The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 45 This is here to die

"Your kindness should also vary from person to person. Don't be kind to everyone. That's just the most stupid performance..." Monkey King took the girls and began to talk to them about the principles of life.

Not to say no, these sisters are all kind-hearted people, and in this world where pirates are rampant, they will suffer.

And Mr.9 in a hidden corner was already shivering with fright: "Too...too she the one with a bounty of 5000W Bailey? Don't even think of revenge... It’s important..." He turned around decisively and fled here...

It was a bird and a sea lazy that stopped the way...

"No...unlucky?!" Mr.9 was shocked at the moment, with a frightened expression on his face: "You...are you here to deal with me?"

"It's so embarrassing, Mr. 9, do you want to escape by yourself?"

At this moment, a man and a woman came again...

"Mr.5, guys are here?" Seeing the two, Mr.9 was overjoyed.

"I heard that there was a great man here, so the boss sent us here to take a look...Of course, the more important thing is to get rid of the two traitors..." Mr.5's face was plain, but his tone of voice contained Icy.

"Traitor...traitor?!" Mr.9 was shocked: "I am not a traitor! I just can't beat them, I just want to escape..."

"Ahaha~~ Escape... is also an unforgivable crime..." Miss. Valenting held an oil umbrella and made a smirk.

"Please... don't kill me... I just... don't... ah!!!"

Accompanied by a scream of fear, an explosion sounded, and the sound stopped abruptly...

"Oh, are you here to help again?" Monkey King turned his head and looked behind him.

Seeing the two walking slowly, Weiwei and Icarim were overjoyed...

"Are you kidding me? He was wiped out by a mere woman!" Mr.5 put his hands in his pockets and said with a look of disdain.

"She's have to worry about it..." Although Icarim was very upset with the two of them, if they can be saved, it will be fine.

"We naturally know that... a character with a bounty of up to 5000W can be dealt with by a person like yours..." Mr.5 said flatly: "But before that, the most important task must be completed. …"

"The most important task?" Icarim frowned slightly, and seeing Mr.5's eyes looking at him, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"Haha...Yes! Because the sinner who asked the boss to give orders himself is here..." Mr.5 looked at Icarim and said.


"The boss said: My secret has been discovered...Of course, I don’t know what the secret is. The motto of our agency is mystery. It is an absolute rule not to explore the way of others. Let alone someone knows the boss. 'S secret...Of course there is only a dead end..."

"I know it, why are there so much nonsense!" Seeing what MissValenting wanted to say, Monkey King immediately interrupted her, and said to Wei Wei, "It seems that your identity has been discovered! This is planning to kill someone. Quit your mouth!"

"Wh...what's your identity...Don't talk nonsense..." A slightly nervous expression on his face, but he also pretended to be calm.

"No need to hide... Princess Weiwei of the Kingdom of Alabastan... We have already investigated very clearly..."

"Is it really exposed? It looks like it's over!" Icarim was shocked, got up immediately, and shouted angrily: "Go to hell! Horn bomb!" He saw his long curly hair sticking out Six barrels came and fired on Mr.5 and Miss.Valenting!

Boom boom boom!!

Along with the roar, the wind is everywhere here...

"I will never let you hurt the princess! I swear in the name of the captain of the kingdom of Alabastan!" Icarim shouted loudly.

"She's really a princess..." Nami and the girls looked at Weiwei. Although they were suspicious in advance, they were unavoidably surprised.

"The captain of the guard of the Kingdom of Alabastan, as well as the princess, Neferruta Livii, I will kill you all on the order of the owner of the Baroque Job Club..." Mr.5 took out a pic of a little, that look, the slightest The two of them are not in sight.

Wei Wei's pupils shrank instantly, and his expression became frightened!She knew very well that if they were stared at by these two people, they would never escape!

"Princess Weiwei! Run away!" Icarim madly fired at the two of them, but he couldn't hurt Mr.5 at all.

I saw that Mr.5 only gave birth to a finger, and then, with one bullet, a small shell instantly bombarded Iqalem's body. With the explosion, Iqalem fell to the ground like this...

Mr.5 is a person with the ability to bomb fruit, a nose can explode!

"Icarim!!" Wei Wei was shocked,

"Struggling, it's useless..." Miss. Valentine laughed a few times, her body floated to the sky, then fell quickly, and went towards a slight attack...

Slightly gritted his teeth and tried to fight back, Monkey King suddenly flashed in front of her, grabbed Miss.Valentine's ankles, and drove a few times in the air at an astonishing speed. In a moment, Miss.Valentine's eyes were full of circles. Circle, intuition, the world is spinning around, can not find the southeast, northwest!In this way, Monkey King held it in his hand like a doll!

"I'm such a big living person standing here, you are completely ignoring, don't you take me too seriously?" Monkey King looked at Mr.5 with an unhappy expression.The Miss.Valentine held in his hand shocked Mr.5.He knows Miss.Valentine's ability very well, so he was given a'second kill' by the other party?

"It deserves to be a character with a bounty of up to 5000W Bailey, it is really tricky..." Mr.5's complexion suddenly became particularly dignified: "Why, do you want to stand out for her?"

"Don't talk to me in this tone! That would be deadly!"


Just after Sun Wukong’s words fell, a sharp sword was already pierced from the back of Mr.5...

"How...maybe..." Mr.5 widened his eyes and glanced back, looking at Tina's calm face, unwillingly, and fell to the ground...

"That's it...dead?" Looking at Mr.5 slightly, in a daze.This was regarded as an invincible opponent, but it was solved like this?..

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