The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 76: One Can't Be Unethical

Konoha Hospital.

The person Naruto and Zilai also rescued was a middle-aged uncle in his 30s. When Monkey King and the others came here, he had already woke up, but he was lying on the chuang with a bandage all over his body. , With the color of grief.

"Hey! Lord Naruto is here, just tell me if you have anything!" Jilai also looked at this person and said.

"You... hello... Hokage-sama..." After seeing Tsunade, the man was stunned. He didn't expect Konoha's fifth-generation Hokage to be such a beautiful young woman.

Immediately, he was very respectful and a little nervous: "Sorry...Because I am injured, I can't salute anymore. I hope Master Naruto will forgive me..."

"Those are spared... tell me about you! What's the matter?" Tsunade sat on a chair, looking at the man with a serious expression.

"Yes... I entrusted the task from Kata Nami Kanayama... We saw that Kanayama is a village named Susan Mountain in the country of Kawa. Six months ago, a group of people named Hei Chu family entered our village and occupied the village. , Killing villagers for no reason...

"This is really too much..." Sayu said with an angry expression.

"It's not just too much, it's time to kill!" Sun Wukong took a faint sentence, and at the same time he felt that the matter was a little familiar, he searched his memory, and suddenly: "It's not about Leiya... "

"Yes... they really should kill! Innocently killed our villagers... and buried them alive... while also robbing all our money... they... are so cruel... so I want to hire your Konoha ninjas to escort me While returning to the village, he also helped us solve all the black hoes!"

"What is the name of the leader of the Black Hoe family?" Tsunade asked with a serious face.

"Lei Ya... this guy likes to bury others alive, he is a complete lunatic!" said Lei Ya, this person showed fear, but he hated more.

Jilai also heard the name, and his brows were obviously frowned.

"Reya... really it is him... Tsunade, this task is a bit difficult... Don't send some cannon fodder over..." Monkey King fixed his eyes on Tsunade's pair of big waves, lightly. The way.

"En? Is there any problem?" Tsunade's eyebrows suddenly frowned: "This looks like a group of gangsters who are interested in money?" As for Monkey King's gaze, she thought she hadn't seen it. Tire, she can understand it, if she cares about it, she will be guaranteed to suffer.

"Fuck? If it's that simple..." Monkey King gave Tsunade a blank glance. In the original work, it's also thanks to Naruto who have a pig's foot aura, otherwise you would have killed him.

"What... how do you say? You seem to know something?" Tsunade suddenly looked at Monkey King with a serious expression.

"Black Hoe Leiya, the rebellious Ninja of the Water Country, and the Seven Ninja Swords, can't be solved by anyone..." Monkey King briefly introduced.

"Does this guy really know everything?" Xi Rihong muttered, looking at Monkey King.

"Nin Sword Seven? It seems that it is not a simple task..." Tsunade looked extremely serious, looked at the client, and said: "This task, we Konoha can take it, but With the strength of the Seven Ninja Swords, at least it must be listed as an A-level mission. If something happens on the way, I am afraid it will be listed as an S-level mission. If it is feasible, please sign it!" said, handed a copy. The contract is over.

"S-class? That it so scary?" The client suddenly looked surprised.

"Seven Ninja swords, everyone in Shangren is an elite among the elite...some, even reaching the strength of the shadow level...what do you think?" Jilaiya looked at the mission client with a serious face. Past, said.

"Okay! No matter A level or S level, as long as you can eliminate the black hoes family, we will pay you the prescribed amount..." After that, the client simply signed the contract.

"Okay, Konoha took over this task..." Tsunade nodded, turned his head and smiled softly at Monkey King, and said, "Goku, I'm going to trouble you again this time..."

"Hmm? Brother just finished the task and came back, OK? You really think of me as a coolie! Don't do it, don't do it!" Monkey King suddenly glared at Tsunade, his brother just came back and even fart. , Your sister gave me another task?If it wasn't for the fact that you are the sister I'm interested in, do you still want to pay for labor?

"Don't do this! Because the manpower is very short! Help!" Tsunade blinked at Monkey King, his expression pleased.

"Tsunade-sama..." Silent looked at Tsunade's appearance at the moment, and suddenly his chin almost fell.Even Ji Lai was stunned.

Nima, Tsunade is actually acting like a baby, brother is a little bit uncontrollable!Sun Wukong's firm heart was shaken suddenly.

"Don't go...say no...don't, man..." Sun Wukong held Xiong in both hands and looked up at the sky, very stiff.It’s only halfway through, but I heard Tsunade’s slightly regretful sigh: "That’s a shame... I planned to treat you after you complete this mission... Go have a meal and make an appointment. What will happen..."

"No! Tsunade, you have known me for so long, and you have never dated! Leave this task to me! It is guaranteed to be done beautifully!" Jiraiya suddenly yelled.

"Go to your sister... flash it aside..." Monkey King slapped the past, the strong wind rushed, and the figure of Jiraiya flew out the window...

"Laughter fairy..." Naruto suddenly yelled, and came to the window to look at the figure lying on the street leaning across the street with black lines: "Sure enough, Big Brother Wukong is amazing!"

"Huh huh! Since you have said so, this is a favor, I have helped..." Monkey King changed his normal and said very seriously.It's just that this unscrupulous behavior got the big eyes of Xi Rihong's women, who just wanted to refuse so hardcore.

Tsunade looked at Monkey King with a smile on his face and nodded: "Well, please... I'll wait for your triumphant return..." Then he changed his tone and said: "Actually... Konoha's manpower is It’s really not enough... This time I can’t send Shinobu to complete this task, so I have to send you a trip. Konoha has no one to send out, so if you can, you still bring your little sisters. Let's go together... As for Xi Rihong, I have other arrangements..."

"Is that so? All right, as long as you abide by the agreement...wash. Bai. Bai. Wait for me to come back!"

"..." Tsunade's brows suddenly jumped, and he can't be too shameless!When did I promise you something like that?Inexplicably, Tsunade felt something wrong in his heart...

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