The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 102 The Unspeakable Chapter

Although Xingyin Village is only a small forbearance village, because of Monkey King's relationship, the purpose of going to Konoha in summer to form an alliance is easy to achieve.

Although some of Konoha's senior officials were a little dismissive of this matter, they looked down on the small Xingyin Village, and felt that there was no need to form an alliance with such a small village. They were just dipping into the light of Konoha, and had nothing to do with Konoha. A little benefit at all.But due to Monkey King's lust, they had no choice but to pretend that they hadn't seen it. After all, this was not a great event, and there was no need to offend Monkey King for this kind of thing.

Summer stayed in Konoha for two days, got acquainted with Konoha, and asked Tsunade some things about "shadow", and then she took Beidou back to her Xingyin Village. After all, she had just taken office. There are many things to deal with.

The two villages have also become an alliance, and naturally they can communicate freely.This is also the purpose of Monkey King helping Xingying to form an alliance with Konoha.

When it’s okay, go to Xingyin Village and play around with this beautiful wife and wife in summer, or tease the innocent sister of Beidou...

Life is just so coquettish!

That day, Monkey King came to the Hokage office alone, looking at Tsunade who was seriously correcting the document, and said, "Mute, you are looking for me?"

"Well, Xiaoxue and the others have been cultivating with you for a while...I have a task here I want to give them, don't know if there is a problem?" Tsunade stopped the pen in his hand and looked at Monkey King very seriously.

"Huh? You would actually send them a task?" Monkey King suddenly looked at Chao Tsunade with an unexpected look.

"Although they are following you, how can they say that they are also Konoha's ninjas in reputation, and after practicing, they should go and exercise well, right?"

"Okay, I'm fine when I'm idle anyway, just tell me, what is the task..."

"It's not a very difficult task, it's just a C-level caravan guard task. I think with Xiaoxue and the others' current strength, they should be able to do it..." Tsunade handed a task attorney to Monkey King.

Monkey King took a look, and a faint smile suddenly hung from the corner of his mouth: "The country of vegetables... protect the safety of a caravan... OK, this level of mission can just let them try their skills..."

"Well, then I beg you... the client of this mission helped me, so it must be completed perfectly..."

"Helping you? I think it's related to gambling again!" Monkey King looked at Tsunade, and said lightly: "By the owe money, but you haven't paid back any of it..."

"Ah...Don't pay attention to this kind of details! Haha~~" Tsunade's eyes drifted and he laughed with a guilty conscience.

Monkey King shook his head, and didn't expect Tsunade to return it!It's the same when the debt is paid back in the future, wow...

Waved his hand, Monkey King flashed his figure before returning to his home.

There was no one in the room, and it seemed very quiet. It was just the sound of playing in the yard, but it was very lively. The occasional rushing sound made people think about it...

Monkey King opened the curtains and looked into the exquisite courtyard, where the mist was steaming and the air was filled with a faint fragrance.As far as I can see, four graceful and wonderful figures come into my eyes, and the indescribable picture is so beautiful...

"Tsk...Xiaoxue's is still bigger...No, the bustard is not small...hehe..." Monkey King's eyes lighted up, commenting on his head and feet, and let out a sound of admiration.

"That big lure. The wolf is peeking again and hit him..." Xiaoxue seemed to be aware of it, looking at the wolf-light figure in front of the window, her complexion suddenly flushed, her delicate hand raised, a basketball-sized figure. The water polo immediately smashed towards Monkey King...

Following that, the hands of Sayu's girls also condensed a water polo, and threw them at Monkey King on their backs... This skillful movement obviously did not do much...

"Papa~~" With a few soft sounds, the water polo hits the target, and Monkey King suddenly became a chicken...

"Wow! You are brave enough to eat the ambition leopard, don't you dare to do it to me!" Monkey King gave a wicked smile.With a "click", he took off his clothes and threw them on the ground, leaped forward, and jumped directly from the window...

Accompanied by the exclamation of several women, there was a'puff', water splashed everywhere, and Monkey King fell into the hot spring like a cannonball...

"Ah! What do you want to do! Big pervert. The wolf is coming! Sisters, run!" Xiaoxue and the women suddenly lost their color, and even had time to put on the clothes, her figure flashed, and she ran away from this right and wrong. place…

Only Tayuu blushed, soaking in the hot spring without leaving.Xiaoxue and the others are thin-skinned and are not ready to dedicate themselves, but Duyu is also different. She has already made preparations to dedicate everything to Monkey King, so naturally there is no pressure.

"Master Goku... I'll frustrate you..." Tayuya blushed slightly and came to the side of Sun Wukong, looking very generous.

"Hey~~ Why don't you run away! It's not fun..." Monkey King looked at Doyuya who was close to him. After a moment of depression, he unceremoniously picked her up into his arms. , The palm of his hand flew, but in a moment, Toyu was already clean...

Embracing a soft, soft body, Sun Wukong’s big evil hands suddenly became dishonest, and he supported the place that cannot be described...

Xiaoxue looked at the hot springs, the two loving couples, their cheeks were slightly red, but the corners of their mouths were pouting: "That fellow Toyuya is really cunning..."

"If you are envious, it's not too late for you..." Sayu smiled, her lovely face was full of blush, and the corner of her eyes looked at the hot springs, and the look that wanted to see but didn't dare to see added even more. It's lovely.

"Who...who envied...this big horny wolf..." Although Fenghua Xiaoxue had been mentally prepared for a long time, Fenghua Xiaoxue's mentality was still a little uncomfortable, and after a soft snort, she returned to her room.

And Zhu Bustard and Sayu, also blushing, left here, and Da Yuya's bold yelling made their pure sisters blush and their hearts are like deer. The picture is so beautiful, they don’t Dare to see again...

After more than two hours passed, Monkey King held the already helpless Tayuya, washed away the trace of blood left on the ground, and returned to his room...

After resting for a day and a night, Doyu also recovered from the stage of being a young girl into a young woman, but Xiaoxue and the girls looked at her with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. This made her very helpless. .

"Don't look at me like this. If you are envious, wash yourself. If it's white, go to Master Wukong and it will be..." Early in the morning, I enjoyed the grimace in the eyes of Xiaoxue's daughters, but Duyuya didn't care about it. Waved his hand.It's just that the tone is somewhat proud.

"Do you think we are you!" Xiaoxue gave her a blank look.

"Okay, quickly get ready, we are going to set off!" Monkey King looked at the women in the living room and couldn't help but urge.He had already told them the assignment of the task last night.The task has been delayed for a day, but it can't be delayed...

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