The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 43 The Whiskey Mountain

Slightly rolling his eyes, hesitated, but finally made up his mind: "Thank you then...we are going to Whiskey Mountain...can we be sent there?"

"Whiskey Hill?" Monkey King looked at Weiwei inexplicably after hearing this, making Weiwei suddenly nervous, then nodded: "Yes!"

"Really? Thank you so much..." While he was slightly relieved, he was overjoyed, took out a pointer, and handed it to Monkey King: "This is a record pointer. You can navigate for us to Whiskey Mountain..."

Monkey King handed the record pointer to Tina, grabbed Rab who had bid farewell to the old ship doctor, boarded the boat, and threw it directly into a pond...

And Nami's daughters also followed on board...

"You... are not allowed to get on the boat..." Tina suddenly stopped in front of Mr:9 and said coldly.

"Why is that?"

"Except for the owner, no man is allowed to board the Emperor Emperor!" Tina pointed to a small boat connected to the stern of the Emperor Emperor, and said lightly: "If you don't want to die, just stay there! That’s your place..."

"I..." Mr. 9 really wanted to resist a few words, but I thought that the other party was a big pirate with a bounty of up to 5000W.I had to obediently board the boat at the stern...

After bidding farewell to the old ship doctor, the Emperor also slowly sailed towards the great channel...

The Emperor Slowly sailed over the sea. Before I knew it, the originally warm weather suddenly became colder and colder. In a moment, a heavy snow fell like a feather...

Such a weird weather change surprised Nami and others: "It was fine the moment before... Why did it suddenly snow?"

"Is this the great route? Even the weather is so incredible!" Keya exclaimed.

Although there was heavy snow outside the ship, there was no coldness inside the ship. This was another incredible ability of the Emperor: warm in winter and cool in summer.She will automatically adjust the temperature changes inside the ship according to the outside weather changes...

It’s just pitiful. Mr: 9 A man hugged his knees, hugged in the stern boat, with a long nose, trembling and sneezing...

Before long, a thick layer of white snow accumulated on the Imperial ship, and Ablis happily pulled Monkey King out of the room, piled up snowmen on the deck, and played snowball fights...

But not long after, the sky suddenly became clouded, the wind roared, the calm sea suddenly rolled violently, and from time to time, thunder fell from the clouds...

"Help! Let me get on the boat! Please... if this goes on... I will really die!!" Mr. 9 behind the ship screamed in terror from time to time...

It’s just that Monkey King and others have already returned to the cabin, drinking tea and reading leisurely...but no one heard the exclamation of the hard-working uncle...

"Hey! Are you the navigator here? You didn't support it from the beginning? This is a great route...does it really matter?" Looking at Nami slightly, "I kindly remind you of this. On the sea, whether it is wind, sky, waves or snow... you can’t believe it, the only thing you can believe is the record pointer in your hand..."

"Huh? Is there such a saying?" Nami was slightly surprised, and then waved her hand indifferently: "But...don't worry...this is the's different from those ordinary ships! Tina is enough! It's..." After speaking, he continued to drink juice leisurely.

"Hey! I said, do you have a sense of crisis? The wind and waves outside are so still have a leisure time to drink juice...please! I don't want to die here!" The performance of several women made them pretend to be indifferent to Wei Wei. Finally unable to pretend, he got up and shouted.

"Don't worry! It's okay! This is the Emperor!" Nami's expression was still calm, but she was slightly mad.Looking along the window, she found the horrible situation of roaring wind and stormy waves outside, and her frightened complexion began to turn pale, but suddenly she discovered something again, and a thick doubt appeared on her face: "Huh. Strange, the wind and waves outside are so big? Why is it so stable inside?"

"So, this is the emperor! Don't worry about anything!" Nami said in a smug voice, and finally saw someone with such a ghostly shocked expression!

As time passed, the dark clouds dissipated, the turbulent sea became calm, and the sky became sunny again...

"It's incredible...the dangerous sea didn't do anything...just here?" Wei Wei was still in extreme shock.

As the fog gradually dissipated, an island covered with soil and huge cacti appeared in front of everyone...

Keya: "Is that the Whiskey Mountain? It looks so strange!"

"It's finally here... It's incredible... I actually... survived..." Mr. Nine, panting heavily, lay on the boat and crossed the dangerous sea, but he was miserable and almost lost half of his life. Simply he was not swallowed by the sea.

It’s just that his heart is full of hatred: "Damn it! You have made me so miserable. After I get to the island, I must repay this grudge..." After he said, he thumped and jumped into the sea. …

"Brother Wukong! That guy ran away..." Ablis pointed at Mr: 9 loudly.

"Everyone! Thank you for sending us here... there will be some time later..." Wei Wei also jumped onto the window for the first time and said hello to the women. With a puff, she also jumped out of the sea and swam to the coast quickly...

"It's too much... I sent them to the place and ran away..." Nami was immediately itchy with anger.

"Alright! Let's talk about landing on the island..." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently.This was as early as he expected.

As the Emperor Emperor slowly landed, those who found the Emperor had a strong look of greed, and they were well hidden for a while... Not long after, countless people surrounded the two sides of the strait and faced Monkey King They cheered like a tsunami...

"A town where pirates are welcome? Is there such a place?" Tina looked at the cheering crowd around her with a look of surprise.

"Be careful... the people here are basically bounty hunters. The reason why they welcome us so much is actually just welcoming the bounty above my head..." Monkey King said lightly to the women.

"Bounty hunter? Hey! Did you make a mistake? Now that you know their identities, why do you want to land on the island? Leave now!" Nami immediately shouted at Monkey King.

"Leaving? Is it necessary? It's just a bunch of rubbish..." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently...

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