The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 73 Sound Ninja Village

"Feng Yu...Brother..." Feng Mo Shayu tightly grasped Feng Yu's big hand holding her throat, her expression of pain, even speaking, it became a bit difficult.

The older brother with a gentle face is gone, and replaced by this monster who doesn’t even know himself and kills the killer...

"Wukong... Save Sayu..." Xi Rihong looked anxious on the side.

"Hey...Don't act rashly! Otherwise, I don't guarantee that this little girl's fragile neck will not be broken..." The monster Feng Yu's big hands tightened slightly, only cold and crazy in his eyes.Sha Yu's complexion became more painful.His complexion was suffocated and slightly red, and he started to suffocate.

"You are seeking your own death..." Monkey King gave him a faint look, his heart was almost ready, his heart moved, and Sha Yu, who was pinched by the monster Wind and Rain, was suddenly embraced by Monkey King. .At the same time, he looked at the door to the side and said faintly: "Taya, a few fish have go and take care of them all..."

"Yes! Master Wukong..." Toyuya replied with a respectful voice, disappearing with a instantaneous spell.

But the monster Fengyu, at this moment, has been restrained by an invisible force, unable to move, even if it is a roar, it has been unable to send out...

Seeing Sayu's appearance at this moment, Monkey King gently rubbed her head and said softly, "Now you should understand that he is no longer the same as before?"

"Why did it become like this... the hateful Oshemaru... I won't forgive him..." Sayu burst into tears, her eyes full of endless hatred for Oshemaru.

"Follow me in the future, and I will give you the strength to avenge... Now, let the wind and rain be free!" A light flashed in Sun Wukong's hand, and an ancient sword flashed in his hand: "You come... or me?"

"I... come on!..." Sha Yu overcomes the fear in her heart, took the ancient sword in the hands of Monkey King, and walked slowly towards the wind and rain...

"Brother Fengyu...I'm sorry...I think now, you must be in pain, right? I...I'll be free for you..." Sayu's eyes were tearful, although pain in her heart, she still held her mind, closed her eyes, and the ancient sword in her hand was straight. Stuck straight into Feng Yu's body...

On the ancient sword, fluorescence emerges, that is a trace of supernatural power that Sun Wukong deliberately attached to it, which can purify all evil...

And Feng Yu’s body was also in the fluorescence, disappearing a little bit...Finally, Feng Yu’s original soul emerged...

"Sayu... right?"

A long and long sound echoed slowly, and the soul of Feng Yu disappeared...

"Brother Fengyu..." Sha Yu was stunned, unable to sit down on the ground.

Sun Wukong patted her fragrant shoulder lightly to show comfort. Now it’s useless to say anything, cry. After crying, it’s all right...

"Brother Wukong..." Sayu suddenly plunged into Sun Wukong's arms, crying bitterly...

A few people walked out of the secret room. Monkey King looked at the house in front of him and waved his hand. The ground rumbling and the cave collapsed. In an instant, the house in front was buried under the ground, and it became history.

"Master Goku..." At the same time, Tayueya's figure also appeared beside Monkey King.

"It's done?" Monkey King looked at her and asked casually.

"Yes... there are eight people in total, not one left..."

The place where the Wind Demons live.Looking at the only remaining Fengmo clan, Monkey King said lightly: "Now you already know what Dashewan is, and you have escaped his shadow on you. I believe that the guy will not dare to trouble you anymore. Be a steadfast person for me, don’t always think about unrealistic things..."

"Yes, Lord Goku, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid that our Fengmo clan would be slain by the Oshemaru..." A middle-aged man was very grateful. Sorry to Monkey King.

"It's okay... it's just a matter of effort, we have something to do, so let's say goodbye..." Monkey King waved his hand and said.

"Yes...then we won't bother you...Sayu, the child, please give it to you..." The middle-aged man nodded respectfully, turned his head to look at Sayu, and said: "Sayu, I must be better in the future Sheng is waiting for Master Wukong, learn from him, he is the great benefactor of our whole family!"

"It's... the patriarch..."

Looking at the backs of the Monkey Kings away, the middle man's eyes flashed with a hint of hope: "Even Dashewan is so afraid of Lord Wukong, I think... Come on! Sayu, the future Fengmo clan, I'm afraid It's up to you..."

"Tayuya, how far is it from Otonin Village?" On the way, Yu Rihong looked at the road that stretched ahead, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Tayuya.

"I'll be there in half a day... If you go all the way, it will only take a few hours..." Toyu also knew that Yurihong's place in Monkey King's heart, so he spoke very politely.

"Half a day? Wukong, I think we should stop driving like this, in the village, but there are still many things for me to deal with..." Xi Rihong suddenly frowned and looked at Monkey King.He is Konoha's special forbearance, and at the same time he has his own class to take, but he is not as leisurely as Monkey King.

"En...Since you have said so, okay..." Monkey King nodded and waved his hand. Suddenly, the figures of several people appeared in a village.

On the street, he looked a little calm, no one was visible, and the doors and windows were closed, making it seem that no one was there.

Familiar streets, familiar scenes, I was stunned when seeing the familiar streets and scenes, his face was full of shock: "This... is Otonin Village?!..."

And Sayu also widened her eyes in shock, looking at Sun Wukong's gaze, full of admiration: "Is this the'ninjutsu' of Brother Wukong? It's amazing...this far place is here in one go..."

"Do you know where Otonin Village is?" Xi Rihong suddenly looked at Monkey King with an unexpected look. Now that he knew, why did he go so many wrong ways?Do you have nothing to do while idle?As for this fascinating ability, she was already familiar with it, and it was just the legendary time space ninjutsu.

"Didn’t I have told you before? What I don’t know about yet..." Monkey King smiled faintly, but glanced around from the corner of his eyes, and said: "But this Otonin Village is really hostile to us. What..."

As Sun Wukong’s words just fell, a large number of Yinren suddenly appeared in the surrounding streets and houses, all strange shapes and evil spirits, and the eyes of the few people who looked at Monkey King were full of strong hostility...

"Taya, you betrayer, do you still have the guts to return to the village? Humph! Today, you must come back and forth..."

A group of Otonin did not say much. Instead, Qi Qi showed up their weapons and launched an attack on Monkey King, because they had been identified as enemies, there was no need to talk nonsense, and their task was to get rid of the traitors... ..

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