The rain of arrows in the sky is like being frozen by people, and the void is forbidden, and then under the horrified gaze of everyone, a little bit of disintegration and dissipation, in a moment, the rain of arrows in the sky, just like this, disappeared and disappeared under the eyes of everyone. The slightest trace...

"Fa...what happened?..."

"The arrows... are gone..."

"He...what did he do?..."

"Not a human... he is no longer a human..."

This weird scene scared the Qin soldiers who were already nervous and scared, and they panicked even more!They felt that what they were facing was no longer humans, but God, the high God!How can manpower compete with God?

Wei Zhuang's brows were slightly frowned, and he brought a few people with Chi Lian, but at this moment quietly exited...

Many people are shocked and tremble inexplicably!Rao has strict military discipline, and they lost the courage to fight for a while!This is no longer what manpower can contend...

His eyes widened even when he lost his enemies. The overbearing organ technique he was so proud of was so dissolved into the invisible, and it didn't play a role at all!

Tianming and others were already stunned!

Meng Tian also had a solemn expression at the moment, feeling powerless in his heart. Is such an opponent really capable of contending with manpower?His strength is beyond imagination!He knows the power of these tens of thousands of volleys of crossbow arrows better than anyone else, even any master in the world, under these volleys of tens of thousands of arrows, absolutely only die on the spot!But because of this, he could feel the real horror of Monkey King!

It was a disaster for the empire to contend with such a master!Not afraid of the siege of the current masters, not afraid of the volley of tens of thousands of crossbow arrows!More able to fly through the sky without fear of being surrounded by crowds of tactics!Such a pervert!There is simply no solution!The task given by His Majesty the Emperor is really as difficult as heaven!

Such a strong man, if he were to assassinate the emperor, who can stop him today?Thinking of this, Meng Tian's heart suddenly felt chill!A strong sense of crisis fills my mind!

However, their fear is just beginning!

With a flash of Sun Wukong's figure, he appeared next to Xiaoli, put Gai Nie down, calmed Xiao Yao Yao who was about to get angry, and looked around at Qin Bing, watching the deep fear in their eyes. But he smiled faintly: "I already said! Don't mess with me! Otherwise, I don't mind destroying your entire empire! It seems! You take my words into ears!"

"Huh! Arrogant!" Meng Tian snorted immediately, "Your excellency! I admit that your martial arts are so strong that no one in this world can match, but if you want to rely on your strength, you want to destroy Da Qin? Really dreaming! Really think that my great Qin army of millions is just not displayed!"

"A million army? In my eyes, it is just a string of numbers! Want to destroy! Just one idea!" Monkey King said calmly.The contemptuous tone made Meng Tian furious!This is a contempt for their soldiers and a humiliation to Daqin. Only with blood can the shame be washed away!

"Since your Excellency is arrogant! Let me see what you are capable of! Speak such arrogant words!" Meng Tian immediately yelled out loudly, "All soldiers listen to the order! Line up!"

With the fall of Meng Tian's words, those Qin soldiers who showed fear in their eyes returned to their gods one after another. Looking at their mighty and tall general, they seemed to have found their faith and found their backbone. The fear in their eyes gradually disappeared and replaced them. , And the soldier on the bloody battlefield!

It can be seen how much Meng Tian's position in their hearts has reached!All they need to say and do, and where they stand, can eliminate the fear in their hearts!Because they firmly believe that as long as their generals are there, they will be invincible!Even in terrible opponents, they are fearless!

However, today, this group of soldiers is destined to feel what is true fear and what is true powerlessness!The gap between God and man cannot be filled with numbers!

Monkey King stretched out a single finger, and a ball of green flame bounced on his finger...

This flame, swaying under the breeze blowing on the Buddha, seems to be extinguished at any time. It is as weak as a candle, and there is no point in it!

However, just because of such a small flame, the Moon God and others looked solemn when they first appeared. Such a small flame gave them a sense of extreme danger!

"You all come to my side!" Monkey King looked at Xiao Li and the others on the side. Several people understood, without any hesitation, they all approached him.

Gaene looked at the small flame on Monkey King's finger, but a solemn color flashed in his eyes.Although he couldn't sense the horror of that little flame, his instinct told him that it was extremely dangerous!


Following Meng Tian's order, the surrounding Qin soldiers waved their spears and stabled towards the Monkey King...they were robbing them in a dense crowd and stabbing at the same time, there was no way to dodge!

Gai Nie stood behind Sun Wukong, his face calm and unwavering, seeing the spears that pierced like nothing, not evasive, he seemed to trust Sun Wukong!

On the contrary, Shaoyu's faces were tense and wary, and if something was wrong, they rushed out!

"I didn't want to kill more. How can you force me to take action!" Monkey King sighed softly, and the small flame on his finger suddenly emitted a strange wave!

All of a sudden, the surrounding Qin soldiers ignited spontaneously without fire, making a screaming scream!Suddenly, it was burned out, and even scum was not left...

Suddenly, the sound of air-conditioning fluctuated with each other... Fear filled everyone's hearts...

Seeing a large area suddenly opened up, the surrounding Qin Bing stared wide-eyed, and his face was full of terror. This is too weird and terrifying... Silently, he set himself on fire?Less than two seconds, but it has burned out... Such fear, from the heart, from the soul, large drops of sweat left from their foreheads, their backs were cold, their hearts were chilling, and their feet swayed between them. Some people were actually frightened. They sat down on the ground... just like that, in an instant, it disintegrated the last remaining courage in Qin Bing's heart!

This is no longer a battle!It's a pure search for death!Moreover, the method of death is so strange and terrifying...

For a time, Qin Bing retreated in fear, and none of them dared to step forward...Looking at Monkey King was like looking at a bloodthirsty demon, except for fear, there was fear in his eyes!

The ability to scare these iron-blooded soldiers into this way shows how scared they are...

Even the Moon God and others looked at the humble little flame in Sun Wukong's hand, and they were frightened. I don't know, if the weird fluctuations rippling on them, can they be resisted?

For a while, this place fell into a terrible silence!The violent heartbeat was clearly audible, and everyone looked at the indifferent figure standing in the court, especially the small flame in his hand, and his scalp numb...

Large drops of cold sweat dripped down from Meng Tian’s forehead. This situation seems to be true as the other party said that he wants to destroy Da Qin, but in a single thought...

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