The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 44 Bloodthirsty Shura

All the women looked at Monkey King speechlessly, but they were relieved when thinking of his strength. Anyway, something happened, there was a tall man against him, and what was there to be afraid of.

"So, we were deceived by MissWednesday?" Tina Dai frowned slightly, her tone a little uncomfortable.

"Don't you know this kind of thing after landing on the island?" Monkey King said lightly.

Under the cheers of everyone, the group landed on the island.

Monkey King is not the kind of person who likes to play with imaginary snakes and likes to play, so when he landed on the island, before the curly-haired old man could speak, he said straightforwardly: "You don't have to pretend...bounty hunters are bounty hunters. It's not that I don't know, I want the bounty on my head, even if I do it!"

"How do you know our Baroque work agency?!!!"

The words of Monkey King had just been uttered, but they were shocked to the people present. The originally brewed rhetoric was suddenly stuck in the throat, and it was very uncomfortable.

Everyone glanced at each other, stepped back one after another, took out the hidden guns and pointed them at Monkey King and the others.And the curly-haired old man who took the lead frowned, tried to hum a few words in his voice, and said: "It's really amazing. Now that we know our identity, we dare to go to the island, we are indeed a pirate who dares to be named after the emperor! Courageous, as expected! But a pity... I didn't want to take your lives... Now that you know our secret... Then I have to kill you... It seems that there are more tombstones on the cactus stone..."

"Hehe... Really..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and looked at a hidden place in the crowd, where Princess Weiwei hid: "How to say... I kindly send you back... but you want my life... this It's really sad..."

Wei Wei walked out of the crowd, her expression a little tangled, and then she said very hard: "You are a pirate... and you are a pirate who likes to kidnap women... I won't believe you... Help me, you definitely want to beat me. What idea...Don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes..."

"Can you see this too?" Sun Wukong was suddenly depressed, didn't I just look at you more?Want to recruit you into the Emperor Pirate Group?Why do you treat me as a pervert?The damn navy, it's all their fault, it's damn damning to call Lao Tzu like a trafficker!It's no wonder that Wei Wei is always alert to him and doesn't believe him anymore.

"Haha! Exactly! Who told you that you like to be a trafficker! You deserve to be hated!" Tina pointed at Monkey King, but she laughed very impersonally.

"Don't mess around, provoke me, be careful to hang you up and beat you!" Monkey King gave Tina a vicious look.In exchange for the latter, he smiled and didn't pay attention to his threat.

After getting along for this period of time, Tina had already understood the character of Monkey King. As long as it wasn't really angry, he wouldn't be really angry no matter how they messed with him.

"Haha... are you still in the mood to make a joke? Go... Kill them for me!" The curly-haired old man gave an order, and the group of bounty hunters behind him pulled the trigger one after another, and countless bullets shot towards Monkey King and the others...

Nami and her daughters hid behind Monkey King...

Ding Ding!!!

When countless bullets approached the front of Monkey King, they were blocked by an invisible barrier, making sound of metal collision. During the ejection, countless bullets fell to the ground weakly...

"What?!!! What happened to that barrier?!!!" A group of bounty hunters were shocked.

"Let me smash him!" A man carried a cannon barrel and blasted it over. With a bang, it hit the invisible barrier. The dust was everywhere, but the barrier was not damaged...

Numerous bounty hunters suddenly felt a deep anxiety, knowing that they might have kicked the iron plate today... all of them were panicked...

"If you take a shot at me... but you will die!" Monkey King looked at the bounty hunters in front of him lightly, as if he were watching a group of dead people.

Since you are a killer to others, you must have the consciousness to be killed!

"Master, it's just a bunch of dirty rubbish, you don't need to get your hands dirty, just leave it to me..." Tina stepped forward and stood in front of Monkey King.

"En... I'll leave it to you..." Sun Wukong nodded, and looked at the curly-haired old man and Wei Wei: "The two of them stay, the others, whatever..."

"Yes!" A cold light flashed in Tina's hand, and an ancient sword suddenly appeared.

"These people are dead...Tina is the most disrespectful of others for Wukong..." The Nami girls shuddered as they looked at Tina with a cold face.This girl is usually dull and cute, without any sense of existence, but if anyone dares to be disrespectful to Monkey King, she will definitely turn into Shura for the first time, let alone these bounty hunters, even they, as long as Monkey King speaks Under the order, she would never hesitate at all.

Because they have been together for so long, they know very well that Tina's respect and obedience to Monkey King have reached the soul and the bones!What Sun Wukong said is absolute truth to her, there is no reason at all, only blind obedience.

In fact, Nami and the others have always wondered why Tina's loyalty to Monkey King has reached such an incredible level!

Now this group of people dare to shoot Sun Wukong in front of Tina, it's like a death-hunting rhythm!

This is like a group of crazy believers who suddenly saw someone spilling piss on the gods they believed in, so I didn't look for you desperately!

"Those who dare to disrespect their master! Only death!"

Tina uttered coldly, her figure moving, her hands flickering, and accompanied by a scream, a famous bounty hunter fell into a pool of blood, too fast, they could not see when Tina came out. Sword, I felt darkness before my eyes...

The disparity in strength is too great, but in a moment, hundreds of bounty hunters have fallen in a pool of blood...

Wei Wei was stunned by the bloody slaughter in front of her. Her whole body was trembling, her pupils shrunk, her face was terrified... They offended a bloodthirsty Shura this time...

Although the curly-haired old man has a look of fear, he still stands in front of Wei Wei to the death. If he wants to die, he will die first. This loyalty is worthy of praise!

"Why, are you unbearable?" Monkey King looked at Da Siqi beside him and said lightly.

"You don't need to kill them all, right?" Da Siqi looked unbearable, even a little angry.

"If we don't have the strength, you say, who will be the dead now?" Monkey King looked at Da Siqi and asked.

"Even need..." Da Siqi wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

"The enemy is the enemy, there is no kindness at all, otherwise the dead person is himself!"..

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