"Navy Type Six...what is going on? Luki?"

Bingshan’s complexion suddenly became gloomy, but he already knew that for the sake of his share of things, he had already been watched by someone, but he didn’t want to. This watcher turned out to have five points with him. Years of boatman!

"It seems...there is no way..." Since the identity has been exposed, there is no need to hide it. Lu Qi turned to look at Monkey King, and said with admiration: "Your Excellency is really a good method! At the moment Lifa provoked, without any words, she had already made an effective counterattack. She saw through her strategy and forced me to reveal my identity. This scheming is better than those of us spies..."

"Lu Qi! Difficult... Could it be that... Are you really?!!!" The iceberg suddenly changed.

"This is to blame you! Mr. Bingshan..." Kaku walked up and said with a plain face: "If the government wants you to hand over things you don't obediently hand over, there will be today..."

"Are you all from the government?" Bingshan shuddered when he thought that he had been with him for five years.

"Yes, tasks like lurking are commonplace for us..." Lu Qi said with a flat face: "But your foresight is really amazing. We lurked for five years, but we didn't get anything. Useful information...Today's identity exposure is also a good thing...Anyway, our mission deadline is approaching, then, the matter is over, we can only do our best...Mr. Bingshan, while there are still no massive sacrifices. Before that, you should give us the ancient weapons and Pluto's design drawings!"

"Ancient weapon? Pluto's design drawings? Hey! Goku! We just came here, OK! Why are you involved in these inexplicable incidents again!" After hearing this, Nami shouted, "You can't stop. A moment?"

"You can't blame me! They wanted to kidnap Robin..." Monkey King shrugged and said.

"Kidnapping Robin? So that's it..." Tina nodded with a clear look. They knew Robin's identity very well, and it was normal for the world government to target it.

"You...should be Colonel Tina? I didn't expect that you, as a navy colonel, would join the pirates..." Lu Qi looked at Tina with a slightly surprised tone: "Rumors, you were kidnapped, look. It’s not true...but it’s not a wise move..."

"Tina's matter, don't bother you, you should think about how to deal with the current situation!" Tina smiled faintly, took a step back, and looked at Monkey King: "Wukong, what I said before is also a navy, so this Time, don’t mix up! You won’t blame me, do you?”

"Whatever..." Monkey King faintly waved his hand and said, "Actually, I don't want to join in..." As he said, he patted Kalifa's fragrant shoulder, released her imprisonment, and looked at Kali who was prepared for an instant. Fa, Monkey King said: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your affairs, so don't bother us here, OK?"

With that, Monkey King turned and wanted to leave!

However, Lu Qi and others directly stood in front of him: "That's really sorry, you already know our true identity and purpose, so you can't just let you leave easily!"

"As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die! Are you sure you want to die?" Monkey King looked at Lu Qi and others in front of him, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"It just so happens that I also want to ask your master's trick!" The road said with a calm expression.His Dao power value is as high as 4000, and it is also the strongest CP9 in history. Naturally, he is not afraid of Monkey King because he has his own confidence.

"You don't deserve to be my opponent..." Monkey King looked at Lu Qi with a calm expression: "But since you are dead, then I will make you better!" Monkey King said, his body disappeared instantly, bang bang~ The sound was muffled, Lu Qi and others all opened their eyes wide, and knelt to the ground with their faces covered in disbelief...

"You... how can you..."

Lu Qi and the others all looked at Monkey King with horror at this moment. It was only for a moment. They didn't even see Monkey King's movements. Suddenly they felt that their abdomen was hit by a terrifying blow, and the stomach cramps seemed to be torn apart. !Such strength is shocking and desperate!There is such a huge difference in the power gap between them?

"How... maybe... his strength... how could... so strong?!!!" Kalifa on the side looked at everything in front of him, like hell!The whole person was stunned!She is very clear about the strength of Lu Qi and others, but now she can't even handle a single move. This difference in strength is a bit exaggerated!

"I said that I am not interested in you, so I will die by myself!" Monkey King pouted and came to Kalifa's face and smiled: "How about, Kalifa, follow these useless trash, yours The future is dark! Do you want to be a pirate with your brother? Just sit on whatever you want, isn't it comfortable?"

"Fuck! I won't join you, a perverted pirate group if I die!" Kalifa almost gritted his teeth.Regarding the things that had been wiped out by Xiao Nei Nei, she has been stubborn since now, and she has already been on guard against Monkey King!How could they agree!

"I know you would say that..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and was not annoyed: "But don't say it too hard! I believe you will become a member of my Emperor Pirate Group!"

"Get out!" It was Kalifa's soft cry that answered him.Somehow, she knew the horror of Monkey King, but Kalifa was not afraid of Monkey King at all. Subconsciously, she thought that Monkey King would not harm her... This feeling is a bit weird...

"Hey! Are you talking the other way around? You should be the one who should go?"

"..." After listening to Monkey King's words, Kalifa was obviously taken aback, looking at Monkey King in surprise and said: "You...are you really planning to let us go?"

"You are our future partner, so of course I won't take you anything!" Monkey King smiled slightly.

"Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for me to be your companion! Don't compare me with Tina..." Kalifa said with a complete face.

"Hey! What are you talking about, Guan Tina? Karifa, what do you mean?" Tina on the side suddenly stopped. This sounded like I was a capricious villain, listen. Unhappy.

Kalifa glanced at Tina, ignoring her, seeing that Monkey King really planned to let them go, without delay, she took Lu Qi and them directly and left here...

"Goku, are you really planning to let them go?" Nami asked curiously, looking at the backs of a few people away.

"I'll see you again..." A smile appeared at the corner of Monkey King's mouth.

PS: I drank too much last night, and I slept more than three o'clock in one night. I was also drunk!..

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