The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 77 Seeing Jinshan

"Brother Wukong! Take me! Take me! What kind of D-level and C-level tasks have been doing so boring! You must take me this time!" Naruto on the side came to Sun Wukong, Shouted expectantly.

"En? What are you doing with you? Brother is surrounded by sister paper. Do you want to be a light bulb?" Monkey King glanced at Naruto and said lightly.

"..." Naruto stared at Monkey King blankly, suddenly speechless.If he is an adult, he might have vomited blood already at this moment.Don't bring such a blow.

With a single word, Naruto, who has an invincible mouth, was blocked, but Monkey King looked at the client and said faintly: "No today. I just returned to the village. I will go to the village for a meal first. Now, we will leave tomorrow morning..." As he said, he walked outside the house without waiting for the other person to answer.

As soon as he left, Xiri Hongshayu and others naturally followed closely.

"..." The client stared blankly at the people who were going away, and then he reacted and shouted: "Hey! I am like this... How do you tell me to leave tomorrow?" No one answered, leaving the client behind. Man looked at the bandage wrapped around his body, and was in a daze, a feeling of being blackened in his heart...

"I won't find the wrong person?..."

After having a meal with Tsunade and other women, Monkey King also decided on the quota for this visit.Fenghua Xiaoxue, Sayu, and the three daughters of Yuya walked with him.But Hinata and Xi Rihong all have their own tasks to do, so they can't walk together.

After all, Konoha's vitality has only just recovered a little after the Oshe Maru incident, and there are still many things to do!

The starry sky at night is coming and going fast. When my eyes are closed and opened again, a new day has arrived.

At the entrance of the village, Monkey King waved his hand to Tsunade who had been sent here all the way, and said, "Go back! Okay, after this mission, I may not be back so soon. After all, Xiaoxue and Sayu basically don’t have anything. Yes, I will take advantage of this time to train them!"

"En! Be careful!" Tsunade nodded. She is still very relieved of Monkey King. Who can hurt such a monster?

"Okay! But... Brother is about to leave, Tsunade, let's have a parting kiss!" Monkey King opened his arms and hugged Tsunade.

"You better go to die!" Tsunade snorted suddenly, turning around and retreating from behind.The target disappeared, but Monkey King picked up the mute next to him, and smiled: "The big one ran away, the small one is the same..." As he said, there was a sound of'wave'...

"Wow! Let's go..." In the sky, Sun Wukong's lewd laughter echoed...

"This hooligan..." Silent blushed, looking at the back of Monkey King, his eyes were a little blurred.

"You seem very happy..." Tsunade looked at Silent, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"That...there is..." Mute's pretty face became more flushed, and he turned his head hurriedly.

"Humph!! Don't deny it..." Tsunade gave a silent glance, looked at Monkey King's back, and shook his head with regret: "Oh! Suddenly, I feel a little regretful..."

"Uh!!" Silent's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in surprise: "Tsuna-sama... Wouldn't you also be to Goku-sama..."

"Why? No?" Tsunade gave a silent look, and then sighed with helplessness: "Unfortunately, our age is so different..."

"..." Silence suddenly remained silent and stopped talking.

On the way, Monkey King looked at the client beside him, and said lightly: "By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

"You...Did you finally remember it?" The client burst into tears, because he had been ignored by Monkey King, so there was no time to introduce himself: "My name is Liusuke, Master Goku... Actually, there were three people who came to Konoha for help this time. Yes, but the other two were unfortunately killed..."

Originally, he was seriously injured, but he couldn't act, but it was natural to have Monkey King present. Therefore, he was very respectful of Monkey King's powerful abilities.

"En! That's a shame..." Monkey King replied faintly, but he remembered that in the original book, there were three of them, but now, they have become one person, and the butterfly effect has already begun to incite.

In the original book, the three of them were saved by Naruto. Now, the trajectory of Naruto’s life has changed because of Monkey King’s relationship. Therefore, he and Jilai can only save one person, and it made the other two tragedy. Up.

But this kind of thing was not what Sun Wukong was interested in, so he immediately ignored it.

Hurrying all the way, take a short break when you are tired... And Monkey King also hurry up a little time after dinner, teaching Xiaoxue and others some simple cultivation methods.

Before they knew it, a house appeared in front of them, independent of the roadside, with a faint scent of curry.

Monkey King remembered that it was called a life-saving curry shop by Li Luoke.But he was not interested in that kind of curry, so he didn't stay longer.

Liusuke has been in a hurry, because he has been thinking about saving people.

When he came to a small hillside, Liusuke pointed to a large mountain in front of him and said, "That mountain is Kata Nami Jinshan..."

"Are you in a hurry? Then, let's go!" Monkey King glanced at him and said lightly.


At dusk, the group finally came to Jianjinshan, and Liusuke first took Monkey King and the others to a cemetery. Liusuke was very anxious and came to one of the tombs with bare hands. Anxiously he threw up the dirt... he was digging his grave...

"Hey! What the hell are you doing..." Xiaoxue looked very surprised, and immediately shouted.It's just that the gloomy atmosphere all around made her Yu Sayu seem very scared, Jiao's body clinging to Monkey King's body, one left and one right, inseparable.Only Tayuya's expression was indifferent, but he didn't seem to be pressured by this terrifying atmosphere.

"Please, help, he...he must be alive..."

"Buried alive..." Sun Wukong nodded faintly: "There is still a faint breath... Sure enough, he is still alive..." As he reached out with one hand, the soil in the tomb suddenly turned on its own, but a coffin was from the ground. Rising from the ground... Immediately after landing slowly on the ground, Monkey King waved his hand and banged, the coffin lid opened directly, revealing a figure inside...

"Tang Si!" Liusuke suddenly rushed over with a look of surprise, sniffed, and was overjoyed: "There is still anger, and she is not dead! Tang Si! Tang Si!!!"

"Huh! I said why it's so noisy... It turns out that you are robbing the tomb! Hey~~Rousuke... I didn't expect that you guy would dare to come back... Did you bring a helper..."

At this moment, a dozen men in black suddenly appeared, surrounded Monkey King and the others, watching them with cold eyes, like a cat playing a mouse...

PS: I'm finally done, this is really hard work for people to move furniture!Moving from the first floor to the sixth floor, back and forth, there is no elevator, cheating!this is!Tired out, there are still two shifts today and three shifts tomorrow...

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