The current Ji Lianpo, although the realm has not reached the Destruction God Realm, but the strength has already been reached, that is to say, he is now enough to show the combat power of the Destruction God Realm.

In the distance, Broly let out a roar, the bright green arrogance broke out completely, and his figure flashed again, appearing beside Gillian's body.


The roar of the trembling void resounded, and the sky was shaking. This punch had already done his best.

Facing Broly's devastating punch, Gillian Po's face was solemn, no longer the calm and indifferent color before, his fist was pinched, and the fist with destructive energy blasted out, the light of destruction was vast, all violent. The power of destruction collided with Broly's fist.

The broken arena around below instantly turned into dust in the aftermath that spread out.

Broly's body flew upside down again, and the bright green flame of the protective body was also collapsed because of the destructive energy, and a layer of blood was covered on his fist.

However, without realizing it, Broly stabilized his figure, roared again, deceived him, and launched another fierce attack on Ji Lianpo.

Gillian frowned slightly and punched Broly again, but he did not expect that the next moment, he would bully him again, so back and forth, as if tirelessly, he was beaten again and again, again and again. Standing up again and again, like the brainless beast, just caring for the prey in front of him, biting and fighting, failing again and again, climbing up again and again, the strong will makes people move.

Ji Lianpo frowned slightly, because after falling down and rising again, he clearly felt that Broly's breath not only did not recede, but gradually improved.

"It's really a terrible talent for fighting!" Gillianpo had to let out an exclaim. He felt that if Broly had grown up like this, he might threaten him now. So he made up his mind decisively. Solve him here, we cannot continue this way.

The red light of destruction covered his whole body, representing the destructive energy that belonged to the God of Destruction gathered in his palm, then his figure flashed, and he pressed down in the direction where Broly was.

Feeling the horror of the destructive energy, Broly immediately let out a roar, and the terrifying green gas bomb exploded in an atmospheric shape. This is Broly's special skill-super explosive bomb.

Seeing this, the great priest waved with one hand, and saw a transparent barrier instantly enveloping the ring, completely isolated from the outside world.

Because he felt that if the confrontation between the two broke out, everyone in the audience would be affected. Those who were less powerful might be killed. As for the players in the field, they would not be under his protection. Inside.

Ji Lianpo frowned slightly at this, and he stopped his figure, but did not intend to stop the attack. The destructive energy in his hand suddenly soared, and was launched by him like a wave of qigong, and broke out with Broly below. The fired super-explosive bombs collided.

At that moment, the sound seemed to disappear because of this, and then an earth-shaking roar erupted. The green light wave and destructive energy blasted against each other in the air, and the aftermath of the eruption made the void oscillate. The world’s protection, otherwise the auditoriums of all universes will inevitably suffer.

In this kind of energy collision, the destructive energy is obviously more destructive and higher. At the same time, the strength of Gillian Po is even higher than the current Broly. Therefore, the destructive energy is gradually becoming overwhelming. The force suppressed Broly's green light wave and approached him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"While this continues, Broly will lose!" Seeing this situation on the 17th, he looked at Monkey King: "Brother-in-law, are you still planning to take action?"

Monkey King's expression was indifferent: "I want to take action now, what use do you want?"

"Cut~ If you want us to shoot, just say it, why bother!" Knocker snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared on Broly's side, directly releasing the turtle-style qigong wave to help Broly block Down that destructive energy.

However, with his joining, the destructive energy didn't even slow down at all, which made Nok immediately angry. Doesn't it mean that it is the same with him or without him?How can this be tolerated?

With a loud shout, the golden arrogance burst out instantly, and his hair turned golden in an instant, and stretched at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly transforming into Super Saiyan 3.

With the transformation, the power of Knock’s tortoise school qigong skyrocketed, and even the thickness of the Qigong skyrocketed several times. With a sudden explosion, the destructive energy that was originally pressed down all the way was actually suppressed by the torch Make every inch of it.

"Wow~ is that Super 3? Is it Super 3?" Calvura screamed excitedly at Nok's transformation.

Monkey King nodded: "It's Super 3."

Calvra looked shocked: "Isn't it! Can't you win in Super 3? And with the addition of Broly, it's just to break the stalemate with Gillian?"

When Sun Wukong heard the words, he gave her a blank look: "You think too much, let alone Super 3, Super 4 can't beat the current Ji Lianpao, and even the two of them can't beat the current Ji Lianpao."

Calvula suddenly opened her mouth in shock: "Isn't he, he has become so strong?"

Gillian's own strength is enough to kill Super 3 in seconds, not to mention whether he is joined by Knok after he is combined, in fact, it has no effect on him, because he has not exhausted all his strength from the beginning to the end.

The addition of Knock can only be said to give a little stagnation time.

"It's Saiyan again..." Gillianpo looked at Nok, frowning slightly. Now, he has become very sensitive to the three words'saiyan'.

First it was Monkey King, then Kel and Broly, and now it was Knok who transformed into a super-3. After this unremarkable Saiyan arrived at this power conference, it turned out to be an incredible moment of highlight.

"However, even so, you still cannot escape the fate of failure."

An indifferent voice came from Gillianpo's mouth, and the destructive energy suddenly doubled. In a flash, it was suppressed in a devastating manner, completely suppressing Broly and Nok's joint.

Seeing this on the 17th, he didn't hesitate at all, he flashed out in an instant, and joined the battle circle, the Qigong wave was released, and together with Broly and Nok to fight the destructive energy of Ji Lianpo.

But even so, it can only slow down, but cannot suppress it.

Ji Lian broke, one to three, still not letting go.

Regarding this, Monkey King couldn't help but looked at Hitt: "Why don't you join in?"

Hit his brows frowned slightly, to be honest, he hoped Broly and the others would lose, but what happens after they lose?Did he win Gillian Po?

No longer hesitating, Hitt also joined the battle circle, and the situation suddenly became 1V4. ..

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