The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and One

"Gift? The fourth generation star shadow? Master Wukong, don't laugh...If you can't destroy the'planet', please give it to me, I will find a way to deal with it..." After that, his face was absolutely determined.

She is very aware of her current state and may die at any time, so the'planet' matter must be resolved, she no longer wants to create a tragedy like their mother and son.

"This is a good thing, how can you destroy it if you say it..." Monkey King smiled slightly when he looked at Xia Xia.

"!!" Xia Xia was shocked, watching Monkey King's gaze suddenly showed a hint of alertness: "Master Wukong, what do you mean, don't you want to..."

"Please, I'm not interested in this kind of rubbish..." Monkey King looked at Xia's expression, gave her a blank look, and interrupted her.This can't be blamed on her nervousness, after all, this thing caused her family to be ruined, and it even killed a lot of Xingren.

"Then what do you mean..." Xia Xia knew that he was too nervous, and then looked at Monkey King with regret and asked.

Monkey King didn't answer, he used his own actions to answer Summer's question.The fluorescent light in the hand flickered, wrapped on the'planet', accompanied by the sound of'chi chi', the faint smoke rose up, and all harmful substances were purified and eliminated by that bright glow...

And Tiantian and others, their eyes widened, looking curiously, they were very curious, what exactly is Monkey King doing...

As the blue smoke dissipated, a round stone with light blue glow appeared in the palm of Monkey King...

"This...this is...just now...that...planet?!..." Xia Xia's eyes widened in shock.

"Now using it for cultivation, there are no side effects... As a congratulatory gift for your registration of the fourth generation of star shadows, I now give it to you..." Monkey King smiled slightly and handed the brand new'planet' to Xia Xia. .

"This... does this really have no side effects...'planet'?" Xia Xia took over the'brand new planet', and even his tone became a little trembling. He trembled, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.If it is true as Monkey King said, their Xingyin Village can grow up in just a few years.

And Ang and the others all came around with a look of surprise, looking at the'planet' in Xia Xia's hand, full of excitement...

"If it's as you said... then your kindness to our Xingyin Village... I really don't know how to repay..." Xia suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Monkey King's eyes with gratitude.

"If you really want to reciprocate, then you can promise with your body..." Monkey King looked at Xia Xia and couldn't help but smile.

"Huh?" Xia's complexion suddenly turned red, and was stunned. Even Tian Tian and others looked towards Monkey King blankly.

"Hehe... I'm just making a joke... You are surprised..." Monkey King shook his head, looking at Xia Xia with a joke.

"Haha...Master Wukong really likes to joke..." Summer now smiled slightly, but looked at Monkey King jokingly: "Actually, if you really have this's not impossible... It's a pity that I don't have much time. Now..." Speaking of this, Summer looked at Chao Ang with dismay.

"'s the matter with you?" Ang's expression suddenly became nervous after hearing Xia Xia's words.

Ning Ci frowned slightly and said, "Is it a side effect after cultivation?"

Summer nodded without concealing: "Yes...I know my body best. Judging from the current state, I'm afraid I won't survive tonight..."

When it comes to death, Xia Xia has no fear, just looking at Ang's eyes, full of dismay, just as the mother and son met, but they are about to leave soon, she really can't bear to...

"How..." Ang was stunned by the sudden news.Sadness appeared on the faces of Beidou and others.

"Is it necessary to be so pessimistic... I have already said that letting you become a fourth-generation star will naturally not make you trouble..." Looking at the expressions of Xia Xia and others, Monkey King smiled faintly.

"Yeah! There is also Big Brother Wukong!" Naruto's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said excitedly: "As long as Big Brother Wukong takes a shot and waves, you can be cured!"

"That's right... I almost forgot, Sanlian was cured by Brother Wukong..." Beidou immediately looked at Monkey King happily.

"Do you still have medical ninjutsu?" Xia Xia looked at Monkey King in surprise, and at the same time shook his head, his eyes were a little sad: "However, it is impossible...My injury...I am afraid it is known as having a medical master. Tsunade-sama, can’t be treated..."

Xia Tian knows very well that she looks no different now, but her life is almost exhausted and she is already on the verge of dying. This is already a mortal situation.

Monkey King looked at summer, but did not answer, the fluorescent light flashed in his hand again, poured on the delicate body of summer, full of vitality and moisturizing her life that was about to be exhausted...

In summer, I felt like I was wrapped in a warm embrace. The surrounding area was high, and the sense of peace and comfort made her almost groaned...

When the light fades completely, the warmth in the body gradually disappears, but a touch of reluctance rises in the heart of summer. It feels really nostalgic. I don’t know the body and mind, even the soul is comfortable groaning...

When he came back to his senses, Summer was shocked to discover that the fatal side effects that were about to explode had disappeared, and the health can no longer be healthy... even the chakra in the body has grown for it. It's more than twice, which is simply incredible...

" did you do it?!" Rao was so calm in summer, his eyes widened in shock.At this moment, she clearly felt the mystery and power of Monkey King.It not only cured her hidden illness, but also raised her strength to the shadow level in one fell swoop. This is simply incredible!

"Congratulations, from now on, you are the fourth generation star shadow!" Monkey King looked at Xia Xia, but smiled slightly.It is also a very good thing to support a "shadow" in the upper position.

"I haven't said what fourth-generation star shadows are going to be..." Xia Xia suddenly gave Monkey King a blank look. Does this guy never ask people about everything?But at the same time, he smiled softly: "But if you want it, it's up to you..."

Xia Xia knows very well that with her current strength, she is the most suitable candidate for Xingyin Village, and if there is someone like Monkey King, then their Xingyin Village may be able to become an alliance with Konoha Village. What...

Next, Xia Xia smoothly became the fourth-generation star shadow of Xingyin Village, and when Monkey King returned to Konoha, Xia also went with him. She went to Konoha to negotiate the alliance, and Beidou naturally accompanied him. …Well, this is obviously Sun Wukong’s proposal.....

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