"Princess Weiwei, can I go with you? Now that I know the truth of the matter, I also want to help Alabastan..." Lasha looked at Weiwei and said seriously.

"This..." Hesitantly looked at Monkey King and asked for his opinion.

"I don't care, it's okay to have one more person!" Monkey King waved his hand faintly. There is no reason to refuse with sister paper volunteering.

"If you are with us, it's very dangerous..." he said seriously, looking at the gauze slightly.

"I've been a sand thief for so long, I have never seen any danger, so please allow me to go on the road with you!" La Sha's face was determined and bent over with a pleased expression.

"Then... okay!" Since pulling yarn was so determined, Wei Wei had no choice but to agree.If it was normal, Wei Wei would never agree to Lasha going on an adventure with them, but there was Monkey King sitting in front of them, so she was relieved.

"Please wait for me here..." La Sha said, returning to the sand boat.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" The Bearded Captain looked at Lasha very seriously.

"Yes! Since the princess has worked so hard, as a subject, I must not ignore it. Therefore, I want to help the princess and prevent this rebellion..." Lasha said seriously and resolutely.

|"I listened to your conversation just now. The opponent is Krokdal, one of the Seven Wuhais. That guy, not everyone can provoke him!" The bearded head said with a solemn expression.

"So I have to go even more... Since the princess is not afraid, I have no reason to be afraid!" Lasha's tone was still so determined.

"Now that you have decided, then do it... But we are sand thieves and don't want to participate in the disputes of the country, so if you don't help, you won't blame me?"

"Of course not, you also have your position... these years... Thank you for taking care of me, take care!" Lasha got up and bowed deeply to the bearded Captain.

"You too…"

At this point, Lasha waved goodbye to the dry sand thief, and left with Monkey King and his party...

The scorching desert is like a big stove, and the air becomes a little distorted under the refraction of the high temperature.

Ablis was already weakly lying on Monkey King's back and let him carry it.

As the group walked along, Monkey King suddenly looked to the left, beckoned to the girls, "Hey, go here..."

"What are you going to do over there?" Nami and her daughters looked at Monkey King in confusion.

"There is a ruin under a desert over there. I think Robin will be interested, so let's go and take a look!" Monkey King said lightly.

"Relics in the desert?" Robin's eyes lit up suddenly, and he smiled slightly at Monkey King, "I'm going to see..."

"How do you know there will be ruins? Isn't it the first time you have come here?" Keya said curiously.

"If I want to know, naturally I will know..." Monkey King smiled slightly at the women: "Cultivate hard, and when your cultivation level meets my requirements, I will teach you domineering cultivation methods..."

"Domineering? What is that?" Nami said curiously.

"The so-called domineering is the potential power possessed by all human beings in this world. This power is an innate ability. There are three types of domineering. One is the domineering domineering with the'king's qualifications'. Only one person among millions of domineering people may appear. This kind of domineering can directly shock people who are below their own strength without fighting power, and even pass out..."

"The second is armed domineering, this domineering can improve one's attack power and defense power, but the greater effect is that it can attack the natural fruit ability..."

"The third kind of domineering is the domineering ability of seeing and hearing. This kind of domineering ability is to perceive the surrounding environment and even predict the opponent's next move. The more advanced ones can read the mind and even give speeches to others... these three This kind of domineering, in addition to the domineering look, the other two can be obtained through your own hard work..."

"Sounds so awesome! Then Wukong, which one of these three domineering do you know?" Nami and the girls were all shocked, and immediately looked at Monkey King curiously.

"Me? You can say that there are three kinds of cities..." Monkey King smiled faintly. For him, the so-called domineering should be called divine power!This kind of ability is higher than domineering and I don't know how many dimensions, because only God can have the necessary ability.When the power of God comes, even the soul of a person can be directly shaken away and the body burst!

"Yes! I have personally seen Wukong use Domineering Domineering!" Tina exclaimed from the side, "Maybe you don't believe it... This guy's domineering domineering directly put Hawkeye Miho I can't stand up to the pressure... this guy is simply a pervert..."

"What?!!" Not to mention Nami and the others, even Robin stared in shock at this moment, just using the domineering look of the world to crush the world's number one swordsman.How is this possible?Is the power gap between the two so big?

Lasha was even more stunned. Does the man in front of her have such terrifying strength?He... really defeated the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk?

Each with a shock that could not be calm for a long time, a group of people came to a rocky forest. There were rocks that shaded the sun, which made it extraordinarily cool. The women sat on the rocks with joy and rested...

Only Robin came to Sun Wukong's side with an eager look: "Where are the ruins you said? Where is it?"

"Just under our feet!" Monkey King said, stepping on the ground.

"Under this?" Robin looked towards the solid ground.

"You get away a little..." Monkey King pushed Robin away and pointed lightly to the ground. He heard a click, and the solid ground under his feet instantly turned into a ball of sand, sinking towards the ground, revealing a large hole with a diameter of one meter. …

"Below here... there are really ruins..." Robin looked down along the entrance of the cave, suddenly looking surprised.

"Go, go down and have a look!" Monkey King said, holding Abis and jumped down first.

Robin followed...

Seeing those stone tablets engraved with unrecognized words, Nami looked at Robin who was seriously recording something and said curiously: "Robin, do you know the words on it?"`

"En...Wait a minute to talk... I'll record it first..." Robin's face was serious, and there was even a hint of excitement on his face, as if he had found something remarkable...

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