The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 81 The Monkey King vs Ainilu

As a god, Ainilu is synonymous with horror and invincibility in the hearts of the people on the sky island. I have seen it before that all attacks are ineffective against him. Anyone who makes a move is a quick kill!Although this guy is very arrogant, he has to say that he is really strong!

But this is such an all-powerful and invincible existence in people's hearts, but it was stepped on the ground by Monkey King, crackling it is a fat punch!The transition at this moment was shocking, and some of them couldn't recover.

"But... Damn it!!"

At this moment, Ainilu is really angry. As a god, he has always been aloof. Has he ever been slammed on the ground like a gangster?And you don’t slap someone in the face, so you still slap your face!This is simply a shame!

In the roar, his body instantly danced with thunder and lightning, turned into thunder and disintegrated, and instantly condensed and formed not far away!

Just seeing the image of Ainilu at the moment, but Ya and the others all snorted and couldn't help laughing!Because the guy's face was swollen like a pig's head, completely deformed!

It’s okay not to laugh. A smile completely made Anilu violent. Terrifying lightning flashed all over his body, crackling, and even the ground was hit by the thunder and lightning from his body. !

He has always been aloof, looking down at everything!How ever was someone trampled on the ground like this!This is simply a shame!

"I wanted to invite you to go to the infinite land with me, but now, I have changed my mind. I want to wipe out you, and everyone on the island...all!!" At this time, Ainilu's expression was gloomy. The horrible, cold killing intent was frightening, terrifying thunder and lightning radiated from his body, crackling, and the scene was terrifying!

"Accept God's sanctions! all die for me!!" Ainilu roared and hit the Taiko drum on his right shoulder. Electricity and light flashed together. A thunderbird shaped like a phoenix came from behind him. Flying out, rushing towards Monkey King at an astonishing speed!

"30 Million Volt Thunderbird!!"

"My goodness! It's terrible!..." Abliss exclaimed, swish, and hid behind Tina.

"This move is really gorgeous!" Monkey King looked at the giant thunderbird that was coming towards him, couldn't help but smile faintly, and did not stop him, allowing the thunderbird to pounce on himself, instantly!Thunder light shone, and Monkey King was swallowed in an instant, electric snakes danced around, the ground cracked, and it was instantly blackened!

"Wukong!!" Nami and the others exclaimed!Shrouded by that terrifying thunderbird, can one survive?They were full of anxiety and were about to go to the rescue, but they froze just now, looking at the figure shrouded in thunderbird with a dazed expression...

"Oh! It's so cool, it's more comfortable than'Horse Killing Chicken'!" Bathed in thunder, Monkey King turned out to be intoxicated, and his whole body was snarled by electric snakes, but he didn't even hurt a corner of his clothes To!

"This...Is this... a person?" La Qi looked blankly, looking at the Monkey King bathed in thunder, and suffocated such a sentence with difficulty.

"How is it possible!!! My move... actually didn't work for him?!!!" It is said that the most shocking one in the replay is Ainilu!While shocked, he was even more angry: "Isn't it enough Volt? In that case!"

Ainilu resolutely beat the taiko drums on both shoulders, and instantly, a huge thunder dragon emerged, winding in the sky, swooping towards Monkey King!

"60 Million Volt Treron!!"

It's just that Thunder Dragon is too big!The scope is so wide that even Robin and the others are enveloped together...

"Hey! Just attack me, but don't involve all my sisters..." Monkey King looked at the thunder dragon swooping in, a little uncomfortable, because it threatened the sisters behind him.Now floating in the air, under the shocking eyes of everyone, he pinched Thunder Dragon's throat to make it difficult to move!

"How could it... be caught by him...?!!!" La Qi was even more shocked and stunned!Thunder Dragon is formed by lightning. Monkey King is equivalent to holding lightning with bare hands?is it possible?It breaks the common sense of nature!

"It's...this..." While Anilu was shocked, he also became extremely solemn. This scene reminded him of the scene when Sun Wukong crushed his God's sanctions!

"Dare to be in front of me, call yourself a god without shame, Ainilu, you are so brave!" Monkey King said, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he snapped a bite into Thunder Dragon's head. A gap came, chewing, thunderbolt in the mouth, looking thrilling, and then grumbled, swallowed into the belly...

Then, there were a few more sounds of "click, click," and the Thunder Dragon was held in the hand by Monkey King and gnawed like a carrot...

"No...Is it!!!"

Not to mention Laqi, at this moment, even Robin and the others are stunned...

"Is the real...god?" Raqi looked blank.

At this moment, Ainilu is no longer calm!

This guy actually ate the thunder dragon he sent out as a carrot?What are you playing with me?Or am I not awake at all?Amidst the shock, Ainilu's heart inexplicably gave birth to a chill: "What kind of monster is this guy?"

He has always been proud, and finally realized the crisis of life!The same blow to him is too great!Not only did the ability to be proud of it didn't work, but it was eaten by others. This kind of shock can no longer be expressed in words!

"Hey! Why did you stop? Go on! Don't you call yourself a god? Isn't it a god, is this only capable?" Monkey King looked at Ainilu with a joking expression.

"Damn! I won't lose to you! I'm a god! Ainilu! Since 60 million volts is not good! Then 200 million!" Ainilu roared again: "200 million volts Thor!!"

In an instant, Ainilu released all the thunder and lightning from his whole body, blessed him, and the thunder and lightning roared in the four dances, and he transformed into a huge Thor posture!This is also his strongest move!

"Go to hell! Detestable Qinghai people!!!" Ainilu roared, and the terrifying Thor directly attacked Monkey King!The terrible thunder is shining, the scene is shocking!

"This attack power is probably not as good as the generals!" Monkey King looked at Ainilu at this moment, and he also exclaimed slightly: "The power of this thunderous fruit is worthy of being called the strongest of the natural element..."

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