"It's amazing! The ship is flying..." Ablis stood by the side of the ship, looking at the clouds drifting by in front of her with excitement.

"It's really an incredible pirate ship, it can even fly in the sky..." At this moment, Lasha was stunned. Whoever it is, he will be stunned when he sees this scene, a huge one. The pirate ship swiftly shuttled over the clouds, this is simply incredible...

"According to what principle is it able to fly in the sky?" Robin was also curious at the moment.

"Because I can fly! Of course the Emperor can fly!" Tina grinned.

"What does this have to do with you?" Miss.Valentine looked curious.

"Because I am the Emperor!"

"You... are the emperor? What do you mean?" Rasha's daughter became even more puzzled.

"Ship spirit, you should have heard of it? Tina is the ship spirit of the Emperor, do you understand this explanation?" Nami said.

"Boat Elf? Isn't that a legendary thing?" Robin looked at Tina with a look of surprise. He didn't look like a boat elf...

"The Emperor Pirate Group, really an incredible group of Pirates..." At this moment, La Sha could only be so surprised.

A group of people chatted non-stop, and the Emperor hurriedly shuttled through the clouds. Soon, the'Rainland' appeared in their field of vision...

"Already... here..." Slightly looked at the city below, gritted his teeth, and looked a little nervous, but more of it was hatred.

"Tina, hide yourself and land! Otherwise, it's too ostentatious!"

"Yes! Master!"

The Emperor disappeared invisible in the clouds in an instant, and then slowly landed on a wide ground in the'Rainland'. The figures of Monkey King and several people appeared so strange, and the Emperor was also caught by Tina herself in the first place. Put it away!Now, she also has a space ring.

Under Wei Wei's instructions, the group walked towards the house where Krokdal was...

On the street, countless people holding a wanted list, looking at the portraits of Monkey King and others, all sneered evilly at the corners of their mouths: "The person the BOSS said is them! Hey...Unexpectedly, they were actually themselves It's here..."

A well-known guy with a big face holding a big knife in his hand blocked the path of Monkey King and others...

"Hey~~The leader of the Emperor Pirates, Monkey King! Your first level...we're going to make it!"

"And you, MissAllsunday, Miss.Valentine, for the betrayers, there is only one dead end!"

"Hey! Bastard! I don't have a betrayal organization! I was only kidnapped by them, OK! Bastard! Hurry up and save me!" Miss.Valentine roared immediately.

"Oh! Are you kidnapped? Hey~~ It's really useless! You should be very clear about the rules of the Baroque Job Club? As a loser, you should be punished... And, as long as you kill you, some of us here , Maybe I will be promoted! Ahaha~~~"

"Ahhaha~~ You want to kill me because of you rubbish? It's really whimsical!" Miss.Valentine laughed exaggeratedly.Not to mention that this group can't even beat her, let alone a super pervert next to her!

"It's from the Baroque Work Club, Wukong, what should I do?" Keya looked at Monkey King.

"A bunch of rubbish, there is no need to bother..." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently, and walked forward like nothing else...

|"Boy! How dare you look down upon us so much! Send you to hell!" A group of Baroque workers took up their weapons and rushed towards Monkey King...

"An ant must have the consciousness of an ant! Knowing that it is invincible! Why do you want to be dazzled by money?" Monkey King looked indifferent, and the invisible aura instantly spread from his body, and the group of people who rushed in were all Still standing still, immediately all pattering to the ground, there is no life...

"Overlord... Domineering?!" Tina looked surprised. Although she had seen it, she was still shocked.

"This...this is the domineering style of the overlord? That's amazing!" Nami and other women stared in shock, her eyes widened.

"It's all dead... You really didn't show any mercy when you started..." Robin looked at the people lying on the ground and said to Monkey King.

"Why should I show mercy to those who want to take our lives?" Monkey King said.

"...That said..." Robin laughed.

But Keya and the others have been ridiculous about Monkey King's character, and he has never been merciful to enemies.Moreover, these people are all accomplices who have brought Alabastan into trouble, and they have no mercy.

In a spacious hall, Krokdahl was sitting above the first place, and Mr.1 came to him and reported: "The people you mentioned have already appeared in the rain and are coming towards us... Their goal is very clear, you are the boss..."

"The Emperor Pirates...Except for the leader, they are all women. Does this guy really regard himself as the emperor! Humph..." Krokdahl sneered looking at the photos on the desktop, "Go!" Come on! Let's meet those stupid rats!"

Monkey King walked into a tall building with a few daughters. Inside was a casino. It was very lively. Looking around, Monkey King looked plain: "Hey, leave me here... If I get hurt, I don't care …"

"You bastard! Are you here to make trouble! Don't see where it is! Everyone, kill them together!"

A group of people carrying big knives, with a fierce face, slashed towards Monkey King...

It's just that suddenly, these people fell silently...

"Fa...what happened?" The gamblers around were shocked.

"I'm talking about it once, get out of me if you don't want to die!"

"Everyone! Get out! Otherwise, Wukong will really kill you!" Da Siqi immediately shouted anxiously.She didn't want to see this group of innocent people be killed by Monkey King.

Looking at a group of people on the ground who had lost their vitality, everyone knew that this was not a joke!They screamed and ran out of the casino!In a moment, it became extra spacious and quiet.

"Wukong, what are you going to do next?" Weiwei looked at Monkey King.

|"There are a lot of traps waiting for us here, although I don’t care, but I hate trouble, so it’s easier to destroy it..." Just as Monkey King’s words fell, he tapped the ground under his feet, and suddenly, there was a roar. , The whole ground is cracking open quickly!Extending all the way, the whole building collapsed suddenly...

PS: This is the second one!..

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