The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 42 I'm Not Scary


When the players of the Eleventh Universe saw Frieza being teleported to the audience, their faces all showed a happy and natural look. How could Gillian lose?

However, when they saw Frieza's silence in front of Monkey King, all of them were surprised: "Who is that person? Can you scare Frieza like that? He also made Gillian take it seriously. Opponent to treat."

"It seems that the rumors may be true." The eleventh universe was so destructive that the god of destruction looked at Monkey King with an extremely solemn expression.

"What's the rumor?" Tuo Po and others all looked over with delicious taste.

Wei Meide looked at Monkey King with a serious expression: "It is rumored that Birus, the god of destruction in the seventh universe, was killed by a Saiyan. I am afraid that Saiyan is him..."

"Wh, what?!!!"

The expressions of Tuopo and others changed drastically, and they were all dumbfounded, killing the god of destruction?What a joke!Even if it is as strong as Gillian, it can't be done!

Ji Lian, who had just teleported back to the audience of the Eleventh Universe, was slightly taken aback when he heard this. He couldn't help but glanced at Monkey King. His eyes became extremely deep. Has he defeated the God of Destruction?

Looking at Gillian's state, there was no sign of fatigue. After playing with Golden Frieza for so long, it seemed that he still had reservations about his strength.

"Better than, better than the Destroyer! How can I fight this?" Ties' eyes widened, with a hell expression: "There are such strong players in the seventh universe? Make sure that their cosmic level is not as good as the first. Is the one, five, eight, and twelfth universes flat?!!!"

Tasty shook his head: "The Seventh Universe is also a strong man, but the average level is still far from the other four universes."

"What are you afraid of, don't we also have a god of destruction here?" Keitel fixed his eyes on Topo's body, cheering for the players.

Hearing this, Tuo broke a bitter smile on his face, brother, you value me too much, I can't even fight Gillian, how can I fight that person?Moreover, he is just a candidate for the Destroyer God, he hasn't stepped into that state yet.

Frieza's attitude towards Monkey King silenced the players in other universes. He originally thought that Frieza was already strong enough. He didn't expect that the Seventh Universe would have something more terrifying.

This seventh universe seems to be beyond imagination.

"But~ it's better than me. You have the ability to scare others! What an ability to scare me!" Frieza felt the horror breath that Monkey King was pressing on him in a cold sweat, although that breath was not Rage, but in his perception, it made his soul tremble, his whole body became stiff because of fear, and he lost all fighting spirit. This kind of strength has completely exceeded the scope of his understanding, and he couldn't help but feel aggrieved at the moment. Tucao made a sound.

"I have tried my best, but there is still no way I can fight." Frieza felt that he was wronged, and when he thought of the consequences of losing, he became even more depressed. When the conference is over, he will be forever. Staying in the so-called heaven, thinking about it, Frieza glared at Gillian with extremely bitter eyes.

This sense of horror of being stared at by the poisonous snake made Gillian frowned slightly, and looked at Frieza, with some doubts in his heart. Didn't it mean that he lost the game and could still give birth to hatred?Immediately, he directly chose to ignore it.

The great priest looked at the empty venue, waved his hand, and saw that the originally broken arena seemed to have been turned back in time, and once again appeared intact in front of everyone: "Everyone, the result of the fourth game has come out. , The winner is Gillian of the Eleventh Universe; players from the fifth game are invited to enter."

As for disturbing time is a taboo, it's just a taboo for others, and it's natural for big guys.

Monkey King got up and stood up: "I'll do this."

Hearing this, Manda immediately looked at Monkey King: "Boss, you are our leader, shouldn't it be the finale?"

"Fuck it, there are not many decent opponents. Finish things early and finish work early." Monkey King said, stepping forward and holding his name on the table, his figure flashed, and he was already the first one to enter.

Kalifra looked at the Monkey King in the field, her eyes lit up suddenly: "Wow~ That Monkey King is on the stage, Kaier, come on, this time you go, you must learn the transformation skill from him."

Kale teased his fingers shyly: "But, sister, what can I do?"

"How is it possible! You are super awesome!"

Bados looked at Kyle with a weak face and said: "It's better not to let her go now. If Kyle can be favored by Master Wukong, there must be something extraordinary. Stay in the next game. There may be one more winner in Six Universes, but there is absolutely no chance of winning against Master Wukong."

Xiangpa stared at Kel for a long time: "Although you can't see how different you are, but what Bados said is somewhat reasonable, Dr. Lotta, this time you go."

Dr. Lotta, in the form of a wild boar, was silent. This meant that he was used as cannon fodder, and he pressed his name silently and appeared in the field.

Soon, all eight players were present.

It's just that Monkey King looked at his opponent, but his face was speechless: "Is my luck so serious?" I saw five beautiful girls in his opponent.

He was still thinking about going on the field, and it took a second to spread all the players out of the field, and ended the game with an extremely handsome and shocking posture. He did not expect that other universes would not play cards according to common sense and send him Five beautiful girls came to be his opponent, which was a bit embarrassing and ended too soon.

Sun Wukong immediately glanced at the list of players this time: Bicar of the second universe; Nicholas of the third universe; Garvey of the fourth universe; Dr. Lotta of the sixth universe; Sun Wukong of the seventh universe; The Haupp of the universe; the Lilibe dance of the tenth universe; the cocoa of the eleventh universe.

As soon as the seven players came out, it seemed as if they had already said something, and stood on the opposite side of Monkey King in a seven-to-one situation.

Monkey King looked at them with a serious expression: "I'm not scary, don't be so nervous."

Bikar looked at Monkey King, but his face was serious and serious: "In the face of a strong man who can defeat the god of destruction, Belus, we can’t be nervous if we don’t. There is no hope of victory at all."

Dr. Lotta from Universe Six vomited: "Actually, I think even if we are united, there will be no chance." ..

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