"Who are you?" Wei Wei's expression on the other side's face made Wei Wei very puzzled.

"Sure enough, you have forgotten!" The woman gritted her teeth and the expression on her face became even more angry.With a wave of his hand, a scimitar in the shape of a sickle was slightly thrown towards...

"!!!" Slightly shocked, he dodges to avoid.

"She really wants to kill you... Weiwei, have you offended others?" Da Siqi and her daughters stood in front of Wei Wei and looked at the pirates in front of them with hostility.

"I don't know them..." A slightly puzzled face.

"Hey! Did you admit the wrong person? No one here knows you!" Da Siqi said seriously.

"You do look like foreigners, but she is not!" The beauty pointed at Wei Wei and said coldly.

"But I really don't know you!" The other party's expression on the face that I know you made Wei Wei very helpless.

"I don't need to know it now!" The woman snorted coldly, and a handsome somersault jumped off the pirate boat, and launched a fierce offensive against Weiwei, with fierce tricks, which contained endless hatred...

Wei Wei Dai's eyebrows frowned slightly, her luck made herself as light as a swallow, and she kept evasive, but did not fight back, because she saw from the other's eyes that people really knew herself, because one's eyes cannot be faked...

"But I don't seem to have seen her..." Wei Wei tried to recall as she dodges, but there is no information about the woman in front of her.

"Head! What to do? Lasha suddenly started fighting with someone! Should we go up and help?" A group of sand thieves all looked at a bearded man.

"This seems to be Lasha's own personal affair, let's take a look first..." the bearded head frowned, said.

And Nami and the girls looked at them with a lively mentality, because they had already seen that the woman named Lasha was not a Wei Wei opponent after Sun Wukong training.

"Hey, I really can't remember who you are! Why don't you tell me? You can give me some hints!" Wei Wei said while avoiding.

"Huh! I have nothing to say to you! You big liar!" La Sha yelled, and the movements in his hands became fierce.

"What did I lie to you? I told you to tell you that you didn't say it, so I can fight back!" Wei Wei was also a little angry at the moment, as if she had done nothing?Why do you look like I deceived your feelings.

"Come on then! Let me see how capable you are!" Lasha let out a cold snort, without giving up.

"This...what's the situation? Weiwei didn't really do something sorry for others, and then forgot it?" The faces of the girls and Nami were full of gossip.

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly. If this does not remind Wei Wei, she may not remember it for a while: "Wei Wei! Think about when you were young, did you have a relationship with a little girl somewhere in this generation? By agreement...At that time, your father and king were also..."

"Appointment? When I was young? My father was also..." Wei Wei listened, and she was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Ah! I remember! You wouldn't be the little girl then?"

"Finally remembered..." Lasha suddenly stopped attacking, staring at Wei Wei, with a low tone of voice, and also a bit of resentment: "I have been waiting...At that time the king said to us that if something happens to this oasis, he It will definitely be resolved, as long as there are complaints in the country, no matter how big or small, he can listen to it... But... look now, where is your original vow? People have been forced to leave their city, but I am still waiting here For you to come back... I always believe you... But the king did not come, and of course, you did not come..."

"Ye... I'm sorry... because similar incidents had already happened in the country at that time... The king was thinking about countermeasures every day..." Wei Wei said apologetically.

"I don't want to listen to your excuses!" Lasha said angrily: "In this vast desert, I waited alone for a long time. In the end, I couldn't tell the sun or sunset, and I was rescued by Baru Barusa. When the sun was hot during the day and the freezing cold after the sun went down, I didn’t feel it at all... It’s incredible to be alive, but what reverberated in my mind was what the king said at that time. I still don’t understand it. Even though it’s so painful, what on earth was I waiting for...what was it that supported me and kept me alive? Is it resentment? Is it anger? Is it stupid hope? What is it? Who can tell me?"

Rasha said and said, she couldn't cry...

"I'm sorry... for making you wait so long... I'm so sorry..." He lowered his head slightly, his face was sad and self-blaming, tears could not stop streaming down...

The Robin girls on the side were also moved, and Abliss cried loudly...

"Aren't you waiting for your hope now?" Sun Wukong suddenly came to Weiwei and Lasha and smiled: "So, I can tell you...your motivation for persisting in living is not your current hope? Weiwei has come. Now, and we have already come..."

Said this, Monkey King paused, and said: "But one thing, I want to explain! Wei Wei is not the kind of irresponsible princess! Don't think that you have a hard time, as a princess, Wei Wei is much harder than you. Up..."

"Because what she wants to consider is not a place, but the people of the whole country. In order to save her own country, she mixes into the enemy's interior regardless of her own safety and collects intelligence, the kind of danger that always puts her life out of consideration, you Can you understand?"

"What got into the enemy's interior? This is...what's going on?" La Sha looked at Monkey King and looked very serious. She heard it out that the truth of the matter seemed not so simple.

Sun Wukong had to explain Weiwei’s efforts and Krokdal’s conspiracy to her carefully. After listening to it, Lasha was extremely shocked. The truth of the matter turned out to be like this, Krokdal, not Allah. The hero of Bastan?It turned out to be the culprit that caused the country to fall into war?!

"I'm sorry, Princess Weiwei... I didn't expect... I would suspect that you have been working so hard... I'm really sorry..." La Sha looked at Wei Wei with a look of guilt, and she actually knelt down.

"Don't be like this... I just came now... I was also wrong... I'm sorry..." Wei Wei helped pull the gauze, and the two hugged each other, clearing their previous suspicions.

"Okay! We should set off too... Now there is no time to delay..." Monkey King waved his hand and said.

"Rasha, goodbye! I am really happy to see you, but I have to leave because we have to stop this rebellion... stop Klockdal's conspiracy..."..

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