The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 80 I Tell You To Act As Force

"Yeah! Ainilu, what is your real purpose? Answer me!" An angry shout came, and everyone was looking for reputation, but they saw the sky not far away, and an old man was riding a big bird galloping. Come...

"Gang Cole, you are finally here, I thought you wouldn't show up yet at this time..." Ainilu smiled faintly at the person coming.

"Answer me, what is your goal?" As soon as Gang Cole landed on the ground, the knight's spear in his hand was aimed at Ainilu, and he shouted sharply.

"It's still driving! Gang Cole!" Ainilu looked at him indifferently, threw a cloud ball, jumped directly on it, and sat down.

"Still driving?" Not only Gang Cole, but the others present were also confused.

"Yes! Once God has finished his journey, he will return to where he should go..." Ainilu said lightly.

"Go back? Do you mean to leave SKYPIEA?" Gang Cole asked with a serious face.

"Yes! I have a place to go... On the sky island where I was born, everyone believes that there is a god... People call it the'infinite land', where there is an endless expanse of land..." When Ainilu said this, he stood up suddenly, opened his arms full of excitement and excitement: "That is the world I really pursue! It is the most suitable for me...the land of gods!

"What a boring and stupid thing to fight for hundreds of years in a furry land like Apayado!" Ainilu said, looking at Raqi and Gangkor, his tone was full of mockery and disdain. "The reason for your fight is actually deeper. Think about it! It’s not a cloud but it can be born in the sky, and it’s not a bird, but it can survive in the sky. This country based on the sky is fundamentally against nature. …The soil returns to the soil, man returns to man, God returns to God! Each has a place to go..."

"Difficult... don't you think?!!!" Just after Cole heard this, he was shocked.

"That's right! I just want to drag all people from this air down!" Aini was crazy on the road, with a posture that I am a god, and everything is up to me: "This is just me as a god, to nature I want them to follow the laws of nature..."

"This...Is this guy trying to destroy the island?" After hearing this, Nami couldn't help being shocked.Robin and other women also changed colors.

Ainilu’s decision is crazy!

"This is nature!" Ainilu looked at the crowd with a high face, and the lightning flashed under his feet, knocking the ball cloud he was standing on and falling to the ground.

"Don't be too self-righteous, Anilu, the so-called'God' is just a synonym for the leader of this country..." Gangcor pointed to Anilu angrily.

"Yes, it was like this before..." Ainilu looked indifferently, and didn't put Gang Cole's words in his ears at all, because he had already regarded himself as a real'god'!I am God, I should look down on everything!

"I know you have always been worried about those magic teams... but unfortunately, you lost to our army six years ago and were in charge of your 650 men. I just told them about my purpose. I didn't expect , They actually yelled and wanted to kill me... As a result, it's a shame..." Ai Nilu looked at Gang Keer and shook his head with regret.

" demon!!" Just after Cole heard this, he backed back in shock, and then rushed towards Ainilu with a roar...

A stab of the knight’s gun in his hand directly pierced Ainilu’s body in half. Unfortunately, with a flash of thunder, Ainilu flashed aside in an instant, and the electric sparks in his hand flashed with a sneer and bombarded Gang Kerr’s body. Gang Kerr instantly burst into black smoke and fell to the ground!

"God! Your lord!" Konis suddenly exclaimed.

"God?" Nami and the others both looked at Conis in surprise.

"En! He is the former god..." Conis said.

"Hmph... against the gods but it didn't end well!" Ainilu stepped on Gang Cole and looked at Monkey King: "So, what's your answer?"

"My answer?" Monkey King looked at Ainilu very amusingly, and shook his head: "You think of yourself as a true god... Hehe... There is a limit to ignorance!"

Monkey King looked at Ainilu and thought it was ridiculous. A person's arrogance and ignorance had reached this level!The so-called sitting on the well and watching the sky is talking about people like him!

Think of yourself as a god, and you think you should go to the place where gods live, and the people on the sky island, as people, he must knock them to the ground, because people should not live in the sky, you live in the sky, It is breaking the laws of nature. As a god, I will correct it!This guy's thinking is simply too self-righteous.

"Although I want to invite you to join me, you have to figure out who you are talking to!" Ainilu looked at Monkey King, his eyes suddenly flashing with danger.

He regarded himself as a god, and Monkey King's ridicule was an insult to God!

Although Monkey King was able to attack him, Ainilu still did not put Monkey King in his eyes, because he was too arrogant and arrogant!No, it should be said, it is too ignorant!Because he has never met a real strong man, and has never failed, and he regards himself as a real god!I have always thought that I am invincible!

Sun Wukong was immediately amused by Ainilu's calm and indifferent attitude. He waved his hand to stop Tina who was about to take the trouble, and looked at Ainilu with an expression of admiration: "Your ignorance is a breakthrough. Arrived in the sky!"

"It seems! You still don't know much about the power of God..." Ainilu looked at Monkey King with an indifferent face: "Then, I have an obligation to let you know... I hope then... your attitude towards me will be What changed..."

As he said, Ainilu threw the stick in his hand into the sky, and his own figure turned into an electric light. In a flash, he appeared behind Monkey King, his hands gathered together, and he was electrified. Flowers flashed: "500W...1000W..."

| "My thousand your sister!" Monkey King suddenly roared, turned around and flew a kick, and with a bang, he directly blasted Ainilu into the ground!Immediately bent down, he slammed at Ainilu: "I'll go to your second uncle! Brother has been holding you back for a long time! I told you to pretend to be forced! I told you to pretend to be! I told you to pretend to be with me force…"

Bang Bang Bang~~!The violent sound shook the entire ground...

Gang Cole and the others were all dumbfounded in an instant, staring blankly at everything in front of them, who can tell me, is it true what I see now?

PS: The call arrived very early today, and the fourth one!..

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