The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 92: Stepping on You

"Join you?" Robin looked at Carlyfa unexpectedly, thoughtfully: "It seems that you are not ordinary boatmen or secretaries..."

"CP9, you should have heard of it?" Kalifa said slowly.

"CP9?!" The startled expression on Robin's face flashed: "It turns out to be a secret spy agency belonging to the world wonder it will come to me..."

"Originally, we didn't want to be stunned... but we didn't expect to meet you here, and became a companion of the Emperor Pirates... It's really surprising... You are the number one dangerous person set by the world government. Since we met, Then, please walk with us and lie down..." Kalifa looked at Robin with an extremely serious expression.

"What if I refuse?" Robin smiled slightly.

"Do you think you have the right to refuse?" the man said coldly.

"That's not necessarily!" Robin smiled slightly, crossed his hands, the petals of flowers fluttered, and one arm suddenly emerged from the man's neck...

"Iron!" The man chuckled indifferently, his body instantly becoming as solid as iron, no matter how Robin twisted his head, he couldn't shake him at all...

Robin's complexion suddenly became extremely solemn, and the opponent's strength seemed to be very powerful...

"Now, do you understand the gap between us? Do you still want to resist?" The man looked at Robin with a plain face.

"Moreover, you should be very clear about your own identity... Do you think the Emperor Pirates will offend the entire world government for you alone?" Kalifa added.

After Robin heard this, Dai's eyebrows suddenly frowned and became silent. She still had some understanding of Monkey King's character, but whether Monkey King would be an enemy of the entire world government for her, then she had no confidence.

Moreover, her childhood experience made it impossible for her to trust someone so easily. Although she has a lot of affection for Monkey King, she has not yet reached the level of trust that even her life is entrusted to the other party!

However, deep in her heart, she also longed to stay with Monkey King and the others, because by staying with Monkey King, she enjoyed the peace and happiness she had never enjoyed before. When she stayed with Monkey King, she felt like nothing else. A sense of security, and this is exactly what she needs.

"Haha...this answer...I really want to know..." Robin murmured in his heart after a moment of silence. He just wanted to talk, but was interrupted rudely by the sudden appearance of Monkey King: "Want to know a fart! Now I tell you clearly! You Nicole Robin is Lao Tzu's, what a shit world government, dare to touch Lao Tzu's girl, Lao Tzu bounced over with a qigong, and blasted him!"

"!!!" The appearance of Monkey King obviously scared the two of Kalifa, and the man's voice suddenly became extremely cold: "The tone is really not small! Monkey King! For such an ominous It’s not a wise choice to be enemies of the entire world government..."

"What a shit world government, it's a shit in my eyes! I dare to hit Robin, pay attention, believe it or not, slap you to death!" Although Sun Wukong's words are very vulgar, they are full of domineering .Robin's heart was moved by this unprecedented determination.

Just ask, in this world, besides Monkey King, who else dares to be an enemy of the entire world government for her?Even, there is no hesitation!This trust and care made Robin's eyes moist for a while. Isn't this what she has always hoped for?Isn’t that the partner she has been looking forward to...

"No wonder you dare to call yourself an emperor... You are so arrogant... I didn't want to have anything to do with you... However, you guys are really unpleasant to be seen! And, I know For our true, I have to ask you to die!" The man covered in the black robe lifted his head and looked at Monkey King, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

It looks like Gabra!

Gabra's temper is easy to be agitated. When Monkey King said this, he was angry on the spot!When his figure flickered, he jumped up and swept towards Monkey King's face!

Bang!There was a loud bang, and Monkey King blocked Gabra's ferocious kick that contained iron, and the terrifying force made the ground shake!

However, watching Monkey King easily take his own foot with just one hand, Gabra's complexion suddenly changed. As soon as he wanted to make a move, he felt a terrifying force coming from under his feet, and his body couldn't help himself. It was smashed into the ground by Monkey King...

Amidst the roar, the entire ground was smashed out of a huge hole...

"!!!" Kalifa's face changed drastically, raising her slender and beautiful thigh and kicking it in front of Monkey King...

But when Monkey King waved his hand, the breeze passed by, Kalifa’s figure stood still in a kicking posture for an instant. However, the wide open legs and the scenery inside were unobstructed. This picture, really So beautiful...

"Oh! It turned out to be black..." Monkey King looked at Kalifa with a joking expression.

"Asshole... asshole... What the hell did this do to me? Quickly let me go! What a rude fellow, you are sexual harassment! Sexual harassment!" Kalifa flushed, glaring at Monkey King and shouted sharply.

"But! You and I are opposing parties, I don't care about you!" Monkey King looked at Kalifa, and said.I have to say, this Kalifa's figure is so good!

"You guy, when I don't exist!" Robin, who was moved in his heart, was unhappy at the moment, and slapped Monkey King's forehead.At the same time, the corner of his eyes drifted towards Kalifa, the color of envy in his eyes flashed away!

It has to be said that Robin is still a bit young now, unlike the gan spurs three years later, there is still a lot of gap compared with the mature Yu Jie Fan's Kalifa!


Suddenly a roar interrupted the two of them. Gabra rose from the pothole with fire-breathing eyes, and was full of anger to launch a fierce offensive against Monkey King...

But I didn't want to, Monkey King stepped on it directly, and there was a loud bang, and the whole ground shook!And the pothole on the ground sank again in an instant, spreading dozens of meters away...

With a chuckle, Gabra spouted a mouthful of blood, looking at the big feet that stepped mercilessly on his xiong, his angry eyes were round, and he was full of incredible expressions. The iron block... it was trampled and scrapped by others.....

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