Yuan Mie at this moment is very hurt, very depressed, very helpless, and very regretful. What kind of B?What the hell!I had known that I stopped going to the theater just now, and just patted it over. Isn't it all over?Now I am fine. Not only did he not kill him, but instead solved the threat of ruining the rules in his body for him. Not to mention the recovery of his injuries, he also swallowed the power of his own rules, thus peeping into the higher laws and breaking through!

What else can he say?Run!

Yuan Mie is really depressed now, depressed vomiting blood, Nima, Laozi has been running since he broke the seal!There are wood!Don't bring such bullies!I am the evil of the dimension!Dimensional evil!The big boss of the entire dimensional world!Is there wood?When did I become so tragic?

Yuan Mie’s heart kept breaking and thinking, with a wave of his big hand, a black hole appeared in front of him, and he plunged into it decisively, flashed, disappeared...He swears that he won’t come out before his injury has fully recovered. Up!Nima!It's a tragedy!There are wood!Lao Tzu's injury will take at least ten years to recover!…

At this time, Monkey King was surrounded by red flames, burning like a fire!The breath is terrifying, shocking, and frightening!

He didn't stop Yuan Mie, because he knew that even if he recovered from his injury and broke through, it would be impossible to leave Yuan Mie!Instead, the other party was anxious, and the one who was dangerous was himself!

"Is this the second stage of the super game God? It is really strong!" Monkey King whispered to himself, punching out!The air vibrates, exuding terrible spatial fluctuations!This space collapsed instantly!

"Stop...Stop...You are swinging your fist like this...My world is about to be completely destroyed..." Suddenly, a pleasant sound came from the distant void, for a moment, even closer.

"Sorry, making your world look like this..." Seeing the goddess that appeared, Monkey King touched his head with embarrassment, his breath receded like a tide, and he returned to his normal state, just like a mortal!It was in sharp contrast with the domineering posture of the gods just now!

Looking at the lower realm that was still collapsed, the goddess sighed helplessly. This world was already shattered, and the terrible aftermath had not diminished. It was still destroying this world. It won't be long before this world will be destroyed!The goddess wants to repair the shattered time and space!It's a pity that with the heart and powerlessness, the terrible aftermath erupting from Monkey King and Yuan Mie cannot be eliminated by the power of her rules!

Sun Wukong looked at the lower realm, his brows suddenly frowned, and saw that the lower realm was collapsing at an astonishing speed, while Xiao Li, the high priest, and Xiao Yao Yao who were waiting for his return were in danger of death!Because the world is going to collapse, then they will disappear with it!

Don't dare to neglect, I saw Monkey King wave his hand lightly, and the space in front of him was fluctuating, Xiao Li, the high priest and Xiao Yao Yao from the lower realm appeared in front of Monkey King.

Suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar space, Xiao Li and the others were obviously shocked. There was nothing under their feet. They stood in the void. Such a terrifying scene made Xiao Li and the high priest a little pale, but the two women Both have good temperaments, so they didn't exclaim!

It was Xiao Yao Yao, who screamed for joy, jumped into Monkey King's arms, rubbed his head lightly, and looked extremely intimate!

At this moment, Xiaoli and the two daughters found Monkey King beside them, and they were surprised: "Wukong..."

Immediately after a vote, the two women were stunned...

"Goddess...sir..." In shock, Xiao Li immediately knelt down to the goddess, saluting respectfully!

"You are me... the tears of the goddess left in the world..." The goddess looked at Xiaoli, looking surprised, and then smiled faintly: "You don't need so many gifts...Since you have been selected by Master Wukong... Then, You will follow him from now on!"

"...It's... the goddess..." Xiaoli nodded respectfully.But the expression was a little dazed like the high priest, their goddess, actually called Monkey King...sir?

"High Priest Loulan...I saw the Lord Goddess..." After the shock, the high priest looked very excited and saluted respectfully. She didn't even dream of dreaming that one day, she could see the true face of the goddess!At the moment, my heart beats like a deer!

The goddess nodded, looked at the lower realm, and sighed slightly again: "It seems that if you want to repair this world, you can only make it reborn..."

"My Goddess...what the hell is going on? Why does the world become like this?!" The high priest looked anxious, and the world was destroyed, so wouldn't all humanity on earth be destroyed?

When Monkey King was about to save Chi Lian and the others, but when he heard the word rebirth in the goddess's mouth, his heart moved, and this thought was temporarily dismissed.

"Before, an invader from another plane came...Although it was driven away by Master Wukong...Unfortunately, the battle between the two overwhelmed my world..."

"The aggressor? Is it a god in another plane?" The two girls were shocked and looked at Monkey King in shock. They couldn't calm down for a long time. He was indeed a god, and he was still a stronger than goddess. God!

"What is the rebirth world you said?" Monkey King looked at the goddess, he was only interested in this.

"The destruction of this world can no longer be prevented...then, it can only be reborn...the world after the rebirth is still the original world, the original person or thing...the identity is the original identity...the destiny of each person is still the same Destiny...but...it will be different...the world trajectory after rebirth may deviate...this...it can also be said to be the original world...or it can be said not...just treat it as another parallel space after rebirth... "

"Another parallel space... My grass! Is this the world of the animated version of "Qin Shi Mingyue"?" Sun Wukong's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that, because of his own relationship, the world of "Qin Shi Mingyue" would change like this , But this is a good thing!Before, he didn’t know how to deal with the sister papers of the movie version and the sister papers of the animated version.

With the power of rules in the goddess' hands, the ruined world below suddenly turned into a dot, which she held in her hand!Such an incredible scene stunned Xiao Li and the high priest.With a wave of your hand, one world is in your hands!What a magical power this is!

The power of perfect rules operates, and the chaotic space of destruction is reborn again, and a world is in the hands of the goddess, evolving, rebirth...

[The movie version is over, here is the animated version of "Qin Shi Mingyue", and then other sister papers will be abducted into the bowl!Another: ask for a monthly pass!Seeking flowers!Ask for 10 points!..

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