The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 54: Adventure in the Desert

"Okay, it's useless to say more, it's getting late, so let's stop here today!" Monkey King said, with a thought, the Emperor immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah! I can finally rest! After a day's journey, I'm exhausted! I have to wash well!" Seeing this, the women were overjoyed, swishing, and all ran into the Emperor.

"Your reaction... is it a bit too exaggerated..." Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, then walked in...

"Si~ It's cold! What's the matter?" After taking a bath, the Nami women came to the hall wrapped in bathrobes, but they suddenly felt a cold wind and put their hands around xiong. Shivered!

"Ah! I have forgotten that there is no shade in the desert. Of course it is very hot during the day, but it will drop to zero and very cold at night! In the desert, there are many unexpected dangers." Wei Wei shuddered, explaining Tao.

"Is there such a big difference between day and night?" Nami looked surprised, and immediately glared at Monkey King who was looking at their group with eyes full of light: "Goku, the Emperor is not warm in winter and cool in summer. Functional? Why is it so cold now?"

"Isn't this to let you feel the joy of adventure?" Monkey King smiled slightly.

"What kind of adventure should the ghost enjoy! This is simply suffering! Let Tina turn the temperature up!" Nami stared again.Although her relationship with Tina is very good, she also knows very well that Tina only obeys Monkey King's words, so Tina will ignore what they say as long as it is Monkey King's order.

"You really don't have any adventurous spirit!" Monkey King waved his hand to Tina. Tina knew, and the temperature in the hall immediately became warmer.

"Ah~ It feels comfortable... Idiots are willing to enjoy the bitter cold!" The women immediately opened their arms and became intoxicated.

The swelling in front of xiong, along with the unfolded body, presents a thrilling beauty. The gently wrapped bathrobe can hardly cover up, and there is a danger of collapse at any time. In that scene, the eyes of Monkey King looked bright. .

Monkey King’s performance made Ji Nv Jun give him a big eye, and went back to his room to change clothes...

One night, just passed it peacefully...

The sky is gradually turning from dark to bright, and a new day has arrived...

In the early morning, everyone was eating breakfast, put away the emperor, and prepared to go on their way, but suddenly saw a terrible storm sweeping ahead!The series of wind salon scrolls seem to give people an illusion of connecting heaven and earth, but in the whistling, they destroy everything along the way...

"! That's a desert's one of the most dangerous things in the desert. Everyone quickly hide behind the rocks..." Her pupils shrank slightly, and she was shocked.

"Desert Storm?" Nami and her daughters were shocked, all hiding behind the rocks not far away...

"It's just a desert storm...what's to be afraid of..." Monkey King looked at the nervous performance of the women, waved his hand indifferently, but stepped towards the desert storm that was swept oncoming...

"Wukong! Don't go! Desert storm is very dangerous!" Wei Wei shouted at Monkey King.

The violent wind salon curled up in front of him almost for a moment, and the roar resounded, showing the inviolability of Tianwei...

However, Monkey King blasted a punch in front of him, and the terrifying wind swept forward. In an instant, the smoke that was torn by the desert storm disappeared...

"Wei...What did you just say?" Monkey King turned his head and looked towards Wei Wei, only to see the dumbfounded look of the women.This guy actually knocked the desert storm away with one punch. The shock of the visual effect is unforgettable...

"No...nothing..." Wei Wei replied blankly.

"My god...what kind of pervert is this guy...!" Miss. Valentine was horrified by what she saw.I know that Monkey King is very strong, but this punch has broken the Desert Storm apart. Isn’t it a bit too strong?This is not a rock!It's a storm!It's the wind!Such a terrible storm can be blown away?What a terrifying strength this is!

Miss.Valentine's illusion that existed in her heart suddenly loosened a bit, and she began to worry, can Krokdal really defeat Monkey King and save her?

"It choice is not wrong..." Robin looked at Monkey King with a smile at this time.It was just a guess before, but now that I have seen Monkey King's methods with my own eyes, the trace of worry in my heart is finally eliminated.

The group of people continued to advance... In a rock group, they also encountered a group of deceiving birds pretending to be injured on the ground, but they were seen through by Monkey King. With a wave of their big sleeves, they were all lying in the desert. Up...

To deceive others' sympathy, and then take away all other people's food and water, so that the benevolent person may die of thirst or starvation in the desert. This kind of inferior deceptive bird is simply hateful!So Monkey King did not have the slightest softness when he started!

Along the way, they even encountered a terrifying, tooth-like, man-eating flower-like plant that suddenly emerged from the desert, biting towards them...but they were all cut off by Shigure in Dasqi's hands...

They were also attacked by terrifying giant lizards and various giant monsters, but they also became the objects of Robin and his training...

After battles of various sizes, Nami and the others have gained a lot of practical experience. This is a very good training place for them who have just started a new training system...

As time passed, they were completely immersed in the cultivation...

With Monkey King guarding the practice, not only is it not dangerous, it is not tired, but it is very interesting, so that the women are not tired...

And Nami’s timid character has become a lot more courageous with the battles. At least for now, she won’t be frightened and screamed when she sees that terrible monster. Go up and try...

Before you know it, it's already afternoon!But in front of Monkey King and others, a pirate ship suddenly appeared, a pirate ship sailing in the desert, and finally stopped in front of them...

A famous pirate poked his head from the side of the ship with a fierce appearance, I'm afraid that I am a bad guy without it...

"Unexpectedly, I will meet you here..." A beautiful woman walked out of the crowd, looking at Wei Wei's expression, with nostalgia and surprise, but more hatred...

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