The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 99: Famous in the World

Looking at the navy ship going away, Nami and other women all looked at Monkey King with strange faces, and looked at...

Only Abis threw into Sun Wukong’s arms with excitement, her eyes full of admiration...

"What are you doing? Are you fascinated by your brother's demeanor!" Monkey King looked at Nami and other girls, laughing.

"Let me just say it! You guy, really is a pervert..." Nami said with a serious face who answered him.

"..." Sun Wukong immediately glared at Nami: "Is there anyone who you are so boasting about? Believe it or not that brother pulled you into the little black room for a good training?"

Nami stretched out her tongue playfully and ran to the side without speaking.Because she knows Sun Wukong’s morals very well, if you dare to talk back now, you will definitely be pulled into the little black room to train it...

Here, Nami and other women are full of excitement, chatting around Monkey King and talking about not playing...

On the navy ship that left the pole, the Qing Pheasant and others were silent. After seeing the strength of Monkey King, they all felt deeply worried...

The red dog finally couldn't bear the suppressed anger, and said with an unhappy face: "Aren't we leaving like this?"

"Then what else can you do?" Karp looked at the red dog, his face looked very solemn, and sighed: "Unexpectedly, the strength of this Monkey King is so terrible! I am afraid that in this world, it is really difficult for anyone to be. His opponent wonder he dared to name the emperor! This strength! He deserves it!"

"That guy is really strong! I don't deny that! But if the three of us shot at the same time, we might not lose to him! Now we are leaving so sullenly? This is going to be rumored. Where else is the face of our navy? "Aka Dog said angrily.

"We are not sure if the three of us have a chance of winning together, but don’t forget that among them, there is also a figure who made you suffer a dark loss! If we rashly fight with them, victory or defeat is the second thing. The important thing is that we don't have the need to fight with them yet, do we? Let them kill each other with pirates for such tricky characters!" Karp looked at the red dog and smiled slightly.

"Cannibalism?" The red dog frowned, his eyes suddenly lit up: "You mean..."

"Yes! It's to increase his bounty. We navy should not provoke such tricky characters easily! As long as his bounty is high, someone will naturally come forward and deal with him instead of our navy! Capture him, but it is still feasible to use his hands to eliminate other pirates!"

"It's a good trick to fight poison with poison! This is a good trick!" The red dog immediately clapped and exclaimed.

"I just didn't expect that the three of us were dispatched at the same time, and we didn't complete the mission... After we returned, it seemed that we would inevitably be teased!" Green Pheasant smiled faintly.

"If you are not reconciled, you can go back and catch that Monkey King!" Kapu glanced at the green pheasant and said lightly.

"..." The green pheasant shook his head and sighed: "Although it's a little useless, but I have to admit that, in our navy, no one is his opponent..."

The red dog on the side also fell silent. He always regarded himself very high. He asked himself that his strength would never be weaker than the green pheasant, Karp and others, but he should be like Monkey King, with only one hand, still not moving even one step. Under the circumstances, take over Karp's big moves without any pressure!This kind of thing is absolutely impossible for him to do.

With their current strength, it is natural to see that Karp absolutely did not release the water at all, and just because of this, can he even more reflect the terrible aspects of Monkey King!

This person is invincible!

"Let's go! Let's go to the Judiciary Island to settle down now! Or report today's intelligence..."

Two days later, the city of water!Inside the Emperor of the Sea Port.

Early in the morning, in the Emperor's horn, there was the excitement of the chirping voices of the girls...

Even if Xuan heard it, a series of footsteps were chaotic, and the wind and violent were getting closer and closer to the room where Monkey King was...

"It's not good! Goku! It's not good! Get up quickly! A big event has happened!"

With a bang, Monkey King's door was kicked open with a rude kick. The owner of his beautiful legs was Tina!Behind her, Robin and other women are listed!

"I'm going! What do you want to do?" A group of girls suddenly broke into their room, and when they were'scared', Sun Wukong jumped. He hurriedly picked up the bedding and blocked him in front of him, full of vigilance. Looking at the girls in front of me...

Nami and other women Qi Qiqi all black lines, all staring at him speechlessly: "Do you think you are a woman? Stop pretending, get up, look at this, your bounty has increased! And! Even we were offered a reward together..."

"It's increased? Let me see how much it has increased..." Monkey King threw away the bedding covering his body, revealing a perfect figure wearing only a big pants, and took the reward from Nami's hand to look at it and couldn't help but smile. "Yo! It has risen to 1 billion bergs all of a sudden! Isn't this naval government taking the wrong medicine? It's a bit exaggerated, right? Huh? I'm going..."

Sun Wukong had a smile on his face and his face suddenly seemed very speechless: "I wipe it! Trafficker Sun Wukong? Nima, the Navy really gave my brother such a cheating title..."

"Hehe! Sun Wukong, a trafficker... I think this is a pretty good name too!" Robin looked at Monkey King with a joke on his face.

Monkey King gave her a blank look and said, "Robin, how much has your bounty increased?"

"It's 120 million Baileys..." Robin opened the reward list in his hand and smiled.

"What about yours?" Monkey King looked at Nami and the others.

"We are all 80 million Bailey..." Tina said uncomfortably.She was very upset that she only offered such a reward: "Only Tina is the highest among us! It turned out to be 450 million berry..."

This is also reasonable, because Tina has defeated the admiral Akagu!

"Huh? Abliss? She should be the most ferocious at such times!" Sun Wukong looked around, but he didn't see Ablis, but he was very curious.

"Abis!" Konis said helplessly: "She is angry in the hall alone..."

"En? Who of you bullied my mascot?" Monkey King looked at the girls, his brows suddenly raised.

"Mascot!! Hehehe~~"

The girls laughed louder after listening to Monkey King's words.

"What are you doing! I'm very serious!"

"Hee hee~~ You will know if you go to the lobby to see by yourself..."

After this incident, the name of the Emperor Pirate Group!shock the world!..

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