"So, when do you want to hide..." After solving the'Female Monster', Monkey King turned his head and looked at the corner not far away.

With a wave of his hand, a wall collapsed, and with an exclaim, a figure slowly emerged from the dust and smoke of the ruins.

When Feng Mo Shayu saw him, she suddenly looked surprised: "Brother Feng Yu..." Just when she wanted to rush forward, she was mercilessly stretched out one hand and stopped her, her voice was cold and very cold. Indifferently: "Don't call so affectionately. Hot... I'm not wind and rain anymore..."

"Brother Fengyu...what are you..." Feng Mo Shayu's pupils shrank slightly, and some did not believe that Feng Yu would actually say such ruthless words.

"You are very strong... from the mouth of Lord Oshemaru... I already know... I saw it with my own eyes... it really deserves its reputation... I'm very curious, there are no less than millions of detonating charms buried here, and suddenly all of them have failed... What are you How did it happen?..." Feng Yu looked at Monkey King with fear in his eyes, but when he chose to stay here, he was ready to die together, so there was no fear in his eyes.Of course, because he believed he would not die.

It's just that the mortal situation that was set up was cracked silently, which made him very shocked and confused.He can understand the invalidation of hundreds of thousands of detonating charms, but in an instant, making millions of detonating charms invalid at the same time. Is this kind of method human capable?

"For the dead... there is no need to explain..." Monkey King looked at the wind and rain lightly, his arrogant tone and expression made people very uncomfortable.

"Although I am the voice of immortality... but after the explosion of millions of detonating charms, I am not sure that I will survive... So, really, I am very grateful to you now... let those detonating charms explode. All failures... so that I can use all my strength to let you know who is the real strongest!"

Feng Yu stared at Monkey King, his eyes were full of endless madness and fighting spirit. When he said that Monkey King was terrible from Da She Pill, he still refused to accept it, because now he thinks he is the strongest!

After speaking, Feng Yu directly lowered his head, his skin changed into the color of mud, and the fleshy lump on his back showed four extremely disgusting faces, two more than in the original book. It makes a roar like a beast.

"Ah!!!" Feng Mo Sha Yu Rao was already mentally prepared, but after seeing Feng Yu's truly disgusting and evil face, he stepped back again and again, covering his mouth and exclaiming.

"It seems that he has become a victim of the Oshemaru experiment... Anything to restore the glory of the wind demon clan is nothing but a lie. Oshemaru just treats you as materials for the experiment..." Yuri Hong's face was ugly, angrily. The voice also became very cold.

"How could this be..." Fengma Shayu looked at the wind and rain at this moment, lost her senses, incredible. At this moment, she really saw the true face of Oshemaru. It turned out that the Oshemaru they had always believed in was nothing more than to kill them. Yi Clan has become his experimental mice.

"Hmph... I have gathered the body and ninjutsu of Fengma Shangren. I have become the strongest ninja... Hey... Monkey King, Lord Oshemaru is very afraid of you, but now I am not afraid... Sayu... Open your eyes and see clearly...I am the strongest strength I possess..."

The wind and rain at this moment has a sickly madness and self-confidence. After transforming, he is full of evil spirits and powerful forces, which makes his self-confidence burst directly, thinking that he is invincible in the world...

That terrible and crazy face was already shaking with fear.

"I don't want to talk about losing my humanity... and being so arrogant... It's really sad!" Monkey King shook his head lightly, his eyes filled with disdain: "You said you have become the strongest... Then, show it to me! "

"Hey! The one standing in front of you is a piece of ninjutsu. You can't kill me! Haha..." In the wind and rain, the human mask on the left side of the back suddenly grew up. Formed into a thin and evil figure, it looks so evil and disgusting...

"Roar~~" After a roar like a beast, the fist of that fleshy figure suddenly stretched out and crashed down towards Monkey King...

"What a disgusting guy..." Sun Wukong frowned slightly, stretched out one hand, an invisible thought force radiated out, but directly lifted the monster wind and rain to the sky out of thin air, really wanted to make a fist, and crush him in one fell swoop...

"Don't... Brother Wukong... don't kill him..." Feng Mo Shayu suddenly exclaimed to stop him, and threw herself in front of Monkey King, begging for mercy again and again, eyes full of pleading and tears.

"You have to be clear... This guy has completely lost his humanity... It's just a humanoid killing machine..." Monkey King looked at Sa Yu, frowning, and said lightly.

"No... I don't believe that Brother Fengyu will become like this... Please, don't kill him!" Feng Mo Shayu still begged.

Monkey King frowned slightly, and it seemed that only by letting her experience it in person could she truly understand how to choose.In order to stop Monkey King for more time, Da She Maru tried his best to transform Feng Yu into a monster. The current Feng Yu is several times stronger than in the original work, but his life span has also been shortened. A flash in the pan...

Since he will die sooner or later, why not let him live a little longer...

Monkey King immediately let go of his hand, his thoughts dissipated, and the monster suddenly fell from the sky, smashing a hole in the ground for the boss...

"Brother Fengyu..." Fengmo Shayu suddenly exclaimed and ran over...

"Wukong..." Xi Rihong suddenly looked at Monkey King nervously.

"Don't worry... it's okay... Only the real pain can make her understand the truth..." Monkey King waved his hand and looked at the court.

"Brother Fengyu... are you okay?" Feng Mo Shayu looked at the wind and rain at this time. Although he was very scared, she still mustered up the courage to help him up. It's a pity that her strength is too weak, even if she moves the other party. The arm can't do it.

"Hey~~ I've already said... I'm not the wind and rain..." The monster Feng Yu suddenly roared, and an extremely dangerous light flashed in his eyes. The evil spirit surged, and it was actually a throat that pinched Feng Mo Sha Yu, and lifted it in the air. Turning his head, looked at Monkey King: "Let me go...or she will die here..."

Beasts are often more sensitive to danger. Facing Monkey King, the monster at this moment has only one idea, and that is to escape, because the person in front of him is unmatched. In the previous moment, he had already sensed death...

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