"Asshole! What tricks do you want to play!" Nami looked at the countless falling stones, and Huarong was shocked, and with a swish, she hugged Monkey King tightly...

The other women also moved closer to Monkey King's side. They knew that as long as they were by Monkey King's side, they would be fine...

A huge house, in the midst of the bang, turned into fragments scattered in the sky, the scene looked a bit thrilling!

The people around looked at this horrible scene, they were stunned!How could a building that was fine the moment before collapsed like a tofu project?

After waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate, it revealed the Monkey King who had been hugged by Nami and others. There was a transparent barrier around them that blocked the rocks that fell from the sky, so they did not Take the slightest harm!

Standing in the ruins, it looks a little incredible!

"Asshole! Can you tell me in advance before you do it next time! If this goes on, you will be scared to death sooner or later!" Nami, who recovered from her senses, immediately hit Sun Wukong unceremoniously on the head, just now. She didn't scare her to death. It seems that the timidity is in the real crisis, and it has not been corrected!

"It's true... your habit is not good... even Tina was taken aback!" Tina also said with a serious face.

"Hehe...you really did a good thing...you ruined the casino that I worked so hard to build..."

Just as Monkey King was trying to say something, a gloomy voice came from a ruin, and there was a bang, the debris of the earth and rock rolled, Krokdal and several figures appeared!

With the collapse of the tall building, they were buried in the rubble the first time, but fortunately, these people are good at strength, so they did not suffer any harm, but the expression on their faces was gloomy and terrible. !

"Kroc...Dahl!" Seeing the man with a gloomy face and a barb in his left hand, his pupils shrank slightly, full of hatred, but he also felt fear.

Even Robin was extremely nervous for a while!Because she knows very well that Klockdal is terrible!

"Princess Weiwei...I'm glad you were here...and you...MissAllsunday...No, it should be Nicole Robin. Although your betrayal was as early as I expected, I didn't expect that you would join the Emperor Pirate. What about the regiment... You mean... can you be saved by this guy who didn't know where he came from? You should be very clear about the fate of the betrayer?"

"Betrayal? Where do you start..." Facing Klockdal, Robin, who was nervous, returned to an indifferent expression: "I joined your baroque work agency, and I just want to get Alabastan. It’s just a hidden historical text... but I never thought of actually joining... this, shouldn’t it be a betrayal?"

"Are you trying to say, have you been using me Crockdale?" Krockdale looked at Robin with cold eyes.

"Actually...that's what it means..." Robin smiled slightly, looking a little black.

"Use me! But there is a price!" Krokdal snorted coldly, his body suddenly deserted, forming a sharp whip, and swept toward Robin...

It's just that the sand whip hasn't been physically present, it was just slapped away by Monkey King.Looking at Klockdal, Monkey King said lightly: "Is it too much to ignore me so much?"

"Huh! Rubbish worth less than 5000W, do you think you have the right to scream in front of me? Then I will let you see what is the real strength of Qiwuhai..."

"To deal with such goods, you don't need to go out in person, I am enough..." A sturdy figure stepped forward and looked at Monkey King very provocatively.It is Mr.1, a person with the ability to cut fruits quickly, also known as a blade man.It can turn any part of the body into a blade, while also making the skin as hard as steel!In the original book, but the guy who put Sauron into a desperate situation.

"Master..." Tina was about to challenge, but was interrupted by Monkey King waved her hand: "You guys retreat, since he is challenging me, then I will play with him..."

"Understood..." Tina nodded, and walked back with Nami.

"Be careful, this guy is Mr.1, a fruit-cutting ability, and someone who claims to have never been called a swordsman has hurt a hair..." Robin said with a serious face to Monkey King.

"I see, you can withdraw! Lest you hurt you!" Sun Wukong nodded and looked at Mr.1|: "I heard that you are a swordman, and your skin is as hard as steel! Actually, I am Unbelief..."

"Really...then you will believe it soon!" Mr.1 snorted coldly, a sharp blade appeared in his hands, and he swung away at Monkey King...

But after hearing a crisp sound of'ding', Monkey King grabbed Mr.1's right hand, which turned into a sharp blade with his bare hands, and smiled faintly: "It's really hard!" He said, his fingers were slightly harder and he clicked , Blood was splashing, and Mr.1's right hand that turned into a blade was instantly broken by Monkey King: "However, that's all..."

With that, a hand knife directly penetrated his xiong bore...

"Isn't your body said to be as hard as iron? Why is it softer than tofu..." Monkey King pulled out his hands that were not stained with blood, and smiled faintly.

|"How... maybe..." Mr.1's pupils shrank instantly, looking at the bloody wound in front of his xiong, he couldn't believe his eyes, how easily the other party could pierce his xiong with bare hands?How is this possible!With unwillingness and doubt, his eyes were dark... with a bang, he fell to the ground weakly...

"Cheat...Cheat...Mr.1... just like that... was killed by him?" Miss. Valentine looked in a daze.Some were speechless in shock.

And the few people waiting for Miss.'s fingers behind Klockdale were all stunned!I thought there would be a fierce battle to be fought, but unexpectedly, it ended like this...

"It seems that I underestimated you..." Krokdal's face was sullen, and he looked at Monkey King, his eyes were no longer the previous contempt, but full of solemnity!He knew the strength of Mr.1 very well, but he didn't expect to be killed instantly by Monkey King!

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see your rustle fruit ability!" Monkey King looked at Krokdal and said lightly.

"Don't think that by killing Mr.1, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with me! You are still far away!" Krokdal sneered, and in an instant, yellow sand flew up all over the sky...

PS: Third!..

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