"God... God's punishment? This sky island really has a god?!!!"

Nami looked at the terrifying thunder light that appeared above her head, her face turned pale in fright!That kind of thunder light from the sky is extremely powerful!It is hopeless and fearful to watch it!

The terrible thunder light turned into a beam of light and landed towards Monkey King and the others...

That scene is shocking and shocking!It's like a punishment from heaven!Majestic and terrifying, the thunder light is dazzling and dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes!The power contained in it is terrifying!

In such a scene, Nami and the others all had a numb scalp, and felt that they were really about to die under this beam of thunder!

Looking at the falling thunder light, an inexplicable smile indeed appeared at the corner of Monkey King's mouth!This makes him feel very interesting!Yes!very funny!

Lei Guang's speed is amazing, but in the eyes of Monkey King, it is as slow as a turtle!He just stretched out a palm, and grabbed the terrifying thunder beam with one hand!The four dances did not overflow the slightest arc, the lightning intertwined in the hand, and it was impossible to hurt anything!

Such a scene is even more shocking!

Nami and the others, whose faces were a little pale in fright, were all stunned by this incredible spectacle in front of them!

"Someone actually punished me... it's really interesting..."

Monkey King muttered to himself, smiled indifferently, clenched his palms!With a clear sound, the thunder beam was under the shocking gaze of the girls!It cracked like a glass pillar!Then, it shattered into countless light spots, dissipating in the air...

The so-called divine punishment was actually crushed by Monkey King. Such a scene stunned Nami and the others!Lei Guang, can it also be crushed?What a long experience!

A trace of shocking emotions flashed in the air. This is the heart net of God Anilu. Obviously he was surprised by Monkey King's methods!I immediately took back my heart...

"I actually don't have much interest in you... But since you are dying by yourself, there is no way..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and looked at the girls: "How about it, isn't it hurt?"

All the women shook their heads, and Abliss jumped into the arms of Monkey King with excitement, her eyes full of admiring stars: "Brother Wukong! You are so amazing! Such terrible lightning, It was crushed by you! It's so handsome!"

Monkey King rubbed her head and smiled.

"If there is a god in this world, this guy is more like a god..." Robin looked at Monkey King and exclaimed.The other women nodded their heads in agreement, the situation just now was simply incredible.

"He... he actually... blocked... God's punishment?!!!" Konis looked at Monkey King with an unbelievable expression.The omnipotent god Anilu was so easily blocked by the person in front of him. Is this a dream?

"What a god! It's just someone who has the ability to eat the fruit of thunder!" Monkey King waved his hand to the women and said.

"Boom Lei Fruit? That's it. After doing it for a long time, it turned out to be just a capable person! I thought we were really punished by God!" When Sun Wukong said this, Nami's hanging heart was also let go.

"What thunder fruit? What ability? What are you talking about?" Konish looked at Monkey King and the others in confusion.

"It seems that you have always been kept in the dark!" Monkey King looked at Conis and explained: "To put it simply, the god Ainilu is not a god, he just ate something called The ordinary people of the Devil Fruit of the Thunder Fruit, the so-called Thunder Fruit, is an elemental demon fruit that can control thunder and lightning. A fruit capable person is so arrogant that he claims to be a god, and I am also drunk..."

"Well, what exactly is the devil fruit you are talking about?" Konis asked suspiciously.

"The so-called devil fruit is a kind of fruit that can give people a certain ability after eating. Devil fruit is roughly divided into three types, superhuman, animal, and elemental. Tina is the threshold for eating the superhuman. Fruit, passed through the group of people just now, and tied them all up, that is the power of her threshold fruit..."

After Sun Wukong patiently explained, Konis finally knew the truth of the matter, and her eyes widened in surprise: "How is it possible, God Anilu... is just like us... and just an ordinary person?!..."

After being shocked, she remembered something again, and then exclaimed: "Ah! So! I already know his true face, and he will definitely not let me go... it will... become like this..."

"It's okay! You stay with us for the time being! With Wukong, there will never be any danger. Did you see it just now?" Nami waved her hand and comforted.

"The horror of the god Anilu...you won't understand...even if she is not a god, it is not easy to offend...I advise you, but hurry up..." Conis stopped suddenly when she said this, her face is also Changed...

"Are you... okay?" Robin and the others obviously noticed the change in Konis's complexion.

"No... it's okay..." Konish waved her hand again and again: "You should leave now!"

"Leave? How can it be, we just came here! And there is Wukong, what is there to be afraid of! You don't have to worry!" Nami waved her hands indifferently, her attitude made it clear that everything is there. Wukong resists the posture.

"If you insist... then go to my house and sit down..." Cornis suddenly changed her usual routine.

"Yes! We happen to be hungry too..." Nami and the others did not doubt that they had it, and they readily agreed.

Only at the corner of Monkey King’s mouth, a smile appeared: "Xinwang... This Ainilu’s look and feel is so domineering..."

Although Sun Wukong already knew something, he didn't say it. A group of people followed Conis towards her home...

Forbidden holy land, island where God lives!

At this time, Ainilu furrowed his brows deeply and looked very solemn. The divine punishment he had lowered before was crushed by one hand, which made him feel uneasy.

"Unexpectedly, there are such strong people in Qinghai... Is it a general-level figure?" Aini Luna muttered to himself. There are also many Qinghai people who come to the island. For the world below, he is more or less Some understanding.

"It seems that this time, an amazing person has really come... but fortunately, the majesty of God is inviolable! No matter who you are, you dare to be an enemy of God! Then prepare for God's judgment! Go! Come on! Start to impose the sanctions of heaven!"



Four figures suddenly appeared, with a wicked smile, disappeared in the hall...

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