The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter Twenty Sword Saint Gane

Wei Zhuang's long hair fluttered, his expression unchanged, one arm raised the long sword in his hand, and slashed forward, the sword aura was like a rainbow, the cold light shone, the dignified cold glow turned into a stream of light, and he slashed down mercilessly at Guine!He slashed like a sword with a sword, and only he with shark teeth could do it!

Ganie had a serious expression, with the Yuanhong horizontal sword in front of him, and the shark teeth instantly slashed on Yuanhong. With a "ding", the ear-piercing chorus rang out, causing pain in the eardrums. Both Hold the swords against each other, above the double swords, wipe the sparks of debut!

And at this moment, six identical figures suddenly flashed out around the two, but in the transfiguration room, they launched the most tricky attack towards Gane in six different directions!

It turned out that Bai Feng rushed to him. While Gainie and Wei Zhuang were fighting each other, they saw the right time, and took advantage of this moment of time to display his most proud Fengwu Six Fantasy and attacked!

Gai Nie's eyes condensed, the surrounding scenes were in his eyes, and the sword was moved horizontally, avoiding the blow, a cold glow in the Yuanhong in his hand, swept out, approaching several phantoms!

However, as soon as the phantom body retreated, the snake-like chain snake soft sword stabs at the side of Bai Feng's phantom body, taking the heart of Ganie!

Gai Nie swiftly moved horizontally and dodged, with a little tiptoe, his figure flashed, but he slashed towards Chi Lian!

The chain snake soft sword in Chi Lian's hand was cast unabated, and it stabs at the face of the goddess statue with a click, but the face of the goddess statue bursts into pieces...

"Damn! Such a beautiful statue of the goddess, you can do it..." The Monkey King below gave a strange cry.The surrounding Qin soldiers all looked nervous, squeezed the spear or crossbow in their hands, and looked at him with fear.Before getting the general's order, they all dared to attack first.

Meng Tian watched the battle on Gane's side, and did not order an attack on Monkey King. But he learned from the intelligence that this is a rare master in the world. If he can control it, he will never do it, so as not to increase the casualties.

And Monkey King was also happy and leisurely, and did not rush to do it, but with admiring eyes, watched Gaie singled out Weizhuang and the group!

Just when Ganie's Yuanhong was close to Chi Lian's side, a big blood-red hand grabbed him!

Gai Nie frowned at the moment and gave up Chi Lian. His body turned sharply in the air, avoiding the blood-red giant hand, but didn't want to, countless green leaves, like knives, flew towards him!

The big and small Si Ming also shot at the same time!

Rao is how Gai Nie is, and facing several masters in the world at the same time, it is also quite pressure!Yuan Hong danced in his hand, resisting the flying leaf that came from the lasing shot!Landing on the goddess statue!Of course, his feet have not yet stood firm, but Wei Zhuang's more fierce attack has already come!

As the world's number one swordsman, Gai Nie's reaction speed is still fast, and his feet are a little bit sicker, flying back...

Wei Zhuang’s shark teeth slashed on the head of the goddess. It seemed that there was a tens of kilograms of gravity. It easily broke the stone statue. The stone fell. The scene was terrifying. The Loulan people and Qin Bing below were shocked to the side. , The rubble fell to the ground, smashed to pieces, and some fell down the deep cliff, silently...

The power of this sword swallowed mountains and rivers, and its power was amazing. Under this sword, the statue of the goddess collapsed...

Gai Nie stepped on the gravel, but Yuan Hong in his hand swiped away towards Wei Zhuang without hesitation!The latter turned around with a sword, chopped down, the two swords intersected, but an amazing spark broke out!But it was a blow away, and the powerful force directly shook the two away...

Wei Zhuang's face was stern, his head was scattered with white hair, and his eyes were clear. He raised the shark teeth in his hand again, tapped the fallen gravel under his feet, and slashed towards Gai Nie again!


Void glow like a wave, sword light like a rainbow!The sword in Wei Zhuang's hand, stimulated by a powerful internal force, actually trembles, showing the power of this sword, he has exhausted all his strength!

At this moment, Ganie's expression is exceptionally solemn, Yuan Hong's hand is faintly shining, his internal strength is poured into the sword, and he swings the sword forward...


The ear-piercing symphony sounded, and the two swords struck each other, blasting dazzling sparks. At this moment, the goddess statues under the feet of the two were still intact. At this moment, they finally could not withstand the amazing destructive power of the two. open…

The bloody red glow came lasing at this moment...

The chain snake soft sword is also a straight thorn...

Flying flowers and willow leaves are like flying knives, shooting in mercilessly...

White feathers filled the sky, and phantoms appeared all around...

Attacks from all sides, for a time, blocked all the retreat of Gainie, and the only way out was the endless cliff below the goddess statue...

Quickly and decisively, Gueney did not hesitate to step down and retreat under the cliff. Although he avoided the joint attack of the crowd, there was no stepping under his feet, and he fell down the cliff like this...

"Uncle..." Tianming below couldn't help exclaiming!

"Is it still falling?" Monkey King looked at Gai Nie who was falling quickly, but smiled faintly. Although he knew that he should be fine, but just in case, he should help him!After all, he still admires Guene!

The figure flickered, and in an instant, it had disappeared in place... When he appeared, he had already held Gai Nie's hand in one hand, just like this floating above the void!

When Wei Zhuang and others saw the sudden appearance of Monkey King, they were all shocked and backed away...

"Thank you!" Gai Nie looked calm, looking at Monkey King very gratefully.

"So fast!!!"

Looking at Monkey King who had already rescued Gai Nie in a flash, the Moon God and others frowned slightly and their faces were solemn.No one can see the speed just now!

"Fast speed!! And this volley and void... No wonder the national teacher and others are also jealous of him... Sure enough, they have some ability..." Meng Tian looked at the sky, his eyes condensed, and his right hand waved down: "Bowman Ready to... release arrows!!"


Arrows fell like rain, covering the sky and the earth, and like a locust crossing the border, shooting towards Monkey King and Gai Nie in the sky...

In such a scene, even if it is a strong master in the world, I am afraid that the fate of death is inevitable!

"Mr. Sun, you don't need to worry about me, let's go by yourself!" Gai Nie finally changed color and said anxiously.Those bows and crossbows are all made by the overbearing organs of the public losers. Their power is amazing. Tens of thousands of bows and crossbows are fired at once. The overwhelming shadow of the arrows is his, and I feel that at this moment, it is undoubtedly dead!

"Xiao Yao Yao, go and save him!" Xiao Li's expression changed drastically, and he said anxiously.

Xiao Yao Yao now jumped down from Xiao Li's arms, accompanied by a loud dragon chant, golden light shone, and Xiao Yao Yao instantly restored its majestic and noble real body!

However, at the moment when Xiao Yao Yao was transformed, Monkey King had already taken action!

"Do you think that this mere crossbow arrow can hurt me? It's ridiculous! Today, I will let you see what real strength is!" Monkey King looked at the rain of arrows flying in the sky, invisible. The waves of anger radiated from his body...

Suddenly, Wei Zhuang and others opened their eyes wide and saw a scene they will never forget........

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