On the way Sun Wukong and his party followed Conis to her house, a middle-aged man hurriedly ran to her side and said anxiously: "Conis! Nothing! Your father was given by the priest. Captured...Don't go home! You are all surrounded! You should go and hide!"

"I already know..." Konis nodded, showing no surprises, as if she had known it a long time ago: "Thank you, but you still don't join in, or it will hurt you..."

"I...I see. Be careful yourself..." The man looked around in panic, and then left in a panic.

"I didn't expect them to do it so soon..." Tina turned her head and looked at Monkey King: "Wukong, what should I do?"

"Of course it is to save people... Isn't that their goal..." Monkey King smiled faintly.

"You...will...help me?" Konish was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that Sun Wukong would be willing to help her who had only just met.

"What are you talking about? We are friends now, and friends are in trouble, so we naturally want to help! Besides, this matter is also caused by us, so how can we stand by and watch..." Nami said in a lesson.

"Friends...thank you!" Konis was very moved. She didn't expect that not long after they met, Nami and the others would have regarded her as a friend and took risks for her.

The feeling of worrying has also relaxed a lot, but she has seen Monkey King's abilities with her own eyes, and if he can help her, she will definitely be able to rescue her father.

Thinking that I was thinking of lie to them to go to Apayado before, but now I got their help again, Konis suddenly felt a little uncomfortable: "I'm sorry...I thought about..."

"I want to deceive us to Apayado because Ainilu told you that as long as you take us there, your father will be released, and your crime will be exempted, right!" Monkey King looked at Connie Silk, smiled.

"You...how do you know..." Konis was shocked, looking at Monkey King with wide-open eyes and incredible eyes.

"How difficult is this..." Monkey King smiled faintly: "I heard the sound transmission that Ainilu gave you before..."

PS: Since Ainilu can monitor the entire island in the form of radio waves and the heart network, it is reasonable to say that it can also transmit sound in the form of radio waves?However, I don’t remember it mentioned in the original work.However, for the sake of the plot, he had to make such a trick. After all, people thought of themselves as gods!You can just take a look, don't be too real.

"That guy can still transmit voice?" Nami and other women were surprised: "No wonder I think you have been a little bit wrong from just now..." Nami looked at Monkey King, "but What's the matter with this sound transmission?"

"It can be done only by combining the radio wave ability of the Thunder Fruit, and integrating it into the heart network..." Sun Wukong explained.

"Xinwang? What is that?" Da Siqi looked at Monkey King in confusion.

"Just seeing and hearing the domineering!"

"It turned out to be domineering! It turned out to be called Xinwang...but it's quite appropriate..." Robin said.

"What kind of heart net, what kind of domineering look? What are you talking about?" Konish looked puzzled.

"To put it simply, the reason why the god Ainilu in your mouth was able to monitor the entire sky island was only using a kind of ability called seeing, hearing, and domineering. In your case, it is called the heart net. The reason why the net has such a large range has a lot to do with Thunder Fruit... In the new world of Qinghai, many powerful people are basically domineering, and this is not a rare ability... but it can be used in such a large range, There is only Ainilu..." Monkey King said.

"The truth of the matter, how could this be?!" Konis looked at Monkey King, her eyes widened in shock.

In the eyes of the residents of the sky island, the almighty god Anilu is absolutely inviolable. His ability is simply a miracle to ordinary people. They have always believed that only God can possess such ability.

But after learning the answer from Monkey King, it shocked Conis. It turned out that this was not a god's unique ability...

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Since the other party has come to the door by himself, let's hurry up and save people! It just so happens that I am also very interested in the fruit of Thunder!"

Monkey King greeted him and came to an open place and asked Tina to release the Emperor. After boarding the ship, a group of 13 people flew straight to Apayato, the island where God lives...

"This...this ship... can actually fly?" Conis stared at the scene of rapid retreat below, her eyes widened in surprise. She originally thought that if she wanted to rescue her father, she had to go through those dangerous levels. Lian, don't know, they actually flew directly through the air, wouldn't it be possible to bypass those trial sites?

"It's amazing, right!" Nami was proud of her face.

At the same time, the residents of Renkong Island below were shocked when they saw the flying Emperor.

"Master Seurat! Look, there is a ship flying in the sky..."

A man looked up, and was immediately attracted by the gorgeous image of the Emperor, and immediately shouted: "They must be the Qinghai criminals mentioned by the god Ainilu! You are waiting here! I will kill them! "Speaking, he immediately rode on the back of a big bird and pursued the Emperor...

"Hey... Look, someone is flying towards us over there..." Keya suddenly pointed to the right.

"He is the SKYPIEA priest, the sky rides-Seura! Everyone be careful!" Konish immediately reminded.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that the ship that you criminals are riding in is not only gorgeous, but it can actually fly in the sky... hum... fools like you don't deserve to own such a ship, obediently die, and dedicate this spacecraft. Give it to our Almighty God, Master Anilu!" Seurat rode the big bird and blocked the way of the Emperor. Looking at Monkey King and others, it was like looking at a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

"The look in this person's eyes is very annoying for Tina!" Tina frowned at the moment, her expression unhappy.She has always existed like a star holding the moon, so she has been so contemptuous as she is now?

"If you are unhappy, then I will hand you over!" Monkey King smiled slightly.

"I can't ask for it!" Tina said, her figure flashed, and she rose directly into the air and stood in opposition to Seura!

"Even...stopped in the air?!" Seura looked at Tina with shocked expressions all over her eyes.

"Why, do you think Tina is more like a priest than you?" Tina smiled slightly...

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