"Do you think I can't win him?" Ji Lian frowned and looked at Topo. His indifferent eyes made him feel cold. However, he did not back down: "This is no longer a question of winning or not. We can’t afford to lose at all. If we lose, the Eleventh Universe will perish! Think about the creatures in the universe! You should know that this game is not about our personal winning or losing."

"What do you want to say?" Ji Lian said coldly, staring at Tuopo.

"Let's fit together!" Tuo Po said with an extremely solemn expression.

"What?" Ji Lian couldn't help being taken aback.

"I said, let's fit together! Let's fit together while you still have physical strength!" Tuopo said in a deep voice, "Use the Potala earrings (also known as Batra earrings) that Lord Realm King told us before. Fit! Anyway, there are no more rules."

"Impossible!" However, Gillian refused without thinking, "If I win the game in this way, I would rather lose!"

"You fellow!" Topo was immediately full of anger and anger: "Are you sure you will win? Or do you want to kill all the creatures in the Eleventh Universe?"

"..." Gillian was silent. For Broly, he had the absolute belief that he would not lose to him, but that Monkey King, he really had no confidence.

Even if he won the battle with Broly, but at that time, he will definitely have little physical strength left. In the battle against Monkey King, he will definitely lose. Then, the result of losing...

Ji Lian frowned suddenly. If he wanted to win, he seemed to have only one way to go, but his pride did not allow him to do so.

At this moment, in Gillian's heart, self-esteem began a fierce battle with the lives of the entire Eleventh Universe. Should he insist on his dignity or give up his dignity and fight for all the lives of the Eleventh Universe?

The answer speaks for itself.

In the original book, Vegeta can give up her self-esteem and merge with Monkey King, not to mention that the kind-hearted Gillian gave up her personal self-esteem for the life of the universe.

Seeing that Gillian's complexion became loose, the complexion that understood him was suddenly overjoyed, and he immediately looked at the auditorium of the Eleventh Universe: "Master Kai!"

From the beginning to the end, the king of the eleventh universe, Kaiyi, who heard the conversation between the two, naturally did not hesitate, and quickly took out the Potala earrings and threw them to Topo...

Seeing this situation, Broly frowned, feeling instinctively that they couldn't get the earrings. They just wanted to rush to snatch it, but the rushing Monkey King pressed his shoulder with one hand and prevented him from moving: " Let them fit together. I also want to see what they look like after they fit together."

Hearing the words on the 17th, he couldn’t help but look at Monkey King: “Monkey King, it’s a bit too big to do this. If you lose, you’ll have to bear the whole pot.”

Monkey King immediately slapped him on the forehead: "I'm called Brother-in-law, no big or small."

number 17:"……"

On the other side, Tuobo had jumped up and caught Potala's earrings. Seeing that Monkey King and the others did not stop him, he was a little bit happy. He hurriedly handed the left earring to Ji Lian, and the right earring was the first time Put it on his right ear.

Seeing Ji Lian holding the left earring in a daze, he couldn't put it on, he couldn't help but urged: "Hurry up! It's this time, why are you still hesitating?"

Ji Lian glanced at the direction of the eleventh universe, and said, "Only this time!"

As he said, with a cruel heart, he put the left earring on his left ear.

The next moment, Ji Lian and Tuo Po's bodies were instantly wrapped in a ball of light, attracted to each other, and merged together. In an instant, the brilliance of the masterpiece, the horrible aura also bloomed from the light, and the light was like a waterfall surging. Sprinkle down.

Everyone looked at the figure gradually revealed in the light in shock. They knew that a terrifying existence that astounded the past and the present was about to appear in front of them.

When the light was exhausted, a slender figure gradually appeared in front of everyone, still in the tight-fitting proud team uniform, or the big bald head as before. The appearance was seven points similar to Gillian, but it was taller and more. Stronger, more slender figure.

The eyes are even more cold, as if they are indifferent to all living things, and the horrible breath seems to be as if even the heavens are trembling because of him; this is the qualitative change between man and god, and it feels very strange. , But not there.

"Oh~ this combination is a bit powerful!" Monkey King looked at the figure of Ji Lian and Tuo Po in astonishment. He clearly felt that the power this person possessed had reached the realm of Destruction God.

"Very strong!!" At this moment, Broly's expression became extremely solemn. He had only felt this kind of inexplicable pressure from Monkey King.

No.17 looked solemn and looked at Monkey King: "This breath is a bit unpleasant, Sun... Brother-in-law, don't go too far."

Monkey King ignored him, but looked at the figure in front of him and asked, "What should I call you now?"

"Yeah~" The man rubbed his chin and thought for a while: "Since I am a combination of Ji Lian and Tuo Po, then you call me Ji Lian Po."

"Jilianpo..." Sun Wukong nodded and looked at Broly: "You go and try his current strength."

Broly's face was condensed and nodded, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Ji Lianpo in an instant. He blasted out a punch and was caught by the opponent with one hand.

"!!!" Broly's expression was shocked, just a transformation. Has this increase in strength changed so much?

The bright green breath burst out of his body instantly, and he swept towards Ji Lianpo's face without hesitation.

Along with the roar of the vibrating void, Ji Lianpo easily blocked Broly's powerful sweep with his hand, and then indifferently said: "I feel that you are far from me now."

As he said, his body was full of destructive energy auras, but in an instant, Gillianpo entered a state of destructive energy, and then blasted out with a punch. Broly flew upside down in an instant until he flew hundreds of meters away. Stabilize your figure.

Seeing this scene, the king couldn't help but yelled with twinkling eyes: "Wow~ the fit Ji Lian is so amazing! The fit~ the fit~!"

"Ah~~ It's really an interesting change." Wes watched Ji Lian break in the field, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, the Destroyer Alternate and the strength of that Ji Lian, after being combined There will be such a change, and now the situation becomes more interesting."

Birus looked solemn: "This power is almost the same as the Destroyer..." ..

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