The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Feixue Pavilion

The night here is brightly lit, and the stars at night are twinkling!Countless figures flowed back and forth on the street!Obviously and even at night, everything is still lively!

In front of a beautiful pavilion, rows of luxurious and luxurious carriages are parked!The crowd onlookers pointed and pointed, and public opinion was full. Some people looked at the expensive carriages and were amazed...

But more, it was looking at the gorgeous and noble pavilion, showing a strong yearning!But more, it is disappointment and regret!How much they want to enter the pavilion in front of them, where is almost a man's heaven and yearning!

It's a pity that the distance of only one step, in front of them, is like that impossible gutter, unable to take a step forward!

There, only those with power can enter!These civilians, as long as they watch from the outside, secretly envy them!

Feixue Pavilion, in the country of Yan, no, it should be in the whole country, it is all famous, because there is the most beautiful singing and dancing girl in Yan country: the seat of the snow girl!Her appearance is full of shame and beauty!It's a pity that only those who are truly powerful and rich can enter such a place!

Today is a very special day, because the Snow Girl will perform on stage in the Feixue Pavilion!It is almost every man's dream to witness the dance and face of the goddess. Unfortunately, if you don't have a very high status, then you can only look at YY outside the pavilion!

In the lively crowd, I don't know when, a heroic man suddenly appeared. It is a pity that his weird way of appearance did not seem to attract anyone's attention!No, if it is to pay attention, it is better to say that no one has discovered his existence.

He just looked at Feixue Pavilion in front of him with a faint smile, but his Zui corner had a faint smile: "This is really surprising... I didn't expect that the time period after the goddess was reborn in the world would be this time... Fortunately, it seems not bad to be able to witness the alluring dance of the Snow Girl..."

Needless to say, he is Monkey King.As for Xiaoli and the high priest, they have long been taken into their own world by Monkey King. He came to'abduction' of sister paper, so naturally he would not bring them to his side!

After speaking, Monkey King walked into the pavilion with such a swagger... When passing by the guard, they turned a blind eye, still staring at the crowd, for fear of leaking someone, and sneaking in... As everyone knows, there is someone right now. Just walked in front of their eyes, they couldn't see...

Entering Feixue Pavilion, the luxury and dreamlike beauty inside did not attract Sun Wukong’s attention. His own Dragon Palace is more luxurious and beautiful than here. I don’t know how many times it is luxurious and beautiful. The only thing here that can attract his attention is the inside. The snow girl.

Feixue Pavilion at this moment, unusually quiet...

Only the melodious piano sound, floating softly...

The moonlight is shining down, shining on the Flying Snow Royal Flower Terrace in the central pond, like a dream...

Blossoming buds emerged from the water and bloomed slowly. Under the bright light, the lake surface reflected fluorescence, beautifully...

A beautiful woman who walked out like a picture scroll, slowly rising from the flying snow imperial flower platform, revealing her peerless face!Holding a jade Xiao, elegant and standing, with a peaceful complexion, no wave from the past and the present...

The wide sleeves and the flower-like skirt show her graceful, soft, graceful and graceful to the fullest, but the cold color of the clothes shows her indifferent and clearness perfectly!

The graceful figure is decorated with all kinds of elegant colors and exquisite shapes, which not only won't make her gaudy and mediocre, but adds a bit of elegance and etherealness.One more point is too gorgeous, one less point looks empty.

This is a perfect woman, beautiful to thrilling, beautiful to drunk!Every move can affect people's hearts... As soon as she comes out, she shocks the audience. Here, the quiet needle drop can be heard!All of them looked blank, obviously fascinated by the beauty of the snow girl!

She lightly instigated Zhu Chun, put the jade flute between the chuns, exhaling like orchids, and the melodious flute sound spread slowly, seeming to wash people’s hearts...

Monkey King looked around, but he shook his head in disdain. All the so-called high-ranking officials around him stared blankly, showing greed and greed... Looking at them, do you really understand the rhythm?The answer is obviously no, they are just obsessed with Xue Nu's peerless face...

Although Sun Wukong didn't understand the rhythm, he also felt that the Xiao Xue Girl played was very beautiful!Also listen carefully...

The whole world seemed to be quiet, and the melodious singing came from Feixue Pavilion...Even the people in the small port on the street were attracted by the sound of flute for a while, stopped and listened carefully...

Even God seemed to be infected by the sound of the flute. In a moment, a heavy snow fell like a feather...

"It's snowing..." The children cheered, but they still didn't break the adults who listened carefully to the melodious sounds of nature... They seemed to be intoxicated, and they had long forgotten me!

In Feixue Pavilion, some adults pretending to be drinking, stopped at this moment, and the wine glass fell to the ground without his hands. He...still didn't know...

The Monkey King at this moment, ignoring everything around him, was only attracted by the woman in front of him... Is such a perfect woman something that mortals can have?…

The melody slowly dissipated, and the allure dance began again...

The light dance steps, the beautiful figure, the fluttering ribbon...combined into an alluring dance...

At this moment, the people in the field were deeply intoxicated... with wide-eyed eyes and a dumb face, the big zui, had forgotten to close...

"Flap! Pop! Pop!~~"

However, when everyone was deeply intoxicated and fascinated, the untimely bursts of applause awakened everyone!They all showed anger and turned to look for reputation...

Seeing that Yan Chunjun with a beating face, Monkey King frowned. At this moment, he was very upset. He was about to rush over and slap the damn thing to death... Don't want to, a roar, but it was transmitted at this moment. Out!

"Huh! That bastard disturbed the general's Yaxing? Get out of me..."

The angry man, his face full of alcohol, was obviously a little drunk.The so-called general, just this virtue?Monkey King shook his head in disdain!

A team of royal guards swarmed in from the door, and a luxurious and majestic sedan chair was carried in by a group of strong men.

A guard shouted sharply: "Who was scolding just now?"

"Hehe! This dead fat man is a little imposing... or... I'll let you scream first... Later I will see if you can't kill you..." Looking at Yan Chunjun, a smirk hung on Monkey King's face. Obviously, this Yan Chunjun is going to be a tragedy!..

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