as a stepping point to perform once. Violent bumps.

When all the players saw this scene, they all looked at the great priest.

The great priest did not expect that the ring he made would shatter so quickly, he could not help but glanced at the king, and saw that he was still happy and completely attracted by the battle, and immediately had an idea: "Since the ring is not there, no restrictions The rule of using the dance technique is cancelled. Two contestants, please fight as much as you like until the time is over and the winner is determined."

It's the organizer who can modify the rules at will. It's that wayward.

Upon hearing this, Golden Frieza and Gillian immediately performed their air dance skills and began to collide in the air without any scruples, exploding in the strongest posture.

The wreckage of the four rings was blown apart by the aftermath and disappeared completely.

However, the strength of Golden Frieza is indeed not as good as Jilian in its heyday. Although the battle is fierce, Gillian in its heyday has always had the upper hand in the face of Golden Frieza.

As the frequency of being attacked increased, Golden Frieza's breath began to decrease, until in the end, it was stabilized by Gillian.

"I'm going to lose..."

Gu Ge looked at the court, frowned slightly, and stared at Ji Lian stubbornly. There was an unprecedented fighting intent in his eyes. Can't even the full-strength Golden Frieza win.

"It seems that there are still one or two masters in this power conference." Nok's eyes flashed with dangerous light, he stared at Ji Lian straightly, and wanted to jump on the court to fight him.

Golden Frieza, who had already suffered defeat, struggled again for more than ten minutes. In the final match with Gillian, he was blasted into the restricted area under the ring, and was sent out to end the game.

Although the ring is gone, the restricted area still exists. As long as it falls into the restricted area and is teleported out, it is still eliminated.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!" Frieza, who was teleported to the audience, suddenly roared with unwilling anger: "The king will lose! The king will lose!!!"

"Shut up." Monkey King looked at Frieza with a flat face, and he lost and yelled at him.


Frieza's angry roar stopped abruptly, and Monkey King's plain tone made him instantly cold, and fear spread in his heart...

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