The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 71 Please don't scare me

The small village outside was just a cover, and the steps stretched all the way to the ground.

The passage in the underground chamber is a bit dim. On the wall, there are lit candles, bringing a little light to the dark passage.It's just that the gloomy atmosphere is somewhat depressing.

The three girls of Xi Rihong seemed extremely nervous and cautious. In such a place, there was a sudden assassination or ambush, it was also extremely possible.Only Monkey King walked in front of him, seemingly indifferent.Even Longtan Tiger's Den, to him, is just like walking around his back garden without any pressure.

Down the stairs all the way, a hall finally appeared in front of a few people, but in front of the hall, there were three forks.

"Wukong, what should I do? Do you want to part ways?" Xi Rihong turned and looked at Monkey King.

"No need... boring inferior techniques..." He said, but he walked towards the middle door... The girls of Yurihong glanced at each other and immediately followed.Right now, staying with Monkey King is the safest thing. Just now, Xi Rihong asked casually.

As it got deeper and deeper, the Dao Dao Qin sound suddenly sounded, and Monkey King also clearly felt that a lot of auras gathered in front of him. It seems that the end of this passage is their ambush, specially waiting for their prey. The bait.

It's a pity that these poor people don't know how is this place, in the eyes of Monkey King, different from the Sunshine Avenue?They thought they were hiding well, but they didn't know it. In the eyes of Monkey King, they were just a group of poor clowns...

It didn’t take long for the way out before and after to crash down a wide stone gate, blocking the way out, but the stone slabs at the foot also fell down layer by layer, revealing the trap with the spear full of spears below. If this foot is empty, Falling down, the whole body will definitely be pierced with several blood holes.

Hearing only the three girls in the back, Xi Rihong shouted in exclamation, obviously they were all hits, and there was no place to stay around, they all fell...

"It's really boring and low-level sinking..." Monkey King snarled, and an invisible wave spread out from under his feet. The three women who fell down suddenly stopped, it seemed that they were invisible. The barrier was held up, and in surprise, Xi Rihong gently stepped on her feet. Although she could not see, there was indeed an invisible barrier under their feet, making them in the air like going to the ground.

Just looking at the sharp spear that exudes the coldness below, it makes people feel hairy.

"Wukong...What kind of ninjutsu do you use?" Xi Rihong suddenly looked at Monkey King curiously.

"Nothing... It just freezes the space under our feet..." Sun Wukong's expression was indifferent, and he walked forward slowly, saying: "Don't worry, it won't fall..."

"" Yurihong's eyes widened suddenly, full of shock: "It won't be the legendary...Time Space Ninjutsu?" It's just that Sun Wukong doesn't care much, and she doesn't ask too much, and is here. This kind of occasion is not the time to ask questions.

Walking all the way to the stone slab blocking the way forward, Monkey King stretched out a finger and lightly placed it on it. The spider-web-like cracks spread out from the place where his finger clicked in an instant, and it turned into a slap. Because the rubble fell to the ground...

"This... this... amazing..." Feng Mo Shayu's eyes widened in shock, seeming a bit unbelievable. This terrible trap is full of murderous intent for others, but for Monkey King, it is such an understatement. Broken...

Along the way, I was stuck continuously, but in front of Monkey King, it was like a sham. Not long after, a door appeared in front of him, and Monkey King pushed it open. The inside was brightly lit, and there was a very beautiful woman pavilion. And sitting, slender hand stroking the piano, there is really a touch of ladylike temperament.

"Master Goku really opened up the eyes of the little girl... Your strength is unfathomable as Master Oshemaru said... It's no wonder that even Master Xiang Oshemaru knows that you are coming, so you will immediately retreat. Up..."

The woman has long hair up to the waist and is slim. She is dressed in a kimono and looks very decent, but her eyes seem to be extremely vicious and evil, completely destroying her overall beauty.

"It turned out to be a sister paper... The Dashewan guy seems to know me!" Monkey King smiled faintly, and slowly walked over...

The woman's eyes were fixed on Monkey King's step by step, and there was an inexplicable light in her eyes... Just as Monkey King stepped onto a stone slab, a wicked sneer flashed in her eyes. ...But immediately, it was replaced by consternation...

"Why didn't it start?" The woman stared at the feet of Monkey King, very puzzled.

"You are curious, why didn't the big detonation talisman under my feet explode, did you?" Monkey King looked up at the woman and said with a faint smile.

"You already know? How is this possible? Why?!" The woman suddenly widened her eyes and looked surprised, and at the same time, she was full of doubts.Under the ground of this room, there were unexploded detonating symbols buried in order to wait for Monkey King's bait, and the slate under his feet was the mechanism that triggered the detonation.

"I don't have the 2B habit of fighting and explaining the weaknesses and strengths of my technique to my enemy, and then letting the opponent find the weakness and kill myself..." Monkey King looked at the woman in front of him, but smiled faintly: " Although people are's a pity, it's just an empty shell..."

"It's a pity... for you... this despicable method really doesn't work..." With a light sigh, the woman's face suddenly became extremely evil, and a strand of hair suddenly grew. In an instant, it was Tie the whole body of Monkey King up...

The woman flew directly in front of Monkey King while her hair was shrinking, her eyes were full of evil and madness: "Hey~~~ This can't run away... Lead the guests into that world, But the final mission that Master Oshemaru gave me..." As she spoke, her beautiful face turned into a pair of withered bones, which looked terrifying...

"Don't look like you are holding the winning ticket... or you will be disappointed next..." Monkey King looked at the ugly long-haired'monster' in front of him, but smiled slightly...

Suddenly, the terrifying black flame burst out, and in an instant, it covered her whole body. The'Long-haired Banshee' couldn't even make a scream, but it has already evaporated...

"Look... right..." Monkey King smiled faintly: "Who told you to suddenly show this terrible honor to scare me..."..

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