The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 93 Six Navy Types

The Navy Sixth Form is a physical skill, a physical skill that exceeds the limit of human physical ability.

Iron block is one of them, it can make a person's body become as hard as iron, making its defense extremely terrifying!It can even extend attack moves.

However, this is the defense comparable to an iron block, but it was broken by Monkey King!Looking at the horror pit that was shaken out, it is enough to understand how terrifying the power contained in Monkey King's foot.

Well, for the current Monkey King, let alone iron, even if it is stainless steel, or the hardest substance in the world, Monkey King can crush it with one foot!

Kalifa looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes widened unimaginably, and his eyes were full of shock!The Navy's Sixth Form is their most proud stunt, but they don't want to be completely broken by Monkey King. How can this be astonishing to her!

Moreover, the sudden immobility of her imprisoned her even more so that she was shocked: "It's no wonder that the Navy Headquarters wants him to be one of the seven seas...The strength is so terrifying..."

"Tsk tut~~ Robin, you said, what are we going to do with her?" Monkey King rubbed his chin, surrounded by Kalifa, looked at her cheating in shame, he laughed strangely.

Kalifa looked at Monkey King's smirk and couldn't wait to pierce him in his eyes, and felt ashamed: "Asshole! What do you look at! Watching me blind your eyes!"

Robin gave Sun Wukong a white look, looked at Kalifa, and said faintly: "I told you to kill her, are you willing?"

"Ahem~ okay! You still know me! Knowing that I never kill beautiful girls..." Monkey King said, turning his eyes to Kalifa again, and after a good appreciation, he waved his hand to relieve her Imprisonment on the body: "Fortunately, you met me like..."

"Ah!! I'm going to kill you!!" Before Sun Wukong's words were finished, Kalifa, who was relieved, screamed, waved his foot and kicked on Sun Wukong's face again...

Her own Xiao Nei Nei was all watched. If this didn't kick Sun Wukong fiercely, how could she solve her hatred!

"Oh! You are coming!" Monkey King waved his hand lightly, and Kalifa was imprisoned again in a cheating position, and his snow-white thigh stretched out and stopped one centimeter away from Monkey King's face!

Look straight down, ouch!What are those naughty sticks exposed?It's over!This time I saw something even more invisible...

"What happened here? What are you doing?"

Bingshan and others were also attracted by the movement here at this time, looking at the situation in front of them, full of shock.

While Rob Lucy and several other employees looked at everything in front of them, they were shocked: "Has the plan failed? Has our identity been discovered?"

"Mr. Bingshan... you go!... They want to do something against you, they want to steal something from you, we found out in time... It's dangerous here, you go quickly!" Kalifa's eyes rolled and he thought about it. , Seeing that her companions have already come here, with a sense of reassurance, at the moment she screamed out loud and turned against the guest. The so-called thief shouting and catching the thief is what she is now.

Bingshan was shocked when he heard the words, watching Robin's complexion instantly become extremely bad!

This guy has been posting Robin's reward list in his room for many years, because he believes that Robin is an extremely dangerous person, and her presence will make the world elected to destruction!Therefore, he always wanted to kill Robin himself.

Now that Khalifa said so, without the slightest doubt, he believed it!

"Stop them! Can't let them escape!" Mr. Bingshan gave the order without hesitation.

And Rob Lucy and the others rushed to surround the Monkey King and the others, looking at them with ugly faces.

"You have good adaptability!" Monkey King looked at Kalifa, smiled faintly, and stretched out his hands to press down her raised big legs so as not to be peeked by others.

"Take them down!" Kaku screamed out loud, not giving Monkey King a chance to continue. He attacked Monkey King first!

Seeing him flying a kick, he shook his kick at Monkey King...

Lanjiao is Kaku’s best move, but because there are icebergs here, and their identities cannot be exposed, he does not use the Lanjiao on the surface, but combines the characteristics of the Lanjiao and the iron block. The feet are definitely not something ordinary people can bear!

It’s just a pity that he is facing Monkey King...

"Kaku... be careful... this guy is very powerful..." Kalifa reminded him in the first place, but unfortunately it was so late!

I saw Monkey King facing the flying foot, punching out, a loud bang, accompanied by Kaku's snorting, fists and feet colliding, his body flew out like a cannonball!It crashed down a wall and was buried in the rubble...

But Monkey King's figure flashed, and in an instant, he appeared beside Rob Luqi, squeezed his hands into a knife, and stabled away at Rob Luqi's heart!


The fierce palm wind changed Rob Luqi's complexion greatly, if he didn't dodge it in time!He believed that he would definitely be pierced into his xiong bore by a hand knife from the other party...

This is so fast, so fast that ordinary people can't react at all!

At this moment, Rob Lucky is no longer allowed to think more!One step later, he has to drink hate on the spot!

At this moment, he can't hesitate anymore, the current breath is agitated to the extreme, there is a little void under his feet, and his feet step on the void with a bang, his body shape is flying back like a cannonball...

One of the six navy styles, moon step!

"That's it!" After seeing Rob Lucky displaying one of the six navy style moon steps, the complexions of Kalifa and others changed drastically!

As soon as the six forms appear, then their identities will be exposed!

And the tactics used by Kalifa's previous Jizhongshengzhi are self-defeating!

"Oh! What's the move you just used? It looks like tingling!" Monkey King looked at Rob Luqi with a joke on his face.

"Damn..." Rob Lucy suddenly yelled, and secretly said something bad.

"" Bingberg looked at Rob Lucky suddenly yelling, and couldn't help being shocked, because in his cognition, Rob Lucky had always used the pigeon standing on his shoulders to use his belly language. Talking for him!Now Rob Lucy speaks suddenly in person, can he not be surprised?

"Mr. Bingberg, at this time, don't you know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy?" Robin looked at Bingberg with a plain face: "These people who can perform the six navy styles are lurking in you What is the purpose of your side?"

When Carlyfa and others heard this, their color instantly changed...

PS: Sorry, everyone!Originally speaking, I made a change today, but some of my classmates just dragged me to have a few drinks. No, it’s already over 1 a.m. after I got home. I didn’t make up the change, but today’s two changes are still required. Yes, so stay up late to code this chapter!Sorry!Sorry!..

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